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  • runlacie
    Post count: 222

    Hi Pam! That is great that you responded so well to the Tapazole. I think the hair loss is fairly normal as we go through the hormone swings from one extreme to another- I’d expect it to slow down once you are regulated. Mine fell out when I went hyper, but so far, so good, after RAI. haha, I’m kinda jealous that you are already hypo just 2 months after your diagnosis. I was diagnosed the first week in June (but had already spent about 2 weeks back and forth to the doctor) and they didn’t get around to rai until July 20. I’m still hyper, but think it’s slowly heading in the right direction. I keep second-guessing myself and thinking maybe I should have tried the pills first. I guess it’s just a case of grass is always greener, huh? Good luck with your treatment- I wish you a long remission!

    Post count: 222
    in reply to: nancy patterson #1069411

    From what I have read, the mean replacement dosage (which I think is to totally replace what your thyroid produced) is 1.6 mcg per kilogram of your weight. Divide your weight by 2.2 to get kilos and then multiply by 1.6 and this is the formula I found for a total replacement of hormone. So if your thyroid still makes some you’d need a smaller levo dose.

    Post count: 222

    Hyperm <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” /> the only thing better than Chinese take-away is the Chinese all you can eat buffet!!! I could sure put away some food there when I was hyper. All of the large people would stare at the little me loading up plate after plate. I easily out-ate my DH and he is double my weight. :shock: Guess those days are over for me now. OK, we can start Monday??? <img decoding=” title=”Smile” />

    Post count: 222

    Thanks, Bobbi!

    That info was very helpful. I am quite certain I lost muscle mass when I was losing weight while hyper. I could see it in my abdomen- I had a lot of definition in the muscles and then I lost weight and also lost that "cut" look and just had loose skin. I also have to lift a lot at work- and it was noticeable that I couldn’t lift as much as before. Now that I’m gaining, I do think some of it is hopefully the return of strong muscles. But some of it IS fat. I can tell when I do plank exercises and look at my stomach that there is a lot more hanging down. Another thought I had is that I seem to be retaining more water. I bet being hyper actually also made me dehydrate and now a more normal state is returning.

    Krystal- I’m old and I have to complain about 5 pounds! It is hard to lose it again for us old folks. And once I start going in the wrong direction it’s hard to stop the runaway eating train. Good job on losing 5 pounds! That is great and gives me mucho hope that once I’m normal again it won’t be so difficult!

    If I could just cut out the junk and eat healthy I’d be okay. And Emily, night time is my downfall also. I can be good all day long and BAM, night rolls around and I eat like a mad woman.

    hyperm- we could have a weight support thread and cheer each other on and include a weekly weigh-in or something if you all want to? That’d be fun.

    Well, I did my exercise and had yogurt with a sprinkle of granola for breakfast. I’ll try and stay strong. Today I have been feeling hyper and my heart rate is back up again. Getting discouraged. Hope it’s just a short set-back.

    Post count: 222

    Hi Sofia! That must be tough to see your Mom like this. I’m sure one of the moderators will be much more helpful with your situation, all I can really tell you is that while I am hyper, YES, I do feel quite wacky sometimes. I have become confrontational with total strangers when they have done something I didn’t like (such as tossing a lit cigarette in a parking lot in front of me, road rage type things, etc). And I know that I probably would not have done such a thing before. I guess I’m just very easily agitated right now, somebody does something I don’t like and I fly off the handle. I try to not be grumpy with my family, but I’m sure they have noticed some difference as well. I hope you find some answers, good luck to you and your Mom!

    Post count: 222

    Hi lakeview! Don’t know a whole lot about the eye part of this, but I wanted to chime in and wish you my best. My Grandma has Graves’ and has the eye part, and I do know that hers was just awful- she could hardly see at all and one eye rolled all the way back and all we saw was the white part— I’m only adding this because she’s in her 80’s and she did finally get it resolved to where now she can see again and her eye doesn’t do that anymore. There is an end to the tunnel and you’ll find it.

