Forum Replies Created
in reply to: ok what size did you enter your prof pic as???? #1072190
ok, so i didnt really give up
” title=”Smile” /> lol
in reply to: ok what size did you enter your prof pic as???? #1072189i give up!! i tried to post a real pic, making it tiny …like 50X75, and it still says it is too big. Grrr. Just….grrr!!
in reply to: Heads up for later today #1072397Wow! Have an awesome time! We’ll hold it down here while you are partyin it up
” title=”Wink” />
in reply to: What are ‘Normal’ levels? #1072399The normal range my dr uses is:
TSH 0.34-4.82
Free T4 0.89-1.76
Free T3 2.3-4.2
in reply to: Itchy skin #1072561this is going to sound weird, but it helped like crazy when i had chicken pox at age 15 (who gets it that old anyways!? lord!) i stuck a bunch of old fashioned oats in a sock, tied the end…and when it was all wet and starchy..basically took a bath with it. Pressed it on my skin (no rubbing!!) and then showered and rinsed it off.
in reply to: Beer and PTU #1072499I made sure to specifically ask if i was allowed to have a few glasses of wine once in awhile..and was told it was fine in moderation. Of course, like everyone has bet to just ask your dr
” title=”Smile” />
in reply to: Newly diagnosed with GD #1072797dmh ~ the weight thing and "feeling better" is tricky. Simple to say, burn off more than you take in…but the types of food you are eating can really affect the way you feel. Try cutting out sugars, processed junk – eat whole natural foods. Lots of fruits and veggies. I dont really eat dairy much at all, maybe special occasions. I also dont eat much meat. I lost over 75 lbs just by doing that and walking…then running. (that was PRE-GD though). For sure find at least one way to de-stress. The mental and physical exhaustion stress can cause is insane!
Hope that helps
” title=”Smile” /> Sorry i dont have much input on the dr situation!
in reply to: First follow up appointment today #1072411I was so happy! And glad to know the fatigue wasnt…yes, you know "all in my head!" Looking forward to getting some energy back. I’ve really been trying to stay positive, work on stress relief with yoga and deep breathing.
in reply to: Newly diagnosed with GD #1072796Thanks hyperm!! Good to be here! Was a little panicky today when i couldnt get to the board!! hahahaha
Glad its still here
” title=”Smile” />
in reply to: Graves disease in Males #1073293Aravindh,
Just an idea, but it seems like a lot of the questions you have would be really great to ask your doctor (ie "should i stop my pill"). Perhaps printing out what you have posted on the board would be a great way to remember some of your questions and concerns for your next appointment? I know that quite often as soon as he asks me "so do you have any questions" – I go completely blank!
peace and health,
in reply to: side effects #1072783No problem! It was pretty intolerable, i would wake up in the middle of the night and couldnt stop itching! Hands and feet were the worst! I was so thankful the anti-histamine worked, i didnt want to be taken off the methimazole!
in reply to: side effects #1072781lmr,
I went through a 2 week period where i was crazy itchy! After reading some posts, I started taking benydryl in the morning and evening. It doesn’t really make me sleepy, so that wasn’t a problem, but it really helped with the itching! I don’t need to take it anymore, seems to have resolved without adjusting the methimazole dosage. I will mention it to my dr when i see him on the 31st, but like i said, the itching has gone away.
in reply to: Newly diagnosed with GD #1072793Ski – I have my bad days, but I’m generally a cheery person, which was why when i realized there was an actual medical, physical reason I hadn’t been myself for a year or so, it was more a relief than upsetting news. I also am terrified of cancer, so learning it wasn’t cancer helped
” title=”Smile” /> I can get better, I can feel better..and it will take some work, but after learning that your body isn’t working the way it "should" it makes me want to do everything I can to help it out
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It is also nice to tell my boss and others that I need as little stress as possible while striving for remission
” title=”Wink” /> SO BACK OFF!! hehehehe