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LOL Shirley! Thank you for making me smile!
I’m definitely going to ask the medical alert bracelet people about trying it out. I’m sure they might think I’m a bit crazy but better safe than sorry.
I definitely have five new identifiers. On the plus side at least a technician just coming out of college will know exactly where the leads go! lol
I decided I needed to laugh at this whole situation. I’ve cried long enough. I may cry again but at least for today I’m laughing.
You’re in my thoughts Shirley.
Thank you Kimberly and Shirley.
Well I’m guessing the reason my dr thought my thyroid looked smaller is because the other side of my neck is bigger now too. I’m guessing it gave her an “evened out” appearance. Yay for me. Not.
As for my reaction to the adhesive, I’m glad to say the itching is gone; the blisters are gone. The only thing remaining is a red mark that is flush with my skin now. It looks like the leads burned into my skin. I’m praying it goes away but it’s looking more like a scar (5 of them) every day.
I’m thinking seriously of getting a medical alert bracelet. It can’t hurt. Watch me be allergic to it lol.
Hope you all are doing well.
in reply to: Methimazole: How much is a lot? #1170734Hi emmtee!
I’m taking 40 mg per day at this point. That is my starting level. I redraw labs on the 16th. If I’m still “bad” then I will likely go up to 60mg too. I am curious if that is a high dose or not as well. I look forward to reading what others have to say.
Thank you for posting your question! I wish I could be more help.
You’re in my thoughts.
I have a question that I have been wanting to ask. Hopefully You won’t think I have lost my mind.
Have any of you experienced something like…your thyroid gets big; you feel like crud one night or two and then people tell you your thyroid looks smaller? Then it starts getting larger again? It doesn’t go away mind you; it just waxes and wanes.
I’m curious because I stopped by to see my dr yesterday and she said it looks like it is smaller. Then this morning my Mom says wow your neck looks big again.
My dr was excited. My Mom is now worried.
Anybody have any insight as to what is going on?
I can’t even begin to tell you how much your message means to me Rebecca. It means so much. Thank you for sharing that with me. It was a perfect time considering today is a really really bad day for me.
I’m not even in a good place to even share what is going on right now. Maybe later. I’m just bad today. But I wanted to thank you. Your analogy of the truck is so so right on. I’m sorry you had to go through all that but I’m glad you are here to share your journey with me.
I have not had the antibody tests. I don’t think my doctor knows to do that. I really am thinking about asking her. I have been under the assumption they are expensive for self pay though. So it will all depend.
I come in here on bad days and reread the notes of encouragement. I will definitely be reading yours often.
Thanks again.
Thank you for writing to me Sube.
I definitely need to learn all I can. My anxiety level is not terrible but I do have my moments. Mostly I am just disappointed because it seems like nothing is working. If it does it doesn’t help for long.
I would be terrified of RAI. I don’t blame you at all for feeling that way.
I have never been through that and can’t because I am allergic to Iodine. But I do have a listening ear if you ever need one.
Thank you for sharing your story with me. I feel so alone and then I come here and find I am not as alone as I feel.
I am sorry you have to go through this too.
I’m feeling better at least in the sick stomach department. I will definitely do a search on those other posts. I guess I look at surgery as a more definitive solution. At least then I would know where I am going with this.
I didn’t get to talk to my doctor today. Just had a nurse do a pulse check. Needless to say my heart rate is back up again. I’m so disappointed.
But I am going to hang on to the fact that it can reach below 100. Just another hurdle.
And today I decided I don’t like where I live. I guess I can chalk my emotions up to not having a cycle for three months then getting it. Sorry if tmi. I’m just:(:o:mad::rolleyes:
Anyway thank you for writing to me Kimberly. I’m going to search the posts and read for awhile. I’m sorry for complaining.
I had a rough night last night. I got sick once after feeling like I was going to pass out or throw up. My heart rate was 107 so I didn’t feel it was anything to rush off to the hospital for. Thank goodness I only got sick once.
I’m not sure why but I suddenly feel so down about all of this. I’m tired of being sick. I miss having a life. I just don’t see an end to this. I mean yes my heart rate is down. But I feel worse than when it was racing. Boy that sounds crazy.
Anyway, I go for a pulse check tomorrow. I doubt I will get time to talk to my doctor; I don’t get to spend any time with her until the 16th. I wish I was brave enough to say hey can we just do a thyroidectomy and call it good.