    Post count: 222

    ewmb- yeah, that was good news about the 3 months on the other thread. mmm, baking! I don’t cook, especially not now with an excuse <img decoding=” title=”Wink” /> but lately just thinking about food is making me fat! Was it the generic that made you get rashy before? Hopefully then, this will work for you for a while. You have a lot on your plate right now. It’s crazy how the world just keeps going while we are in limbo and we kind of have to pretend like nothing is wrong and just keep moving along with things. Take care and don’t get stressed about all the stuff you have going on. We’ll make it through this.

    Post count: 222

    lol, Hyperm- sending thin thoughts your way! I lost some weight on Nutrisystem a couple years ago and have considered doing that again just long enough to rid myself of my bad junk food habits, but it’s so darn expensive! I actually think the expense was what made it work for me though, since I couldn’t stand to pay all the money and have it not work. If I keep gaining I will have to do something soon!

    Post count: 222

    Hi elf! I never took PTU or any ATD’s. I’m just over 3 weeks out and do feel overall better- but I did have that little time where I got worse for a few days. And my throat was hurting me. The throat thing is improving and I can feel my neck is different (less full?)- I really think the soreness was related to the little bugger frying in there. I can tell that I am still hyper, but definitely not as bad as I was. Yes, it seems we are always waiting for something with this.

    Post count: 222

    ewmb, yeah, you’re right- if they did the FTI I guess it makes sense you don’t really need to do the other. Did you figure out a plan yet? How are you feeling the past few days? I hope you get some answers soon.

    Post count: 222
    in reply to: Updates….. #1068902

    Yay, Krystal! I can see the real you is on her way back, congratulations! Your journey and fun sense of humor have meant a lot to me these past couple months and though I’m not glad you have Graves’, I am glad you were here with me to share the adventure. Keep us posted on how you are doing, okay???

    Post count: 222

    Hi Hyperm! I am in exactly the same place as you, it seems. Can’t seem to stop this weight from packing on. I had rai 3 wks ago and am still feeling somewhat hyper (though better than before) but I am slowly gaining. And I count calories plus am putting in 6-8 miles a day walking and slow jogging. I only "lost" 3 pounds while I was hyper and have since gained all of that back plus another couple. I think a stone is 14 pounds? Anyways, I’m writing down everything I eat and exercising as much as I can and there is just no way this makes sense. I’m pretty small to start with and 3 pounds makes a big difference- my clothes are getting tight and there is a layer of fat over the muscle. I don’t know the answer, but am hoping that once my levels are regulated I will at least be able to do hard exercise and maybe that will fix this. I’m also trying to cut out crap food- which I was accustomed to eating a lot of since when I was running and slowly going hyper I was eating over 3000 calories a day and not gaining weight. Lol, I thought I was a lean, mean, calorie burning machine but here all along I was just getting Graves’! Now I feel like a slug- moving slower and packing it on.

    Post count: 222

    ewmb- I’m not sure exactly what FTI is? Free thyroid index, but what’s that? Did you have it done before and now it’s higher? I know you say your TSH is low- but that one lags behind, right? Are you going to have the T4 done now since they forgot? I, for one, am sure hoping the sore throat is a good sign. And also wasn’t expecting the ups and downs. I know you’ve been on this ride even longer than I have, hope you get some answers and feel better soon.

    Post count: 222
    in reply to: RAI sore throat? #1068934

    Hi Bobbi ! Thanks for that info. Especially since I wasn’t thinking about it and had a tuna salad yesterday!

    Post count: 222

    Well, after the hyper symptoms worsening for 2 days, now I think I’m going back down. Wonder if it will be straight down or more of this (not so)happy-go-(not so)lucky roller coaster ride. Saw 49 on the pulse, but mostly it’s hanging around 54. The best news is that when I stand up I am no longer getting a big spike- it was going from 60 to 90 just from sitting to 2 min standing. Now I’m seeing 54 and up to 64 when I stand for 2 minutes. Much better. Wow, and I kinda feel like I could actually take a nap. lol- or, go run and see what happens. I jumped up and down like a mad woman, just to see, and my DS who is 7 said- that’s my Mom, she’s crazy. <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />

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