I think it started around 6 years ago. I was under a lot of stress with family and a long term relationship had just ended. From what I have read it seems times of emotional stress can start the graves ball rolling. I was probably mildly depressed at the time but nothing like this. I wasn’t angry or anxious either. It steadily got worse over that time but I wasn’t diagnosed until 2010, after developing a goiter. I had a lot of the other symptoms including weight loss, hand tremor, out of breath etc over that time. My last labs were 2 months ago, I was initially going every month but now it’s every 3 months. I’m not against surgery as such I just think it’s a last resort.
Could it be caused by any or all of the following;
T4 still to high, would be more comfortable with my levels being lowered to mid-range or less.
T4 levels not staying steady, up and down a lot, not by a large amount but still unsteady.
Time it took to get diagnosed, graves melting my brain over a long period of time.
Just trying to work out what my next step should be. Has anyone had these problems and they resolved? How did you resolve them?
Thank you