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in reply to: Help, desperately please if anyone can.. #1176454
Hi Debbie,
Great to hear from you, thanks. I tried searching for your posts but it keeps coming up error.I did find a few and will try again another day. Gee you don’t do things by halves do you. I’m sorry to hear you have had such a long hard graves journey so far!! I too have found this forum an absolute saviour. It sounds like you have made some progress if you are at the stage where you are ‘on the list’. I have my fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you for good news in 4 weeks time! With TED, do you have a choice of surgery or radiation? or are you just deciding whether to have radiation at all?
I just saw my Endo this week. My results in December were T3 and T4 in range, TSH <0.01(0.5 -5.0) Which was all an absolutely surprisingly huge improvement, great news! I felt so lucky. The results from the tests a week ago are TSH 0.01 so yay! thats gone up slightly, but problem is the Free T4 is now 9 (11.0 - 21.0) and FreeT3 is 3.0 (3.1 - 6.0). So the way I see it is that now I am going low? He reduced my Carbimazol, from 3 doses a day total 45mg to two doses, total 25mg. Two days on and I am headachey(note - headachey is a word, right!) and twice now today have felt like I'm going to pass out and had to sit on the floor. Ho Hum, am hoping that stops sometime soon. My pulse has gone up too, (beta blockers why arent you working for me now, do your thing!!lol.)
I think I am only just beginning to realise this might take longer than I thought. I walked into the endo appointment start of this week and told him I’m over it, do RAI . He said he wants me to be more balanced before making any decisions about treatment, hmmm did he mean emotionally or levels, I now wonder… He gave me info on both RAI and Surgery. I only asked for the RAI cos I was sick of the waiting game already and knew surgery wasnt an option at that time..I think I might need to work on my patience levels a tad..Have regained my sense and am now continuing with making a choice based on logic now rather than emotion lol. If all else fails, I have my sense of humour and WILL be ok. Thanks for the offer of advice Debbie, I dont like being cold, so wouldnt like the bone chillingly cold you had to endure either!wouldnt somewhere inbetween be nice…in reply to: Help, desperately please if anyone can.. #1176452Hi Shasta, thanks! and great to hear from you. If you still have a marriage, even one stretched as thin as it gets, there is still hope. Have you given your husband any reading material? Yes it is so hard to explain Graves! If you have already explained in detail, being a man (apologies to men!)I wonder how much he really took in or understood? I think it’s harder for men to understand than women just because they grow up in a society where men are supposed to be tough and not all emotional etc, stupid huh! I read somewhere to make a plan of action together for when the “graves rage’ takes hold, I thought it made sense, did you read that too? I know there is more to it than the rage though.
The eye thing really bothers me, I only have mild signs so far but I am trying to prepare for the change and I think it will hit my self esteem pretty hard. It sounds like yours are a bit more than mild, as if you dont have enough to deal with already huh.
Well done for finally telling your Family and Friends, it’s not that easy huh. Glad some had a positive reaction.
From your post, it sounds like you are a usually positive person and are trying to keep the positives. Thank you for reminding me! It’s all to easy to get into the poor me thing and go the other way..I try very hard not to do that so it’s nice to hear someone else trying as well.
Hope that made sense, brain is a bit slow this morningin reply to: Help, desperately please if anyone can.. #1176451Hi Vanilla, I’m still doing the ‘HOT’ thing too. I close the door at work and turn aircon on full blast. I had the aircon on all through winter too and wore tshirts n shorts. And was still a sweaty mess! Heres hoping that intern went away and learnt a thing or two, and takes the next Graves patient seriously hey.
I too had a visit to the ER not very long ago. I fainted at work, they got a nurse to take my blood pressure which was very very high, my boss drove me straight to the ER(nice boss) Symptoms very much like yours but I didnt know anything about Graves then, and I had a really bad headache for 4 days straight and I never get headaches, and a light fever… They kept asking me if I was a drug user!! (I’m not), at least three times and in three different ways they asked me if I took drugs!! In the end they gave me intravenous something or other for the ‘migrane’ they said I had, nothing at all for the pulse which was rather blood pressure was very high too, and then they put me in a quiet room till my ‘migrane’ went away. I had no other migrane signs. So as soon as the intravenous stuff was finished I said I felt better and went home…took paracetamol for two more days till I finally went to see my doctor and he ran some tests..I was not better at all! Grrr…makes ya angry huh!
in reply to: Help, desperately please if anyone can.. #1176447Vanillasky I really liked your previous post. I like the attitude of .. this is me, take it or leave it.
Cat that link summed it up for me too, thats why I like it so much. I am going to take your suggestion on board about taking things slow with former partner. – Thanks.
Jeanierd, how did you do with your sister? Any plans yet?
Digressing from the original subject….I am really struggling to work. My job requires lots of thinking/brain power, complex problem solving, multi tasking etc…I work in Mental Health would you believe it!! Problem is, I am now completely unable to do my job! So, just to add to all the joy of graves I now have some major decisions to make…and a mortgage! Sorry to hear about your license Vanilla!
in reply to: Help, desperately please if anyone can.. #1176442Thanks so much for your replies. Kimberly and Catstuart7, thanks for the links they have really helped. Catstuart7, I love the link you gave me it’s exactly what I have been hoping for and have printed it.
I have been thinking about others. I am sending heartfelt hugs out to anyone who reads this who is no longer in a relationship/marriage, due to graves. I get it. I am feeling very very lucky. And…. consider yourself hugged!
