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in reply to: Yikes! The OD is scheduled #1182941
Both medial wall and orbital floor will be done endonasally. The surgeon said he’s found the irrigations and Netipots caused a higher incidence of infection, which is why he doesn’t recommend them.
I am trying to see it as a positive, but I’m still adjusting to “no hurry, just starting a conversation so we’re ready just in case”, to scheduling a date within a few weeks. (I’m a control freak. I’ve never been drunk, let alone unconscious.
Mostly, I’ve read that the eye disease should be inactive prior to surgery, excepting the need for emergency decompression due to optic nerve compression. This is the question I need answered in my mind. Is it inactive? I don’t want any more surgeries than I have to have. I’ve noticed some changes in the past few months. (More pain, the left image is now diagonal down instead of diagonal up, stuff like that.) But, I don’t know what changes the eye doctors look at–maybe those are no big deal. The strabismus doc I saw at the end of May said there was still a lot of inflammation and redness. (I thought they looked pretty good at that point, so it goes to show what I know.) But, double is double, and with a lens occluded like I have, it doesn’t really change anything. But I have a call out to them just the same to ask the question and put my mind a little more at ease that this is the right time to do this. The eye surgeon making the recommendation was recently named one of the top doctors in Mpls/St. Paul magazine, which I think is a ranking by his peers. But I think when all he’s done is press on my eyeballs for the last two visits with him, and the first time say it’s not needed, it’s a big deal, avoid if possible, etc. and now it is needed, and just like sinus surgery, not a big deal, I think that’s why I’m struggling a bit with this. While those visits were about 4 months apart, he also said nothing’s really changed, but his nurse did the exam (except for his pressing on my eyes.) I think the strabismus surgeon who sent me back for reevaluation for OD may be what’s driving this decision. (He was surprised it wasn’t recommended with the prior visit and was concerned if he’d have enough room to do the muscle surgery, or something like that.) And, I can look in the mirror and see a pretty scary eye looking back, and I’d have to be pretty unobservant not to notice the double takes and staring people do. Even with the film on my lens you can see a big, turned in and down eyeball. So I guess I’m not questioning the “if” it’s needed, just the “when”.
Or, I’ve been trying to find research on this, when doing the surgery totally endonasally like this, does it truly not matter if the disease is inactive or not? The ENT surgeon said it didn’t matter, but last time I checked the “E” is for ear, not eye. Maybe there’s a new standard and I’m fretting over nothing?
Sorry for the rambling. Guess I’m not as into the acceptance place yet as I thought I was.
in reply to: Loss of appetite after RAI? #1182840Not to be contrary, but I’m not sure it’s quite that simple for everyone. I’ve been hypothyroid a few times from ATDs, and it’s harder for me to make good food choices, and maintain my usual activity level, when I feel that lousy. Or maybe it’s just harder for some of us. Gaining weight is one of my “signs” that I’m heading hypo and am most likely overmedicated with methimazole, since I already eat pretty well and am active…when I’m feeling well. I guess we’re all just different.
in reply to: OD questions–confused #1182872Maybe the NSAIDs were doing something, after all. I stopped them 2 days ago, since I wasn’t sure they were doing anything for my back, which is why I took the Naprosyn in the first place. No change with my back, but I’m sure feeling my eyes! I’ll add this to my list of questions. (I’m concerned that this has increased this much, though.)
in reply to: OD questions–confused #1182871OD will eliminate the eye pain, I hope? It’s not getting any better with NSAIDS, and it’s wearing a bit on me as it becomes more frequent and more painful. (My husband said he’s noticed me wincing more often. And I thought I’ve been managing this so well…) This could be one more reason to move me to the acceptance column to move forward with this.
in reply to: OD questions–confused #1182868Thanks gatorgirly! Very helpful. While I’m not sure on a time frame, I think I just had a reality check as far as what the eye doctor was saying. I wasn’t sure I was seeing this as necessary, at least not for both eyes. Or I was hoping it would just “go away”. I just found a few “selfies” from November, when I started with intermittent double vision, and took some now. Front and side views. I can’t really see it in a mirror because of the constant double vision I have now. The bulging is really prominent, and my eyes are really pushed out and down. Not the worst I’ve seen, looking at images on the internet, but bad enough. I now get why people seem to be staring or doing a double take. The worst eye has gotten pretty blurry, but the nerve still looks good, I’m told. He says it’s gotten so blurry because it’s so out of alignment. I’ve sort of been avoiding looking, knowing there’s nothing I can do about it.
