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in reply to: That didn’t work out… #1176129
I am sending you hope and a speedy find on the right Endocrinologist to get you well. Never give up!!
Fight for your health!
Hello Everyone. Thank you for your honest support. I feel like I am amongst some brave individuals who have given me hope.
@adenure your story is nearly my story as far as symptoms. However I have not been on any dose of Synthroid longer than 6wks, (Levothyroxine 88mcg 6wks Levothyroxine 100mcg 6wks, then Synthroid 88mcg 4wks, now Synthroid 100mg 2 days). Your words are encouraging. I do have an appt with my therapist on the 16th of January and I will ask for acupuncture recommendations or other relaxation therapies.
@beach45 I can completely understand the hormone issue, I have never had so much cramping and extreme tiredness with my menses…sigh. I am hoping that it is my body trying to balance itself out on my new artificial metabolism. I wish you the best with your treatment. I can completely empathized with you.
@AZGravesguy you are right! I plan to fire her in March after I see Dr. Cooper at Hopkins. My husband says I shouldn’t since I am apart of the heath care provider community. He said she may bad mouth me, lol. And I was thinking not as bad as I do in my head. Thank you for the article. I was going to mail her some articles anonymously, but my husband says that may tick her off, but I still might, lol. Thank you for the article@ninjajanet I have to agree with you on my experience thus far with my endocrinologist. I feel like she treats my GD like its not a big deal or worth the efforts of keeping up with the latest science on therapy. I will continue to fight for my health without her very soon. As for RAI I had no issues with that, the issues came once I started on thyroid hormone replacement…sigh. Still hopeful though
@vanillasky My heart goes out to you as you await RAI. I absolutely hated how I felt when I was hyperthyroid. It was the most intolerable and overwhelming experience, so my sincerest empathy. I hope and pray soon you will have the treatment you need and I will continue to send those prayers up. I will have to say that hypothyroid has not been fun either, but I remember just feeling tired after RAI for a few months while taking Methimazole. I was able to get around fine after a few weeks. But since starting Levothyroxine the anxiety and anxiousness came back…sigh, and sometimes I am irritated to the 5th degree and my husband is probably looking for a new wife, lol.You all have been very helpful. I don’t know what I would have done without this site. I thought I was for sure loosing my marbles, lol. Now I have a sense of hope that I did not have before. I am truly grateful and honored to be in your company.
in reply to: So Graves’ Disease is a frame of mind??? #1176076Even though we’ve never met, I am sending you hope. GD has been a thorn in my forehead and my husband the work-a-holic has not always been the best support. So I understand your frustration. I use pray and lots of it and that has seemed to get me through each day. I will pray for your sanity and a speedy recovery.
Thanks Kimberly. Your reply was helpful and encouraging. Unfortunately I spoke with my Endocrinologist today after I posted and she says my symptoms (anxiety and anxious) are not common and I should keep my appt with my Psychologist. I told her that I also made an appt with a nutritionist and her reply was “well see if that works”. Then I started to cry when I was speaking with her. I wanted her to know how terribly I was struggling, but she just continued to say your levels are normal and GD patients don’t really have too many problems after their levels are normal.
But after today’s conversation with my Endo, I will be calling Dr. David Cooper at John Hopkins tomorrow for an appt. I want someone who clearly speaks GD, lol. I am a mother, a wife, and career gal and I need my life back, lol. I am not asking for 100% but 80% will do just fine.
As a nurse practitioner with GD I have realized how important it is to listen to the patient. Not to steer the conversation to what I believe, but to listen and listen well. This experience has open my eyes and ears. If I hear something from a patient that doesn’t go along with the usual, I will let my patient know that I will look into it (read research articles) as well as ask other providers (more than one) about the symptoms.