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  • sarabear0508
    Post count: 66

    This message was sent to me private andI believe that it was ment for everyonr to see.

    Hello Everyone,
    I have been diagnosed with Graves Disease since 2003. I experienced irregular menstruation; therefore I went to see gynecologist who referred me to endocrinologist to check my thyroid.
    I had gone through personal life stressors pretty long and I was still in the mist of all but at the time I did not have any of the symptoms connected with Graves’s disease.
    I actually had gained weight. I was very energetic and enduring person in regards to physical and psychological stress.
    The doctor asked me to start taking Tapazole 3x 5mg twice daily. I began taking the meds and felt awful; I developed skin irritation and my metabolism slowed down. The blood test had shown Liver’s hyperactivities and I was not given explanation why this had happened. I felt very tired, contrary to the expectation to balance. When I shared my observation with the doctor, he claimed that I will soon feel better. This did not happen, so I stop taking the medications.
    Looking into getting answers I went to see another endocrinologist to confirm whether I had Graves’s disease or not. The diagnosis was confirmed and I was prescribed another medication: Propylthyracil to take 2x100mg twice daily.
    This medication did not feel so awful, so I continued taking it as I was told that I had to do so for the rest of my life. As I did not feel any difference about the way I was feeling, I stop taking any medication since 2004.
    I don’t have any symptoms since, except enlargement, developing the expected goiter.
    Is anyone had similar experience?
    I am skeptical as twice in the past I have been given cancerous diagnoses, which fortunately were wrong. SO, now I am wondering what to do and whom to believe!
    I would appreciate any comments, advice and recommendations.
    Thanks a lot,

    Subject: Life Situations, Emotions, and Graves’ Disease

    Post count: 66

    You can’t get copies of your ct scans. At least not here! After the results come back it’s sent electronically to the system your doc uses and they pull up the image when needed. They won’t give you copies.

    Post count: 66
    in reply to: Emotions- Woman #1074543

    Hey Girls,

    I am feeling really good. Started my cycle yesterday. I actually have no pain and I’m happy! Go figure. I don’t think I will ever get what is going on with my body….it’s crazy! But I’m so glad I feel good. I see the endo for the first time tomorrow!

    Post count: 66
    in reply to: A Good Read #1073964


    How are you? I hope all is well. I was thinking about you when I get online! Take Care

    Post count: 66

    Hey Pertie….

    How are you doing? I’m so excited…..I see my endo tomorrow for the first time! Let you know what I find out.

    Post count: 66

    Wow~ that’s all I can say…WOW! Your poor mom!

    Post count: 66

    Yeah it’s amazing to hear ppls stories and how they were perfectly healthy and then WAM…the stress comes and Graves’ reared it’s ugly head! I believe so many people go undiagnosed not just because the symptoms can be similar to a lot of other problems but because they attribute their symptoms to STRESS. Like…Oh I’m loosing my hair and weighed …it must be because of the stress I had gone through. Yet those poor ppl have no idea it gets worse till they are diagnosed and treated…..then they can heal. I also think that emotional healing is harder with untreated Graves. I think this because your emotions and your body are screaming…you can’t relax and think logically until you get better. So once the person has a grip on their emotional state and what is going on in their body…only then can they start the process of healing their emotions due to the trauma brought on my the disease and the stress that triggered it. I’m no psychologist but I can say this has been true in my life and probably many others.


    Post count: 66
    in reply to: A Good Read #1073963

    For more interesting stuff to read about Grave’s see my post- Life Situations- Emotions and Grave’s Disease!

    Post count: 66


    I’m so glad to hear that you are doing well and the medical care you are getting is wonderful. Even when the disease is bad it ALWAYS helps to have a great medical team to rely on. Considering that you are going through menopause it’s great that those symptoms don’t exacerbate the Grave’s. My mom is going through that phase in life and has finally been able to find some herbs that have helped her to find some relief from the side effects. I don’t agree with all the things Opera has done but I back her up 100% when she encourages health awareness and proper treatment. She wants all American woman to encourage each other to talk about menopause because for some reason society hasn’t embraced the change…instead it’s almost an embarrassment. I’m so glad to see that you have a positive attitude and a great out look. We woman need to stick together. I was wondering what made you decide to have surgery? I am trying to keep an open mind about my treatment( because I am unsure what my options are at this point) yet I envy those ppl like you, that have made up there minds what they believe the best treatment is for the. Radioactive Iodine just freaks me out. Surgery scares me less than the radioactive stuff but the only drug I have tried is the PTU that made me sick. I couldn’t handle the body aches. I could barely move. So I will have to wait and see what’s going to happen. I have never seen an endocrinologist….but I finally got an appt and I was able to get in February 10th. I have been waiting like 3 months for this appt and I am very excited. Hopefully my endo will be as good as yours. I’m looking forward to having a plan on attack so I can move forward with treatment. Best of luck to you. I’m glad you found this site.Take Care!

