Hi there – I am 10 days post RAI and I am SO GLAD I found this site. The whole process has been so overwhelming for me. I am a 55 YO woman who has been extremely healthy my whole life, a long distance cyclist and avid exerciser. Never took anything but vitamins. But this GD has turned my world upside down. Doctor started me on methimazole but my white blood count dropped really low so had to go off. Boy I really resisted the RAI but talked to a good frined who is a doc and she said absolutely, do it…apparently she has alot of patients with GD and they have a really hard time managing the disease on ATD’s. I am on the beta blockers, and hydroxyzine for itching (the itching is unbearable)..lorazapem for anxiety. It’s hard for me to admit that I need the anti-anxiety med but otherwise I would crawl out of my skin…
Thank you all for listening, this site will be such a resource for me as I try to heal my body and heart from this traumatic event..sounds like you can get better and live a good life! I am holding onto that tightly.