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in reply to: 22nd of July – date for op very nervous! #1070714
If the anxiety gets to bad, ask your surgeon to give you something temporary for the anxiety…as we all know…stress makes it worse…and we don’t want things for you to get worse…only better!!!! But remember when you first found out about having GD and the overwhelmingness of all the lack of info, then finding the info and maybe wishing you haden’t? Or at least that is kinda how I felt.I had told one of my docs that I wanted the surgery. I know it sounds crazy, and he said "the quick and easy way" I said no…..the antibodies will be hopefully useless after about a year vs. 5 years after RAI.
Your in my prayers, for peace that passes all understanding. Your gonna get to that swing park….and very probably before the summer is over
” title=”Very Happy” /> !!!! You get to be a mommy to your babies, just like on the airlines…they say if the O2 masks drop, you have to put it on yourself, so you won’t pass out and then can put it on your kids. Your doing this for your babies, so you can be a well mommy!!! I’m so happy for you. God truely is in control.
Ok….Hope…who is now 8….the first time she went in the potty, got off and turned around to look while I was whiping and said.." Look mommy they’re swimming!!!!!" Took every once of me not to laugh my head off!!!
Hugs and prayers, Rhonda
Ok guys…SO not an expert here…but from what I understand it has to do with our metabolism. Deposits of fat and proteins under the skin. I got my info from Part of the reason that I think that things like Lasix helps to some degree…but won’t get rid of it all. It was late at night when I looked up the info, so make sure your not tired cause it kinda read like medical textbooks. Hope this helps, and hope someone else comes behind me and corrects me if I’m wrong. Hugs Rhonda
in reply to: im so tired of my mom saying… #1070525Sarah,
I’m so sorry you have to go thru that, but the bright side is you can consider us as part of your family now…if that helps at all??I have a 21…almost 22 year old daughter. One of the first things I did was ask my mom, and my older daughter to get tested, as some say maybe GD is in the genes. My little girls peds doc even ordered blood work on them.
Here is a thought. Maybe mention to mom that her anxiety all these years could be connected to GD, and ask her to go with you to your next endo appt to find out some more info and to see maybe if she needs to be tested. A sneaky way to get info into her, but it just might work. And maybe if you have a printer and can find info on the net about the possiable genitic link, maybe print that off and leave it on the table accidently????
In the meantime, we are all here for you. We all have either gone thru it, are going thru, or will be going thru. Reminds me of the Ark….we are all in the same boat…..just some of us are still down below with the stinky mess the animals make, and some have been able to get top deck for some fresh air. Having a "lion" roaring in your ear doesn’t help I know.
Hopefully this site and the wonderful people here can be a set of bellows for you to push some fresh air down to you, until your well enough to climb up. Lots of hugs to you and I hope this helps some. Rhonda
in reply to: New and had my RAI this morning #1070601Crazy,
I know with my oldest daughters dog, everytime I went over to her house even before my RAI, he "sensed" something was wrong with my thyroid and would lick my neck…I sounds crazy, but true. Keep them babies down and just try to reassure them as best you can from afar. Maybe extra treats??? Oh, maybe if you have some dish gloves you might want to put them on to feed them or give them treats with for a bit. Hugs, Rhondain reply to: 6 weeks post RAI and normal T4 #1070612Thanks Ski…that is handy info to have. I still have one last appt with him before he moves, so I may ask him to leave a standing order at the lab. I’m kinda getting excited hoping that some of this mess is behind me, but also have come to the conclusion that this isen’t strep throat, and one course of medication and two weeks aren’t gonna "cure" the problem.
Thanks Crazy,
I will keep that in mind. I was thinking of going to Denver…so Ft Collins is a little closer. I’ll check with my insurance and see if they will go for it. Maybe your doc may consider getting a Wyoming license and starting an outreach clinic here. I know the hospital here is searching for someone.Hugs to both of you, Rhonda
in reply to: TED- and eye pain #1070557I have found that having a humidifyer in the house going helps also. Acutally in winter I have about 3 going. I use the Ultra fine mist ones with distilled water. I have seen them on the net now with ones that don’t even have filters that you have to change….I’m working my way over to them shortly. Hope that helps, Hugs Rhonda
in reply to: walking while hyper #1070607Michelle,
The only thing I’ve heard about walking is you have to be careful while hyper because of your muscles. Ski is a really good one to answer this question. I’m not sure about you or most others, but I had a bone scan done and found out that I have Osteopenia, I’ve read that Osteopenia and Osteoporosis can be common in GD.Now that my levels are falling I am starting to resume walking again also. Only in a pool, because it is easier on the bones.
