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  • sarabear0508
    Post count: 66
    in reply to: NO TREATMENT #1074666

    I had a pcp that she wanted to wait the 6 months. I was SO sick and made her re-test me. I told her I wanted answers. She was terrible. I switched pcp and they take me very seriously and I don’t have to beg for good care. It’s despicable and disgusting that when someones blood work comes back showing there’s a problem THAT NOBODY DOES ANYTHING. Doctors like this should be ashamed of themselves. You definitely need to find a new pcp and have them give you a referral to an endocrinologist! It’s funny because my pcp never found the disease it was my gastrointestinal doc that found it! He was excellent and understood that my symptoms were classic of a thyroid issue! Keep your head up. I would also ask for a beta-blocker, it’s a god send when you have a recing heart. My resting heart rate was 110 and at night gets much higher. But with the meds….I’m great! Listen to your body and never give up. Keep us posted!

    Best of luck!

    Post count: 66

    HEY Rochelle!

    I was diagnosed with Grave’s a few months ago. My doctor was horrible and so I switched. I saw the new doc today and she said that it’s good that I got a referral to see an endocrinologist because a lot of my symptoms may be because of a pituitary tumor. The PTU meds make me sick and the body aches are hell and the taste I can’t handle. I see the endo on the 10th. I look at it this way. I am sick enough…if I have a tumor THANK GOD WE KNOW WHATS MAKING ME SICK…and now we can do something to make it better. I greet every health discovery ( good or bad) with joy that I am learning more about my body and now I can create a new wellness plan to better fit my needs. Remember that worrying won’t add a day to your life or change any possible outcome. Fear may be normal but getting yourself all hyped up just makes EVERYTHING worse. You can’t run from your problems you have to face them.
    Hang in there. Keep us posted!

    Post count: 66

    OH OH I wish I was closer. I’m in Michigan, and really want to go! It’s sounds awesome! Could you tell me if there will ever be any in Michigan because I will save every penny to attend. Thanks!

    Post count: 66
    in reply to: What’s Normal? #1074263


    I woke up today feeling just fine. I started work and BAM! I was once again hit with my old friend EXHAUSTION! I am a nanny and I have a three yr old son Blake. Blake goes with me 2 my jobs and plays with the other kids. It’s great but completely exhausting! The other two girls are younger than him. So I’m chasing him while holding one of the girls and the others is in the play pen crying! It can get crazy! But I love my job and it’s very rewarding. I’m thinking of asking to be payed by the diaper instead of the hour…I think I would make more money that way!!!! he he- just kidding!

    Anyway, the last two wks I have worked unbelievable hours. More than I should have taken on but I desperately needed the money. I thought I would crash,….but I had TONS of energy out of nowhere! I wasn’t exhausted I felt normal. Except for the muscle wasting and aches from time to time. I was amazed at my performance and so was my family. UNTIL TODAY! I’m totally back to where I was. I don’t understand why. Now I’m afraid that I will start the cycle all over again.

    I can’t quite my job. I have no other income.
    I am trying to convince my primary care doc that I am a candidate for the b12 shots. I don’t know if she’ll give me one or not. I will find out on Thursday at my appt.

    You give great advice! THANKS!

    Post count: 66
    in reply to: Emotions- Woman #1074541

    I’m glad that you found something that works for you. I have tried 2 different anti-depressants and you couldn’t pay me to try it again. They did nothing for me. It was like taking sugar pills. One time I tried Zoloft and I had a horrible reaction. I felt crazy. I have found that what works best for me is coping skills and quite time. It just goes to show you that everyone is so very different and so are their bodies. You gotta stick with what works for you. I’M SO GLAD YOU’RE BETTER!
    I am due for my cycle again in a wk or 2. I’m praying that it’s significantly better than last month. That was HELL! My family hated me and I hated myself and felt I would never be normal again. Then it passed and I felt like my old self again. One good thing is I found that if I take a diuretic during my cycle it helps with the bloating and pain I have. I will figure this whole mess out with time.

    Best of luck to you.

    Keep in touch.


    Post count: 66
    in reply to: What’s Normal? #1074261

    Thanks Ski!

    So how will I know what my normal is? My numbers are all over the board each time I get them tested. If I gauge my symptoms I can tell you that I can now go through the day ( I work 12 hr days and sometimes more) and not take a nap…which is GREAT! I still have chest pain and palpitations during the day but my beta-blocker really helps.
    I’m sure will understand more when I see the end Feb 10.
    I just don’t know how to tune- into my body yet!

    Thanks alot

    Post count: 66
    in reply to: HELP ME! #1074798

    I have a feeling the doc going to say that she won’t give me the shot because I don’t have a b12 deficiency that I know of! What should I say to convince her I’m a prime candidate?


    Post count: 66
    in reply to: HELP ME! #1074796

    You spoke of the B complex, so I decided to do research on it. I’m thinking of purchasing the b12 patch. I have a doc appt on Thursday of next wk and I’m going to ask my doc if I could get b12 shot. I’ve heard it helps with stress and energy. I see the endo for the first time on Feb 10, I’m very excited!