Anyway, I think seeing the pictures is helping me to move from denial to acceptance that I’ll need the OD barring some miracle. Sigh…
in reply to: Well, here goes! #1173707Awesome and inspiring! I’ve only been on this journey less than a year, but I’ve felt more than once that I’m being asked to “settle” for feeling less than my best. It’s very motivating to hear the success stories here and be reminded that I don’t have to “settle”. I just have to be patient until we find the right answer to get to my best place. Thanks for sharing!
in reply to: OD questions–confused #1182866Thanks gatorgirly! Great list of questions. I would love the link to your blog. The more I know what to ask and what to expect, the better I can manage this. I think I still have some time. I emailed the doctor a question, and he said while it’s not an emergency right now, we needed to “start the conversation” because that could change, and he wanted me to be “ready”.
in reply to: More TED trouble #1182811Thanks Patti Meg. You, Gatorgurly, Shirley, and all the others that have shared here are truly an inspiration! Yes, the doctors did say it was not likely that the muscle damage would improve, so I have prepared myself for needing the muscle surgery. (I’m still hoping no OD.) Maybe if I could still use a prism I wouldn’t feel so out of sorts. I’m working on acceptance and preparing myself that this could take a while, especially since my thyroid has yet to stabilize, let alone my eyes. After all, what can I do? I certainly realize that others have it much worse than I do. I mean, I can still see, work, and drive, even if it’s like looking though waxed paper some of the time. (But I still hope it doesn’t take so long for me…)
in reply to: More TED trouble #1182809Patti Meg–4 years?! I’m so glad it’s finally better for you! But 4 years?! I’ve been wondering how long this has to go on, and hoping it wouldn’t be much longer. I think I read the average is 6 months to 2 years. I did read it could be active for up to 5 years. I might be coming back to you asking how you coped with it all for so long. I’m only at 10 months since official diagnosis, but looking back, had TED symptoms for at least 6 months prior to Graves symptoms. And you still have double vision? I want to be rid of the double vision so badly. (Oh-oh, I’m whining again. Sorry.)
in reply to: More TED trouble #1182806Hi Shirley,
Yes, it’s been explained about the muscles. In April I was told they didn’t think I’d need OD, although they would continue to monitor. In May I saw the Strabismus doc, who is sending me back to first eye doc (oculoplastic surgeon) for re eval for OD, especially of right eye. There are not any indicators at this point of optic neuropathy. Just a lot of bulging. (I tape it closed at night.) I’ll see him in a few weeks. I don’t want OD (like you said, it’s a bigger deal), but will do it if that’s what’s needed. My goal is to get to the muscle surgery.
I’m an RN in management, and have been lucky so far with corporate being understanding. I just can’t help my nurses out on the floor with certain tasks just now. No depth perception. I had this little spot for a while where I could see single looking down without any glasses, patches, or prisms. That spot’s gone now. Nothing that’s not double. Sigh… While this isn’t technically a “disability” per the ADAAA, as it shouldn’t be permanent, my company still tries to accommodate. And yes, I’m hoping the new company does the same.
Best of luck to you with your decision about your other eye!
in reply to: More TED trouble #1182804I still have the laptop, thank goodness. But they got new chairs for us with a remodel that are a bit low, (we’re all tall, so not sure what they were thinking) so I sit on some cushions so I can look down at the screen. I’ve requested a new chair. The old one is gone. They’ve also removed half of the bulbs from the fluorescent overhead light, and I have a lamp. They also recognize there are some tasks requiring fine detail (depth perception) that I just can’t do right now. I’ve got a letter from my eye doctor stating why, and they’ve been OK with it. But, I have a new boss as of 2 days ago, and a new management company comes in August 1, so I hope they are as understanding as the current company.
I think they recommended acetaminophen because when I called and asked about it I was about a month out from my appointment, and I don’t think they’d want me taking an NSAID for that long. But I ended up taking naprosyn for my knee, anyway. At least my knee felt better. They just need to fix me.
in reply to: More TED trouble #1182802Thanks for the encouragement! I think it all just leaves me feeling a little helpless sometimes–I’m not exactly known for my patience. But I know others have had it much worse, and eventually it will end and they’ll be able to fix me. I just need to remember that. Thanks again!
in reply to: reacting to transition in dosage issues #1182794Wow, I could have written that original post. I’ve been trying to figure out why I’ve been feeling so lousy the last few days. While I’ve been heading hypo, I’ll bet it’s as much or more this last dose change. I’m going to try the caffeine tomorrow. Right now, I’m giving myself permission to just take it easy this evening. I’ve ‘fessed up to my family that I don’t feel well, and they’re cooking dinner! (My assistant told me to go home earlier today because she said she could tell I wasn’t feeling well. I thought I was hiding it so well…)
As always, good insight and good ideas here!in reply to: Alternating dosing of Methimazole? #1182787When I was on this dose before, I was doing some cutting and splitting doses, and I got really hyper again, anyway. Then I went to some straight doses, but when the alternating dose was ordered again, I think I figured “why bother?”, since I couldn’t stay stable anyway, and it was harder to see to do it. But also by that time, I was already heading waay back down and had developed the brain fog. But yes, on that last, higher alternating dose, there was a day to day difference, at least to those around me. I’ll keep an eye out, and pay attention to observations of those close to me, and even it out if necessary. I needed a new pill cutter, anyway, so I got one with a magnifier, just in case.
in reply to: Alternating dosing of Methimazole? #1182785Thanks Kimberly! Now why didn’t I think it through like that? This is where the brain fog comes in, I suppose. I sort of didn’t connect that my last dose was a different alternating dose of 5/7.5mg, and it was my assistant who told me I seemed ditzier on certain days. I noticed a pattern that it was the higher dosed days, but didn’t connect the dots to even out the dose at the time. It just never occurred to me. If I start to notice a pattern this time, I will make the effort, or get someone to help me, to cut the pills to even out the dose. I am so hopeful that this dose reduction will allow me to start tracking better…without going hyper.