    Post count: 66
    in reply to: What’s Normal? #1074265


    Thanks so much for the reply. I actually just lost my job because one of the parents quite her job. So Now I am at home with nothing to do….it was nice for a time but now I have no way to pay bills. I sent my resume out and had a few interviews but I turned them down because the hours were too long and I couldn’t physically do it. I am also old fashioned and believe that woman with small children should stay home and raise there kids. This is especially true for me because Blake’s father refuses to be there for him since our divorce . I think it’s wonderful that you can work and still have the energy to be there for your kids. I come from a family of 10 including Blake! My youngest brother is 9 yrs old. My mom just took on a full time job and she still cooks and does all the normal mom things. I put myslef in your position and in my moms and I just say to myself …."I COULD NEVER DO THAT- I WOULD PHYSICALLY CRASH!" That’s when the reality of how sick I really am hits me! I’m twenty and I should be doing circles around my mom. Yet she watches Blake on the weekend so I can sleep! Maybe this is the break that I needed and hopefully an opportunity will present itself soon so I can pay our bills!
    Take Care

    Post count: 66

    I am the exact way and it can get better. I just has my blood taken on Thursday so I don’t know where my levels are at yet. Hang in there. I copied a portion of one of my posts. If you go to the board and look for posts by me (sarabear0508- ) you can read much more. Good luck…you’re not alone.

    Topic- Emotions- Woman

    Post by sarabear0508 on January 10th, 2009, 2:04 pm

    Just wondering if anyone else has had the same experience.
    During the month most woman get moody when there cycle comes.
    BUT, since being diagnosed with Grave’s Disease, the emotional symptoms have worsened. I find that at night I’m so angry I can’t sleep. I’m angry at the dumbest things. Other people better not touch me, talk to me and most definitely not argue with me. If they do..all hell breaks loose. I’m so agitated that I could spit nails. Then, when my cycle is over, the emotions symptoms become much better! This month has been exceptional hard becuase I have been dealnig with many family issues that are stressing me out. The more angry I get the faster my heart beats..the hotter I get …than the volcano explodes!

    ANY ONE else feel the same way around that time? I use to get moody before Graves but now I feel like shooting the first person who looks at me wrong!

    Post count: 66
    in reply to: A Good Read #1073962


    As a survivor of domestic violence and a newly divorced woman……I can honestly say I have no idea what came first. In my case my symptoms came during the divorce and now remain. It’s very easy to put blame on ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING when we don’t want to face facts or take responsibility for our actions. I can only image that you are stressed and are a little lost as to what to do and how. I view Graves symptoms as PMS. You can scream….act irrationally and be horrid to live with and then calmly apologize blaming the PMS and how it’s just your hormones and you couldn’t help it. THAT"S CRAP…to be perfectly frank. My Grandpa has a debilitating rare disease and has lost the use of his hand legs and most bodily functions. This same man runs his sons Carpentry business from his wheel chair or bed and you will NEVER EVER once hear him complain. He also is in charge of his churches finances. I will go to see him and I can tell he is in so much pain…yet he smiles, cracks jokes and carries on with his daily routines. HOW DARE I think that because I may feel terrible that I have the right to take it out on others when my g-pa is dying of this disease and always remains kind. It just really puts things in perspective. If I were you I would talk to your wife about counseling. I know it sounds dumb…but it gives you both a safe place and an even playing ground to talk about your issues and fears. It couldn’t hurt to call your insurance and see if those services are covered. I wish you both the best of luck. From a feminine point of view I can tell you that when woman scream and blame the men in there lives for things ..yes it may have to do with something you did to make them mad…but most of the time it is a much bigger underlying issues they are upset about. Sometimes when I have a stressful day and I’m mad at someone, my poor family get lectured because they are the people closes to me. For instance…I yelled at my ex on day because he broke my great grandmas dish. I was upset the dish was broken but what I was really yelling about was the fact I felt he didn’t respect my things yet he drilled me on how to treat the things in our home that he brought to our marriage. I could give you hundreds of examples but I will spare you! I didn’t realize this until my aunt pointed it out to me, she said their marriage counselor saw she was angry about a lot more and helped give her ways to get the underlying issues out on the table. No matter the state of your marriage patience is the number one gift you can give that means the world.

    Have a great day. I am always hear to listen if you want to vent!!!!

    Post count: 66
    in reply to: Emotions- Woman #1074542

    OK GIRLS! I am once again starting to have all those TERRIBLE symptoms. My cycle is coming once again. I feel like SCREAMING and SCREAMING till my lungs explode. It is so unbelievable to me how your hormones can make your body go to extremes in certain situations like this. I start having symptoms 5 or so days before, so I started taking a diuretic and evening primrose oil a week before my cycle is due. This is the first month I have tried it…it really helps me. Oh and I take midol as soon as I get the physical symptoms and pain. I’m not sure why all three of these work so well too give me relief…but at this point…who cares as long as it helps.

    Post count: 66

    Ohiolady- We havn’t heard from you!

    How are you doing? I would love to hear whats going on with your treatment and how you are feeling.

    Take Care

    Post count: 66
    in reply to: HELP ME! #1074800

    MEAN? Oh no it’s down right DANGEROUS! lol

    What exactly do you mean by "complex"?

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