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in reply to: Does age impact ATD’s? #1068559
Thanks for the responses Laci & Bobbi. I’m unable to have more children due to other medical procedures I’ve had, so that really isn’t an issue for me. I am going to talk with my endo on Sept 1 and see what she says about staying on the ATD’s. My doctor hasn’t specifically come out and said this, but based on what I have read & the posts on this site, I am thinking I just have a mild case. While I know Graves affects everyone differently, I am having a hard time relating to everyones stories about it. Since I have been on the Methimazole, I don’t feel like there is anything wrong with me. Other than weight loss, I didn’t have any symptoms before hand either. Could this just be the calm before the storm? Should I expect a bomb to drop?
in reply to: Im new to the Graves Disease Foundation #1068808Hi Nancy –
I have a question about the radioisotopes please. When I had my thyroid uptake scan, the paperwork I received stated that I was given I-131 and not I-123. Should I have been instructed to keep my distance with that? When I asked my primary care doctor the other day, he said it didn’t matter which one I received because it was such a small dose given for the uptake. Does that sound correct?
Thank you,
Gaylein reply to: Weight Gain – Oh NO!!! #1068867Good morning Hyperm!
Not sure if this will be of any help or not, but I did read in ‘Living Well with Graves Disease’ that people that go hypo should try to eat 3 meals a day instead of several mini-meals, with breakfast being the largest meal & supper being the lightest. Also, if I remember correctly, it said to try not to eat more than one type of meat at a time (such as steak & ribs) & try not to combine protein with carbs (ex-steak & potatoes). Good Luck!
in reply to: Newly diagnosed & have questions please #1069162Hyperm – I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope everything works out with her…and YOU! What a terrible hand your family has been dealt. I will definately ignore my sister – it’s worked for the past 8 years, so I’m sure it will continue to work.
” title=”Smile” />
Jessie – Since I am new to all of this so unfortunately I’m probably not going to be any help. My primary Dr (haven’t seen the endo yet) has already stated he wants me to have RAI, but after doing some research, I am going to talk to him today about whether or not I can continue on the anti-thyroid meds to try to reach remission before doing anything permanent. But….one thing with that, I found there is a 60-70% relapse rate after a couple years off the thyroid meds. In the end, I will probably just end up doing the RAI anyways. No worries about posting off of this one – I had the same problem trying to find how to start a new topic when I first joined the group. Try again – when you go into the index page, under the green section at the top, there will be semi-big letters ‘NGDF.Org’ – underneath that should be a tab to Start New Topic. May take a couple of tries but it should be there eventually!
in reply to: Newly diagnosed & have questions please #1069158Thanks again everyone….you guys are great! I am definately going to ask my doctor more questions. I feel that after reading that book, reading the message board & talking with everyone, I have a little bit better of an understanding as to what to ask. It’s difficult when first diagnosed and you’ve never heard about it before…..huh? Graves Disease? What’s that? Then they ask if you have any questions – I sat there…uh, I dunno! On another note, I was going crazy trying to figure out how I got this stupid disease since everything says it is genetic. Well, the other day, I was looking at a bunch of old pics of my Mom (passed 8yrs ago) and I noticed her eyes looked funny. I called my Dad & apparently a light bulb went off for him. He said he all of the sudden remembers Mom’s doctor saying he was concerned about her eyes & wanted to test her thyroid, but she refused. (she had alot of health issues & each new diagnosis put her into a deep depression). So….when I go to the Dr this week, I am going to see if they still have her file archived somewhere (she went to the same office but a different dr). I am going to ask if there are any notes about it & see whether or not she did end up having testing done.
It stinks cause I really wish my Mom were here with me. My Dad is doing the best he can (support wise) for me, but my one sister put the thought in his head that I am exagggerating everything the Dr says, there’s no need for any special treatments (RAI/surgery) and I am making a big deal out of nothing because "she knows" people that have thyroid problems and all they do is take a pill & they’re fine. Apparently she went to medical school without any of us knowing!!! Anyways, I try not to let her get to me & told Dad he could go to the Dr with me so he could hear everything first-hand. Any one else have a ‘wonderful’ relative like mine?!?!?
in reply to: Newly diagnosed & have questions please #1069153Well, I got the results from my bloodwork the other day & the dr says my levels are doing great. He wants to do more next week to check on the Methimazole again. In the meantime…..I read Living Well with Graves Disease by Mary Shomon and it was very enlightening. I am now on the fence as to whether or not I want to have RAI or persuade my doctor to keep me on ATD’s (which he is against for whatever reason). If there is a chance for remission, I’m thinking I might want to try that route first and if it doesn’t work then try RAI. I wonder (after reading the book), if I would have a better chance at remission if I make some lifestyle changes – quit smoking & eat healthier? Has anyone noticed any differences when changing their diet? I also have a couple of other questions please. I’ve read several posts from others who are run down, lethargic and emotionally drained from Graves. Is that my destiny? I am not excessively tired – my alarm goes off at 4:30am so I’ve always been a little sleepy in the early evenings, but that is to be expected. I actually feel fine right now. I’ve lost almost 20lbs due to severe diarrhea & lost most of my muscle mass, but since being on Methimazole, those symptoms have gone away. I know everyone has to pick the treatment that is best for them, but honestly, I really have no idea what to do. Everything seems so surreal right now, which I think is partly due to not having major symptoms. I’m soooo confused!
in reply to: Newly diagnosed & have questions please #1069149Hi,
Went to my primary doctor today for more bloodwork. Did I mention I am terrified of needles? Break out the smelling salts!! I’m thinking that this Graves Disease is not going to be a good fit for me!
” title=”Sad” /> Anyways…I should be getting my results sometime tomorrow. The Dr said my goiter is getting a little bigger, but so far I haven’t noticed anything. I’ve got to say, this whole thing took me completely by surprise. I had been having issues for about 3 months before going to the doc and a thyroid problem was not even in my mind as to a possible cause. He mentioned today that after I have RAI, I will go from hyperthyroid to hypothyroid and there is a good chance that a bunch of my hair will fall out. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I plan on getting my hair cut short before having the treatment?
Gotta go back to work now – have a great day everyone!
in reply to: Hyperthyroid due to Grave’s Disease or not? #1069107Hi LBKT. I was just diagnosed with Graves Disease last week and still have quite a bit to learn, but from what I understand, bloodwork would measure the amount of thyroid hormones & a thyroid uptake would be able to determine/confirm if it is Graves Disease. A high uptake of radioactive iodine indicates Graves’ disease. I believe mine was 74%. Since you have good medical insurance- keep pushing the doctors. Good Luck!
in reply to: Newly diagnosed & have questions please #1069147Thank you so much to all who have responded! I go back to my primary doctor tomorrow for bloodwork to see how the Methimazole is working, but I have only been on it for a week. I will definately keep you all posted as my journey through this progresses. I’m so relieved to know there are people like you all out there to guide & support me through what is to come! Have a great day everyone!
in reply to: Newly diagnosed & have questions please #1069142Thank you runlacie. I’m leaning towards RAI because I am absolutely terrified of having surgery (for ANY reason). Also because I am a single parent and cannot stay in the hospital. I hear you about wanting it over & done with. Because I’ve lost so much weight, I feel & look disgusting – my spine & ribs stick out & my face is sunken in so much that I look emaciated. The funny thing is….I can’t believe how many people come out & say things to me about it! The other day, the elevator repair man where I work (who is in the building about once a month) called me over & asked if I was OK. I know alot of people care about me, but the miscellaneous people I run in to kind of surprise me.