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  • Rivergirl
    Post count: 1

    I just discovered this interesting foundation and this discussion board. So I thought I’d add my own experience to this post. I was diagnosed with GD in the mid 1980s after several stressful events had occurred in my life that I believe triggered my GD. I was told by my endocrinologist at Cornell Medical Center in NYC that if you treat GD at a certain age when you’re in your 20’s, it will more likely be put into remission without RAI or surgery. I never had either procedure, but was instead put on Methimazole. I was tested every 3 months for my levels. And eventually under the direction of my doctors, I stopped taking the medication and have been without symptoms for all this time. I am 51 years old now and approximately each year I have my thyroxin levels checked, but I haven’t had problems so far. I’m not sure what doctors today would think about this. Maybe those with more experience can say.

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