    Post count: 66
    in reply to: HELP ME! #1074792


    OMG1 I’m so sorry. But when I read that I was cracking up! My mom read it and she and I got a good laugh! We are laughing with you though. Well the good part is you might go into remission! Hang in there. You can do this! It will be worth it.


    Post count: 66
    in reply to: HELP ME! #1074790


    I’m eating raspberries and thinking of you! The raspberries are much better in the summer though! Just wanted to say hello….and see how your doing.


    Post count: 66

    Thanks Ski….

    I appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge with everyone here. You’ve helped answer many questions for me!
    Thanks so much.

    Post count: 66


    I have a special Grave’s note book designated for questions and personal logs. I write down each day how I feel and what meds I’ve taken. I’m all set! Actually it’s ridiculous how organized I can be…I even color coat things. I drive my sister nuts!!!!!!


    Post count: 66

    Hello Everyone!

    I just heard back from my doc office and I have an appt with Dr. Chang at U of M. He will be the first endo I have seen. My appt is February 10th, I told the receptionist to put me on the call list if someone has a cancellation. How long should the doc spend with me? I have so many questions and I’m always being rushed. This is my life were talking about and I want to make a plan. I don’t want the doc to think I ‘m crazy, but I believe that I should have a plan of attack in order to get in better health. I also want to make sure that my meds are right. I have been on ptu 4 weeks this Thursday. So I have no idea what my levels are and if the meds are working. I say my pc doc last Tue and she decided to take my levels then, just to have them for the endo, even tho I hadn’t been on the ptu for 6 weeks, which is when they usual test you. We;ll just have to wait and see what happens. I have an open mind and I’m excited to start this new phase. I feel very pro-active about my health, and it feels good!

    Post count: 66
    in reply to: Emotions- Woman #1074536

    Ski and Cathy,

    Thank you so much for just being here and the advice. Yesterday was just a bad day. Today IS BETTER! I feel better today than yesterday and any improvement is a step forward! I will look into the counseling and that group. the hard part is I don’t have a vehicle right now because it’s broken. I’m waiting to get paid so I can fix it. I felt a lot better just typing it all out. It reminds me it’s ok to feel the hurt and to be emotional. Thank you so much. Keep in touch. My personal e-mail is It’s better to just e-mail me with the private message option because I visit here everyday!

    You both have a blessed day. Thanks again.

    Post count: 66
    in reply to: Emotions- Woman #1074533

    I get so angry that the deep breathing just makes me feel worse. Punching something feels great! I’m actually saving money for a punching bag to hang in the basement.
    I have been through a terrible divorce and haven’t actually had the time to look back and allow myself to really feel the hurt and allow myself to heal. I lost my new born baby in May of last year. My ex-husband beat the crap out of me ( while I was pregnant with landon) and left our three yr old son in the apartment unattended at night. So I left immediately and had to stay at a domestic violence shelter in order to get back to my family safely. I get to Michigan to find out that because my now ex-husband was in the military I couldn’t get a state lawyer so…I decided to take him to court on my own. I wanted justice for what he put me and our little three year old through. I had never stepped foot in a court room. So I stayed up many nights and poured over legal documents, made hundreds of phone calls and many trips to the court house for paper work and filing. I took him to court and got what I wanted and he looked like a fool. He has to see our son with police men present because he is facing criminal charges and a domestic violence charge for beating his girl friend.He was discharged from the military November 1st. So my son and I are safe and happy and I’m going to school to be a lawyer. But even though it ended well. I had to put this front on for so long. This front of a strong woman…a woman who had it together and could do it all. I didn’t want my ex to see how sick I was and how I really was struggling. Since I did that for so long I don’t know what to do now. I pushed down all the emotions so I could keep a clear head in court and keep strong so my little boy wouldn’t be scared. When my son Landon died, my ex didn’t even say he was sorry. He said he was happy he didn’t have any more kids with me. I lost the baby because the Grave’s was so bad and I didn’t know I had it …and the umbilical cord was around his neck. I’ve been through so much that I’m finally falling apart because I haven’t had time for ME! I would go to counseling but I can’t afford it. Any suggestions. I’m btwn churches so I don’t feel comfortable seeing a pastor right now.

    I won’t let ppl see me cry, I don’t know why. I guess deep down I don’t want people to think
    ( even family) that I don’t have it together like I usually do! But a good cry would make me feel better. So today, I simply locked the bathroom door…turned the shower on and cried for 30 min straight. I had to let it out. The emotion flood just keeps coming…it’s relentless. I’m praying for my period to end so I can fell better. I finally got an appt with an endo for the first time. Bad part is that I have to wait until February 10th. Good thing is I FINALLY HAVE AN APPT!

    I’m sorry for rambling but it fells good to write it out and see my emotions on paper…so to speak!


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