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  • Russelline
    Post count: 4

    I can’t say I’ve ever felt light headed but Brain fog is definitely a symptom I get when I’m hypo. Basically it is a feeling of being so darn tired I can’t focus. I haven’t been hypo the entire three years. My thyroid is dying off slowly and my symptoms cycle with it. After RAI my doc started me on synthroid. That made me hyper at first but with time (as my thyroid died off) I would go through a phase of normal and then finally I’d go hypo. So the doc would up my synthroid, I’d be hyper at first, go through a phase of normal ….. you get the point.

    Basically for me, it has been a long haul with periods of feeling good and periods of feeling real crappy. My problem is that even when I’m in period where my TSH levels are in the "normal range", I still suffer from muscle cramps and digestion issues. Basically, my new "normal" has never felt normal to me.

    As for the synthroid delay, it usually takes me about a week to feel a difference from it. My doctors (and I’ve had many) have always insisted that is doesn’t work that fast. They insist that it takes 3 months to level out. For me, within 3 months I would have gone from hyper symptoms to to hypo again. sigh.

    Susan, you are very blessed to have minimal symptoms. I’m glad you posted on this thread. It is comforting to know there are others out doing fine.

    Post count: 4

    Hi, Thanks for all of the responses. the explination on the TSI makes perfect sense to me. As for the itch, I can’t pinpoint it to a certain TSH level. I’ve experienced the itch both when it is high or low. I can say that it occurs when my TSH levels are "off" in either direction.

    I took the RAI in Jan 2008. Apparently my thyroid is still dying as I have been on 125 Synthroid for about 6 months and my recent blood work showed that I am definitely in the hypo range again. Is it normal for it to take over 3 years to level out?

    I know that the one thing that I’ve read here that really makes sense is that Graves’ effects every cell in the body. I have struggled with every imaginable symptom since day one. I think my biggest struggle has been to get a Doc to listen. I’ve seen a total of 6 different doctors for my Graves. Not one of them wants to look any further then TSH. I haven’t been able to get a single one of them to test the other markers (T3 T4 etc.). They are insulted by my questions and most have become downright beligerant when I ask. So, I start with a new doc soon. My appt is in 2 weeks. In the meantime, this site is great! <img decoding=” title=”Smile” />

    Post count: 4

    (TED and pretibial myxedema)… have not heard of either of these. Do either cause an intense itch? I ask because I get this horrible itching in my arms that sometimes requires me to ice them to get any relief. It never happened until the Graves (both pre and post RAI). All of the many doctors I have seen, tell me I’m crazy as there is no way the itch is related to my thyroid issues. I’m not convinced.

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