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in reply to: Conflicting answers from two Dr.’s…. #1065047
I’ll agree with that! I think the entire illness is tricky. If it weren’t for this site, I would be so much more confused. The Dr. doesn’t really take the time to explain any of this. You get one-line answers to any questions but no detailed explanations. It will take me a while to figure it out but I will work at it and I’ll stay in touch here. This is a great support group. Thanks Bobbi!
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in reply to: Conflicting answers from two Dr.’s…. #1065045This site is wonderful and I appreciate all that I’m learning. I will say that I empathize with those battling any serious illness because quite honestly, I felt like I was dying at certain times and I could have been worse off for sure. My life was affected in so many ways while I was sick. I can only imagine what others have experienced and I empathize. I can also see the warriors out there, such as yourself, that seem to have endless patience for us babies. Thank you for your support, the knowledge and the friendships. I will keep up on my numbers and learn more about this condition. You’re absolutely right….I’d rather be proactive. I’m going to learn how to interpret the results of my tests and stay on top of how I feel. I will keep my progress updated and continue to read the posts here. Thanks again!
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in reply to: Conflicting answers from two Dr.’s…. #1065043It’s been a while since my last post. I sincerely appreciate everyone’s response! Well, I finally followed up with the Endocrine Dr. I was sent for a Thyroid scan. The scan came back elevated but without nodules or any cancer. The Dr. decided to treat me on a low dose of Methimazole. He said I have Grave’s for sure and that I also have a toxic diffuse goiter. So, I tried the Methimazole and the PTU but broke out in hives from both meds. When I went back in to discuss the Iodine treatment, the Dr. decided to check my numbers again first. To his surprise, my numbers are now in the normal range and I am also not showing any antibodies. I’m still not sure how I can have Graves without antibodies? Anyhow, I’m thrilled by the news. I don’t have to go back for another 6 months to check my thyroid again. They said I must have went into remission. I have noticed that I have gained back 5 pounds which is really great, considering that I’m now down to nothing. I still have all the other symptoms though and hope they go away. I’d like to come off of the Beta blocker. I also hope to stay in remission but I hear that’s it’s only expected to be temporary. This is still confusing to me but I suppose I should be very grateful at the moment.
in reply to: Conflicting answers from two Dr.’s…. #1065040I apologize for the double post. Thank you so much for the reply and the information. My regular physician called me back today and advised that I should continue with the Uptake scan and proceed with the Endocrine Dr. after all. She said she apologized for the confusion. Hopefully, this will get sorted out soon. I watched some videos about Graves and have learned a little why a test (maybe the one you describe) would have fluctuations in results. It’s because the disease comes and goes and some people could even have Hypo moments or normal periods. Also, my sister and mother have very similar symptoms. My sister was at the Dr. today and mentioned me and if he thought she could have this condition. Her Dr. agreed based on her having Hypoglycemia and several other symptoms. He ordered tests. I will ask for my test results and try to learn more about what they mean. I appreciate your insight and this forum is wonderful.
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