Jeanierd, welcome and thanks for your suggestions. I hadn’t thought about getting counselling, perhaps that may help too. I like your mission to educate people. I can only imagine what you have been through with your husband, and now your daughter and nephew too! You sound like an amazing woman!
Amosmcd, I can definately relate to some of your situation. I have a son and have also spent a lot of time apologizing. It sounds like overall you are doing a great job with your sons!!! It can be so hard when you are having a bad week/day/hour, and then trying to deal with the after effects of that. I usually feel pretty awful when I come out of it and realise how I have behaved towards the ones I love. I am guessing the after effects would be even harder with someone who has limited understanding. Sounds like you have a lot going on just to get through the day, and then theres another whole story with the added joy of menopause!
Vanillasky, Thank you so much for sharing. I also felt like he didn’t care about me, that feeling was my main source of fuel for graves rage..we had loads of arguments just because I felt that way. Or rather – It was really just me shouting at him (and yes the occasional truck stop mouth I’m sad to say) and him just being very confused. The fact he is still around after being treated like that tells me that yes, he definately cares! Also, the mother thing! I can see how that would aggravate you! Not helpful at all. My mother lives in a different country. I was talking to her only yesterday and she proceeded to tell me she thinks I have had graves since I was a teenager (Im 38)..because it’s a brain thing and I would never listen to her…what the? I thought that was a pretty dumb thing to say too.
Go the education!!!After reading all your posts, I am definately going to try with his family, thanks for all the help and encouragement. The tricky part is that he is not wanting them to know we are talking again. It will take time to rebuild trust. I really don’t want to do something he doesnt want or isn’t ready for.I don’t want to go to his family without his agreement…
Heres my plan..I will finish getting some printed info, give it to him and ask him to read it..give him some time then have that very scary conversation about giving the info to his family..I will be reply to: Memory Tips and Tricks… #1176367For everyday things – I use a lot of small sticky notes. I do have a diary which I use EVERYDAY, but if its something like remembering to take movie rentals back, or call someone, I write a reminder on a sticky note then put the sticky note on my bathroom mirror or inside my car on the windscreen.
I use the bathroom mirror ones to make sure I have everything I need BEFORE I leave the house – movies/paperwork etc. Then as I leave the house I peel them off the mirror and transfer them to my car windscreen. Sometimes I write them out the day before, sometimes I accumulate them as the day goes on. I usually drive around with several of them stuck to my windscreen. I always keep spare ones in my car, in my handbag etc and write one immediately if I need to remember something. I always keep the notes in the same place ie either bathroom or car, that way I definately don’t miss any and I remember where they are. I find this system works really well for me. I don’t have a smart reply to: Memory..I go walking.. a lot!.. #1176285I absolutely get the train analogy! And yes, I just hit the brakes too. The only info I received from my doc is a diagnosis of Graves along with a two page basics of hyperthyroidism(nothing on graves!), I then made the earlier mistake of trying to get graves info off the net, I got all sorts of very confusing and sometimes scary pages, it scared me silly!
I feel so much better after deciding to make my own decision, in my own time. I am taking into account a wide range of factors including my individual circumstances, medical statistics, risk factors, the impact of timeframes for treatment/remission, current documented medical knowledge, recommendations, testimonies etc etc. It’s like a weight has been lifted and while I still have a decision to make, most of the pressure and stress has greatly reduced.
I think with any major decision that has a lifelong effect, it’s really important to get all the facts to make an informed decision. Also that before proceeding we are completely comfortable with the decision/choice made, and again, that it is our own decision. I imagine being confident with the decision will make the actual proceedure and recovery time easier to deal with. I also think it’s so important to have control of the things we can, especially with Graves when everything else feels so out of control!
All that aside..I had a good experience today…I went shopping and when I came back out to the carpark, I actually remembered where I parked my car! I went straight to it. It got me thinking and I realised an obvious solution to a continuous problem for me(walking up and down carparks trying to find car) is to simply park near the same area each time, well worth waiting for a park. Its the little things like that that keep me going and make me smile. There is hope yet….in reply to: Could This Be True? #1176350Hi there, I was wondering the opposite.. I was diagnosed three months ago and my levels are still high/low. My Endo is already wanting to do RAI, asap. I was thinking this was rather rushed and was wondering why he wasnt wanting to try for remission first…. I don’t have health insurance so wonder about the question in your post, I wouldn’t be surprised if it really did come down to $$ and insurance companies!
Raein reply to: Memory..I go walking.. a lot!.. #1176283Thanks Kimberly. I didn’t realise I was actually able to have a choice in treatment options. Perhaps the endo will discuss this with me at the next appointment. The way I found out the Endo wanted to do RAI is because when I saw my doctor a couple weeks ago he said it was in the notes that the Endo had discussed RAI with me already and wanted to proceed with the RAI.
It was my first and only visit and we did not have that discussion about RAI at all!( or maybe I just forgot a whole conversation, I hate this memory thing, it leaves me with no self confidence! PS.. I’m 38 years old)) Also after reading the info in the links you gave me, I am now wondering why the rush to do RAI, I was only diagnosed 3 months ago. I now have so many questions to ask both the Endo and my doc.
So, I will continue to ask questions, educate myself, slow down this rushed/forced decision making and when I have reached a comfortable decision about whats best for me, I will tell them what I have chosen. Not the other way round. It feels so good to have some control! Thank You! -