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  • scarlettx
    Post count: 8

    DeeColleen if you haven’t already, make sure you get hard copies of all the labs your Dr. is running and learn how to read them and where they fall into the reference ranges. It will realy help you see the big picture about how your hormone levels are responding to the Methimazole. This will also help you know if your Dr. is just raising your Methimazole dose to try and increase your TSH, which can remain supressed for a long time in Graves’ Disease. I think this site allows posting of labs, and folks can comment on the labs, as long as they don’t give treatment recommendations.

    This is a wonderful support group, and even though I have only posted once or twice, it has been a great comfort to me to read about other’s experiences.

    Post count: 8

    Thank you Shirley, that’s what I was thinking too.

    Post count: 8

    Hi Alexis,

    Thank you so much! Yes, please do PM the information to me. Hearing about your experience makes me feel so much better.

    Thank You,

    Post count: 8

    Thank you so much Kimberly. I hope I get some private feedback!

    Without naming any names, can anyone ease my fears about how Kaiser works? Do you ever get to see the same doc twice???

    Thanks everyone!

    Post count: 8

    Hi Kimberly,

    Thank you for the advice, and I certainly understand the damage that can be done by trying to interpret lab results, etc.

    She hasn’t been diagnosed with Graves’ yet, she will be starting with Kaiser in San Diego, CA in January, so hopefully we will be able to find her a good doctor and endocrinologist that can fully explore the cause of her hyperthyroidism. The clinic Dr. suspects that it is Graves’ Disease based on her symptoms, especially the goiter and eye involvement.

    The Dr. did explain all the treatment options, he spent about 30 minutes just explaining everything on our first visit. We decided to go the ATD route, and see how that goes. So far, she is doing really well on the medication, so we will see.

    We have a follow up appointment in 4 weeks, so we will see the results of the dosage change at that point.

    Thank You,

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