I am a true believer that remission can be accomplished with ATD’s. I am living proof. However, the relapse rate is always high. I was diagnosed with Graves a year ago after surviving a thyroid storm. Through lots of reasearch, advice, a support group, friends, family, a great endo, and persistence…. I was able to achieve remission 3 weeks shy of my one year mark from when I had the storm. I BELIEVED i would achieve remission and I did. I changed my diet by eliminating salt, avoiding any food that triggered fast heart rates or palpitations (called triggers), rested, avoided stress, avoided anything with red dyes, avoided processed foods which meant no fast foods, tried to eat organic as much as possible, and in less than a year, I had achieved remission… only to decide at that time that I wanted a thyroidectomy due to a nodule I had which showed in the front of my neck.