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in reply to: Just Been Diagnosed #1169428
Well went to the doctor on Thursday. The good news is that I I do not have hyperthyroidism NOR Graves’. Which of course is great.
However, I have 3 conditions that the second opinion endo found. I have tachacardia (fast heart rate which has been running at 120 for a month), nerve damage, and thyroiditis. The thyroiditis is milder than hypo but I still have the same symptoms. So this would cause some of my levels to be high but not all of them. It’s great to get an actual diagnosis but very tiring. The doctor has me on beta blockers to reduce my heart rate. So for the last three days I have done nothing but rest since my system has been on full speed. I go back this Friday to determine treatment options as he wants to look at all the results from my tests. He wants to make sure that I am not over producing adrenaline. He is very confident it’s the itis though.
I think my breaking point was when I got 1 hour sleep within 48 hours. That and friends are not truly understanding that I can in no way control my emotions. I have a friend who is very upset with me so it makes my stress worse. With work and my health, its hard not to focus on positive when I am so tired. But other friends and family have been supportive through this 4 month ordeal (and 4 doctors).
It has been great getting advise from everyone. I wish much success to all of you that are living with the disease. If what I have is mild, I can only imagine what you are going through.
in reply to: Just Been Diagnosed #1169425Hi ladies,
It has been a rollercoaster these past few days. I think I have snapped at everyone possible. I was very disappointed with my endo but immediately got in to see another doctor. With my family history, symptoms, and high stress….it has got to be at least hyper. I know my body and it hasn’t been right for months. I just want some type of treatment started so I can start to feel normal or I won’t have any friends left.
Shirley, I was a military brat so I grew up with a tactical way of making the bed. So this holding pattern for the past few months is just about done in my book.
Kshapiro, I sympathize with you. One person told me to keep a log of what I ate, felt, and weighed so when I went to the doctor again I could tell them exactly what was going on.
in reply to: Just Been Diagnosed #1169420Today has been an awful day. I went to the doctor to get my results today and apparently I don’t have any issues. The doctor gave me the results and there are areas where my levels are high. He just looked at me and said you have no issues. He even felt my thyroid and stated "yep, it’s still swollen." I basically cried all the way to work. My friends immediately told me to get a second opinion as the symptoms have been going on for 3 months now. I just scheduled my second opinion appointment and faxed my labs.
Has anyone ever had this happen? Are there any meds or other extenuating circumstances that can make the labs to be inaccurate?
in reply to: Just Been Diagnosed #1169419Kimberly,
I went to the site. I already have FMLA paperwork to discuss with my doctor. My work is anti-flexible so to cover myself I have the documents ready for signatures. I do get up away from my desk as much as I can. The problem is I am a manager so I am not allowed to be remote often even though I work for an online school. Can we see where stress plays a factor into my 8 hours LOL. I did email and ask for a support group in Alabama. Hopefully there will be more of an interest so I can help. Once I get myself "regulated" I wouldn’t mind trying to do more advocacy for the disease.
I have been letting people know at work. My team has been really great and understanding. The "powers that be say they understand but they are just playing that "political game" hence the FMLA paperwork. My friends in the office and outside the office have been great in supporting me. I have some that go "Mom" on me and force me to eat…which I do need so I don’t need medical attention. My family has been the rock I have needed the most. My great grandmother had Graves and my Mom had issues. So of course there is a history…Not jumping like in the Toyota commercials. I have been able to vent, cry, yell, cuss…sometimes all at once.
Thanks so much ladies for your responses. It has helped me get through a tough day at work.
in reply to: Just Been Diagnosed #1169416Hi Shirley!
Thanks so much for responding. It is good to hear that things will get to normal. I am not on meds yet. I have been diagnosed but the specialist had extra tests run from the ones that the primary doctor took. I go back to the doctor on Friday to find out what type of treatment needs to be done.
This has all been a roller coaster ride for me. I was a military brat and have law enforcement experience so I am used to having a "standard operating procedure" (SOP) for everything. The not know is driving me insane…which lately is one step to the right.
I think the hardest thing for me right now is keeping things together at work. I work in…..well to put it in simple terms…hell. LOL The normal SOP for me was to dig into work so that I can get my mind off any issues I am trying to get through. Of course, as you know, Mr. Graves’ doesn’t allow that to happen. I hope you are not a blond because I am about to make a reference….I feel like a blond in a M&M factory wondering how am I going to separate all the M’s from the W’s. I forget little things that I know needs to be done. It is so darn (southerner coming out) frustrating.
Shutting my head off so I don’t worry is like telling a hunting dog not to track that perfect 18 point deer….it ain’t happening. I think that is the main thing I am trying to work through right now. Graves’ has so many treatment options and possible complications. It is definitely not like taking Tylenol for a simple fever. My health has been for the most part good and to feel so helpless is just….where is the smiley for pulling my hair out.
This site is definitely helping to get my frustrations out. So if I act crazy on this site….I can just say "hey I am among friends and I can plead insanity in a court of law."
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Shirley and Kimberly….how did your friends handle the news?
in reply to: Just Been Diagnosed #1169414Hi Kimberly,
The bulletin helped me very much. Chart two should have had my name on it and a check mark by all. I don’t know how my great grandmother made it through her disease back then. I am hoping and praying that my symptoms will reduce after treatment. I definitely can relate to the diminished "executive functions." I thought I had hit my head in my sleep.
My memory was terrible to begin with and has gotten worse. I have sticky notes all over my cube at work. It looks like the main character’s house from "Romancing the Stone."Do you know of any support groups in central Alabama?
Sylindain reply to: Just Been Diagnosed #1169412Thanks ladies for the response. It actually took me a while to read the responses. I still was having difficulty processing the news. I literally found out 6 days before turning 35. It is also the same age my mother was when she was diagnosed with hypo. I remember well her struggle with weight. She went from a size 8 to a size 14. Hers was halfway removed and when that didn’t work, radiation to kill it.
This week I dropped below 100 and my hair has been falling out. I had energy for my party, the day before my birthday. However, the next morning I had five panic attacks followed by depression. I struggled to eat all day and couldnt even enjoy red velvet birthday cake. I knew I needed to but just couldn’t force it down my throat. My friends have been supportive but they really don’t understand just how big of a struggle it is to eat. Most times my appetite doesn’t come around until I take panic medicine. I stress over everything and cry about the dumbest things.
I go to the doctor to on Friday to discuss treatment options. It feels like it’s a month from now. Has anyone else felt like they are bi-polar before you started treatment? I never know what to expect mood wise. I cried spending my Labor Day packing up tons of clothes that don’t fit me anymore. I got new stuff donated by friends but it still sucks going from a size 6 to a size 0. I know most women would kill for that kind of weight loss but not me. I miss my curves and I miss "the girls." Being single definitely doesn’t help because I worry that if my hair falls out and I get to thin that no man would want to date a toothpick. I know it may seem stupid to think that but it’s how I feel.
Any advise from single women living with Graves? How do you deal with a social life and early treatment? How do you deal with explaining to your friends that I may know I need to eat but I can’t control my appetite?
As always, any / all advice is greatly appreciated!
Sylinda -