I don’t mean to bring anyone here down. I just am wondering if I am the only one who has ever felt this way?
Thank you Kimberly!
I think I will ask my doctor if she would do the liver enzyme test. I haven’t had it done even when I was seeing the endo. So, up until now I never even knew about it.
As for the sore throat, I don’t have a fever and I slept in missing a dose of my ATD. I know…Bad girl:o lol. Well, my throat doesn’t hurt now so I am going to take my ATD and see. I figure if it hurts again after taking it I’m either just losing my mind or something is happening.
Thank you for all the info you give me. It helps a lot. I am saving it and will print it for my doctor seeing as how she is learning too.
I just woke up so I’m going to be bad and hit the coffee maker for a cup of java. I wake so exhausted and I know I sleep but…whew.
Hope you enjoy your day.
I will write more later.
SarahI don’t have any profound words of wisdom but I can say there are lots of good people here. I mainly just wanted to say welcome and you’re in my thoughts.
SarahThank you Jules, Shirley, Bobbi, and latte for your words. They are much appreciated.
Actually where I live we do still have a couple county hospitals that I know of that have 4 to 6 beds per room. But the other hospitals around here I think have all gone to private rooms.
As for liver function tests, I have not had those done ever that I know of. I don’t even know what they are called. I have had a cbc. My white cells were high as were my red and my absolute neutrophil count was also high. This was before I started on the ATD. On the 16th my doctor will repeat at least my thyroid labs. I do want her to do a repeat cbc too. Should I ask for a liver function test?
So…….I have some good news to report.
My adhesive allergy is itching much less. I have mixed hydrocortisone cream with aquaphor and aloe. It seems to be helping so much!
And guess what!!!!!!! My heart rate as of writing this is (drum roll please) 107! I’m praying it continues to go down and doesn’t decide to show off this time.
Ok I also have an odd question. Have any of you had your neck hurt inside and out, like all the way through? I don’t know if I am just getting a sore throat or what. I don’t have a temp today. But it almost feels as if my thyroid hurts (that sounds dumb now that I look at it but oh well) and yet it also feels inside like the muscles hurt kind of mixed with a sore spot in my throat. Am I making sense? I feel like I’m not explaining it very well. I noticed it with the taking of each ATD but this time it isn’t going away. Maybe it is just a coincidence? Or maybe I am just getting sick.
It sure seems like I get hit with one thing after another.
But hey I had a victory today and I am going to enjoy this moment even if it is just that…a moment. Sometimes a victory is a nudge to keep us going through the hard parts. At least that is my opinion.
I’m glad I had ya’ll to share my victory with.
And I’m glad I have ya for the rest of the battles and victories.
SarahI will definitely pass your compliments to her when I see her Shirley. I do like her. Hopefully she will be more secure in caring for me. If nothing else this is a good learning experience for her and I. She likes results NOW so this is a little hard for her I think. I’m the same way though.
I hope this dosage helps on the propranolol. It is kind of crazy because I seem to get a reprieve in the racing for a day or two on an upped dose then it zaps right back where it was. When I say reprieve I mean 140 is the lowest resting. We shall see. I actually went out today afterwards and bought a thing that can check my heart rate at home. And I did buy a notebook so I can start a journal.
The blisters are miserable but I am hoping tonight I find relief for a half way decent night of sleep. I will definitely try the aloe. It should work! I will be hopping with joy if it does and ya’ll will know lol.
I will go to the E.R. for sure if I take this new dosage and my heart rate goes higher than it has been. I promise.
I don’t really understand everything about my health but with the help of reading here; talking with ya’ll and my doctor taking the time to sit and discuss things, I am gaining an understanding. I’m learning anyway.
Yeah, the tremors are shaking my whole body today. Some days it is real bad that I look like a tweaker. Other days it is not that bad. I haven’t figured out why it fluctuates so much. I do miss my handwriting though. Now I could be a doctor it is so bad lol.
Wow your dinner sounds absolutely yummy! I have never had a bisque but I do like squash and apples. I am a horrible cook though.
I think I am going to take your advice from last night and have another cup of tea tonight.
Thank you Shirley for writing to me tonight. It means so much!