Hope this helps, Rhonda
in reply to: Thyroidologist #1070902try…they have docs on there from all over the world. A great site to search for info and they also have a case of the month…so when you do find a doc to train maybe you can give him/her some reference sites to refer to.
in reply to: Info on atypical nodules anyone? #1071069I had a nodule and when they did the RAIU uptake and scan…they could tell from that, that is wasn’t cancerous. It was a hot nodule, not a cold one. They found it during an ultrasound, and I didn’t even know there was one there to begin with. I’ve heard and researched that the biopsy is done without numbing it up. I didn’t like that idea myself. My endo said that the GD and the nodule had nothing to do with each other. I just so happened to have two different things going on at once. And because of what they found on the scan, I didn’t have to have a biopsy. Hope that helps. You and dauther are in my prayers. Rhonda
in reply to: is there a light at the end of the tunnel. #1071026Hyperm,
My husband is a God send…but…even with that, after my stroke 2 years ago and now the GD, I finally sat down one day and wrote an email to him. It was easier that way cause then he didn’t feel like I was chewing him out. He is wonderful and supportive in so many ways, I can’t imagine what I would do without him, but we still have our issues. I basically asked him point blank….do you really think I want to have this disease? Like I sat around and asked God to give me something that would turn my life upside down and backwards? That seemed to jar him into reality a little more. And like Mamabear said, if they can’t fix it, they get scared and don’t know how to deal with it sometimes. Especailly after your TS, I’m sure that scared him to no end. My hubby has seen me in ICU once and next step down just 2 weeks ago. He was trying to be brave for me, but I could see the fear in his face.More importantly then that, this is the place that we all can go to, where everyone on here knows how we feel. This is the place to….well just throw a temper fit like our kids if we need to. I know exactly where your coming from. Having little ones in the house is very hard, especially if you don’t have help. Not that my hubby doesn’t help mind you, but there is only so many hours in a day, and God love him, he works third shift so he can take me and our little one to Dr. appts..ect.
The other thing…with me having double pneumonia..he had to take a week off of work while I was in the hospital..and then I had to go to my son’s boot camp graduation…so there went another week of work. His next paycheck will be a big goose egg. Men are funny about being able to provide for their familes. That maybe on your hubbys mind as well.
Sometimes I wonder if there is light at the end of the tunnel…what I wonder about is if it is a train*LOL*. It’s not…but sometimes it doesn’t feel that way. Hang in there sweetie, we are all here for you. Hugs and prayers, Rhonda
in reply to: Freakin’ out over new diagnosis #1071045Hang in there…and from what I’ve read times of stress can make GD worse….so if you didn’t notice your symtoms before you lost your mom, that maybe why you are noticing them more now. Sorry to hear about your mom, and we are all here for you. Take care of yourself, during times of stress especially. Just getting the Dx for me, and after I started researching exactly what GD was, that alone was stressful, and I didn’t have a death of a loved one to deal with at the time. Hugs and prayers, Rhonda
in reply to: My goiter is going down hurrayyyy #1071361Yeah….congrats. I didn’t even have one until the doc started pressing around it and annoying it*LOL*…then it showed up one day…say goodbye and don’t ya come back no more no more no more no more!!!!!!! Oh so glad we don’t have sound on here!!!*LOL*
in reply to: So confused #1071379I agree with Ski…and actually I took methimazole for a bit and had to be off of it for only a week prior to my uptake test…and then my doc let me decide if I wanted to do the RAI after that…and had to be off of the med for only a week before the RAI…I’d be looking for a different doc if it were me…sounds to me like he is trying to pressure you into the RAI and into making a decision right now. The meds you can stop and have a different something done if you want…once you have the RAI…it generally is done…there is no turning back then. Not that the first treatment of RAI is guarenteed to work…but still….find a new doc hun. Pronto. If your hyper now…you can’t afford to not be on something if your gonna take your time to make a decision that you are comfortable with.
in reply to: Hi, am new here introducing myself #1071423Hi K and your welcome….was wondering…when the eye thing started, did you get a headache and lots of pressure like a sinus headache and redness where the whites generally are?