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in reply to: thyroid and eye disease #1172297
hello Jaqueinquotation, I too had TED in 2002 with the swelling and bulging of my eyes so bad my poor husband got where he didn’t want to go out in public with me for fear of people would think he was beating me. The swelling was terrible It felt like I had golf balls for eye balls, my family doctor thought it was some sort of allegic reaction but was very good about listening to me and sending me to different doctors to find out what it was it took awhile but I was sent a ophthalmogist who was able to diagnose TED, I also had the double vison when ever I looked up or down and like you I wore sunglasses most of the time and it was very frustrating not knowing what was going on so just being diagnosed was somewhat of a relief and finding out what could be done, like everyone else on here I am no doctor and I know everyone is different but between my enco and ophthalmologist they agreed radation treatment on my eyes was the best way to go at the time. I had ten treatments which did stop the swelling and it did go down it is something that took a while but the whole time from start to finish my ophthalmogist kept measurements on my eyes to see the progress that was happening. I was told the risk of the radation treatments could cause eye cancer down the line but that was a risk that I was willing to take, the swelling does go down alot but never back to the way it was before the TED. I have seen alot of other people’s worst than mine so I feel blessed with my progress after ten years later, everyday I still finding myself checking for any swelling with my eye balls but so far so good, I hope you find the right doctor to help you with your case and helps to ease your frustrations with this. This forum is so awesome to hear that you are not alone I didn’t know back then that it was here it sure would have saved me a alot of grief had I known. Like the others have said, things will get better it is dealing with the right now that gets to you most. God Bless and good luck………..
Hi Kimberly,
I have notice alot more spam on my email account of course I have the spam blocker so it doesn’t go directly to my inbox. Before i would have some but lately when I go to my email there is quite a bit more. the few times I log in there its been alot more than I am use to seeing . I really didn’t think much about till I read your post but I am not sure if it has anything to do with bulletin board or not . I just empty the folder everytime before I log out. Thanks paulinein reply to: Can Graves develop if you are hypothyroid? #1169468Hello in 2000 my thyroid shut down and I started on synthroid meds and was during fine on them and in the last part of 2002 my eyes started to swell, first under one eye and then the other and then the swelling continued to the top of my eyes then began to bulge my poor husband got where he didn’t want to go out in public with because he was afraid people would think he was beating me or something, I was sent to an excellent eye dr who told me I had graves.I didn’t understand because 2 years earlier I was told my thyroid had shut down and I was hypo with Hashimoto’s and then I was being told that I had graves and would need radiation treatments. the radiation did work although it was a long process thank god the double vision was only when I looked up or down. I just found this site a couple of nights ago and wish I had found it back then when I felt alone and confused to hear other stories just like mine . I went thru several doctors before finding out what was really going on, my doctor kept sending me to different ones because I kept going back to him knowing that something was wrong and wanting to find out what. the not knowing is very stressful and frustrating and that don’t help. good luck Pauline