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  • Raspberry
    Post count: 273

    Are you still on methimazole? I still am and I have to wonder whether I would have been better off getting a TT to start with as those folks seem to get more complete resolution of Graves effects. There seems to be a ceiling for how well I can be too though my struggles are more with general energy and focus/attention problems and I didn’t have the severe muscle reactions you did. It helps me to remember I can always get another opinion or when times change maybe a TT if things continue as they are for too long. So remember you’ve got options too!

    Post count: 273

    Hi Karen, how’ve you been doing? I just realized you had a question for me I never replied to in this thread. I still need the gadget to open jars, that seems to be a permanent thing for me – not sure if it’s thyroid or I just need some kind of special grip strengthening exercise. The weakness from being hyper needed about two months at normal levels to begin to improve. I still have odd muscle and joint pains though as I’ve had trouble stabilizing on the “sweet spot”. The brief time I did manage to be at my ideal thyroid levels I did quickly gain strength and stamina, sadly it didn’t last. Still it’s proof to me that it is possible, so I keep at it one dosage adjustment at a time. Good luck to you!

    Post count: 273

    Maybe it would help if you wrote down your biggest concerns and insisted on appointments to address them before moving forward? Even get a second opinion? As long as you aren’t in danger of damage if you wait you still can have time to do this. You deserve to feel confident in your doctors and the direction you are going.

    Post count: 273

    It’s genetic as hell in my family. I’d write more but I might violate board guidelines. I also might begin cursing and ranting and raving….that probably would help no one. :P

    Tkiv, the most important thing is make sure your daughter is aware of the risk and educates herself fully of what to watch for – hypo and hyper symptoms. It’s the delay in getting diagnosis and treatment that often does the most harm. I truly hope she doesn’t get it and that you feel better soon.

    Post count: 273

    I don’t know if this is what’s going on for you or not, but if you have severe dryness you can have corneal micro-abrasians that show up as blurriness you can’t correct with glasses past a certain point. I have this problem and it comes and goes depending how bad the dryness is. Kimberly gave you great advice on the artificial tears – I’d go crazy without them!

    Post count: 273

    Only one week off, that sounds wonderful amazing – I hope everything goes wonderfully!

    Post count: 273
    in reply to: Well, here goes! #1173709

    Congratulations to you AZGravesGuy! It is so wonderful to here there is light at the end of this tunnel. I’m still fighting with the medication but your message is most definitely heard. How have your eye symptoms reacted after your TT?

    Post count: 273
    in reply to: RAI vs Surgery #1182902

    Good luck to you WWW! I don’t care for this Graves’ Experience either…. Ultimately it is your decision and if your endo won’t honor it, then find a doctor who will. You are the one who has to live with the results not your endo. I know it’s easy to say that but a hell of a lot for you to deal with while feeling bad and scared. You mentioned joint pain with methimazole, did you rule out being hypo as the reason why? For me joint pain means my Free T’s are too low every time and reducing the methimazole fixes it. Still I can’t blame you for wanting to get off the medication adjustment merry-go-round, I can’t say I’m having fun myself.

    Post count: 273

    Welcome Wilson! I definitely can trace the mental effects to whether I’m too high or too low with my thyroid hormones. For me anxiety sometimes extreme goes with too much hormone and depression and lethargy with too little. Teeth anxiety happens to a lot of people do you ever get the famous teeth falling out dreams? It’s good that you are aware of it though – it helps me to remind myself about the Graves influence when I notice my emotions getting intense and it helps me to detach some. Usually then it is time for new labs and a dosage change!

    Post count: 273

    Hi Flora, I am sorry you have gone through so much loss in recent times. I think it makes it doubly hard to fight Graves at the same time as grieving. I believe my own Graves was precipitated by death too. The newly recommended TSH lab range is 0.3-3.0 and that many labs just haven’t updated it and many docs don’t know about it. It sounds like you are suffering hypo symptoms esp the sore feet – they often overlap with hyper symptoms and can be hard to distinguish. I’m not sure where the official statement is saying regarding the range change but maybe Kimberly might know? Your endo might need that to be convinced. Also it is valuable to get your FT4 and FT3 tested….is this an NHS thing that they won’t test it unless you are out of range?

    Post count: 273
    in reply to: Dual Diagnosis #1182822

    Thanks! That’s a great bulletin I just didn’t know it was #34 to me it’s the “what’s wrong with me” article, really great stuff. I saw other ones I’ve haven’t read that look good so it worked out!

    And welcome JEH, I can relate to your struggle because I too suffered some variety of thyroid problem (probably Hashimotos) for many years before it was sorted out. The one good thing about having Graves is the doctors take my thyroid issues seriously now. I hope you get the right treatment from here on out.

    Post count: 273

    I’m sorry your son is having such a hard time. TSH of 65 sounds rough! Perhaps a second opinion is in order? There are large variations in how different doctors approach dosing.

    Post count: 273
    in reply to: Dual Diagnosis #1182819

    I’m confused what where is Bulletin 34???

    Post count: 273

    Hi Sue, has your endo ever explained anything about why the adjustment is so hard??? Mine just says I’m sensitive but I wish I could do more about it! Great advice on taking nothing personally during the adjustment time – I’ve gotten myself into trouble with that one cause it all seems so real :)

    Post count: 273

    Hi Careb! Just to clarify, caffeine is only your friend when you are fighting transient hypo symptoms (sluggish, sleepy, fogged up) during adjusting to the methimazole being raised. If you are having transient hyper symptoms (fast heart, anxiety) due to the methimazole being lowered beta-blockers are your friend and caffeine is bad. I hope you feel better soon!

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