Sarah*edited for typos..again….seems my hand got stuck on a letterrrrr
Thank you Kimberly. Your analogy was awesome! I am going to start a journal tonight. But for now, I guess it is update time….
Today was not as horrible as I had worked myself up for. My doctor spent an hour and fifteen minutes with me alone. THAT was awesome. She checked out my reaction to the adhesive and states it looks much like a burn. She does not want to put me on steroids. I don’t think she actually explained why to me. we were talking about so much. Instead I will be mixing cortisone cream with aquaphor and seeing how that does. And benadryl tabs are ok so I will continue that as well.
My heart rate was down. Well, kind of. 154. That is better than 165 but still bad. So she is increasing the propranolol once again. This time to 120mgs per day. She says her goal is to have me down below 90 in a week. Is it bad I laughed out loud at that? I told her good luck. So next week on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday I am to go back for a heart rate check. She said for me to just pop in any time. Then the 16th she is going to draw my labs again and see where we stand.
She stated she doesn’t usually treat Grave’s herself. She would prefer me to go back to the endo but I hated him. I told her SHE listens to me. I need that more than anything. I would pay way too much money for someone to spend two minutes tops with me and dismiss every little thing I said. So she’s stuck with me for as long as she can treat me. Maybe that’s selfish on my part but I rarely like a doctor so; I would rather get better than give up.
My temperature was 99.3 My tremors have been really bad today. My blood pressure was better than last time. 138/70 .
I told her today I won’t bargain with her anymore. If she feels I need to be in the hospital I will go. So she told me not yet. She is still waiting for the holter monitor results. I told her given my allergy and the money I paid they probably lost it LOL. It would be my luck. But anyway, the agreement is if I develop a fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or agitation or swelling in my leg (not my ankles) that I will go immediately to the E.R.
She did mention doing an ultrasound of my thyroid. Because I am self-pay she can do it in her office but there is a wait until at least April it looks like. Maybe later. She says she feels a nodule. I asked her if my absolute neutrophil count being high is any indication of that. I don’t know why I asked that it just kinda came out. She said probably all my labs that aren’t good are thyroid related. So I guess this just is a take it as it comes kind of thing??
Anyway, that’s the jest of my visit. I probably left something out so feel free to ask if you have a question
Thank you all for being so supportive and standing with me through all of this. I can’t even begin to say how much it means to find a post waiting for me. (That might sound tacky but it’s truth)
SarahThank you for the helpful hint Shirley. I will definitely keep that in mind.
I know my doctor has said she is worried about me. I just worry she will reach a point she can’t help me. Maybe I am too much trouble. I feel that way tonight.
Yeah this itching is getting the best of me. A friend of mine says I look like I’ve been burned. It’s crazy. I have tried benadryl tabs. I can’t say it helps but I’ve noticed ice does for a little while. Kind of hard to hold five ice things on you at once so it’s a catch 22. But I am going to conquer this too!
She has not increased my ATD as of yet. I take 30 mg of Tapazole a day. She already has increased my beta blocker to 80 mg a day.
My heart rate is getting better – IF I lay down and don’t move at all for several hours. I can get it down to 100-120. But sitting up, standing, “Living”, it is pushing 160 and up.:rolleyes: I just don’t get it. I can’t stay in bed forever. Sometimes it beats so hard and fast I can’t even tell you the rate.
Maybe I can lay on the little couch in the waiting room for an hour before she calls me in;). Then she will be like yay look at your heart rate lol.
*sighs* I know I can’t do that but boy oh boy sometimes I wish. Thank you for asking about my heart rate.
Thank you too for being there. Your words helped me not feel so alone tonight. I’m taking your advice…gonna grab a cup of tea and relax.
I will update tomorrow.
Sarah*edited for typos*
I’m sitting here worrying about my doctor appointment tomorrow. I don’t think I have ever been this stressed out over an appointment in my life. Maybe it’s because my blood pressure tonight is still high. 168/71. I’m so afraid she’s going to be angry with me. I have taken my meds as she has prescribed them. Yet nothing feels better. She has upped my dosage three times in the last week.
On top of all this, I look at my adhesive allergy and think it won’t ever get better. I know it will. I guess I am just having one of those nights.
I feel alone and defeated tonight.
Tomorrow will be a new day. Hope it is a good one.
Sorry just needed to put my thoughts to words.