Forum Replies Created
in reply to: 4 years post RAI Rx and wondering? #1067877
Most of us have been those super-whatever(s)! And we really miss it. However, it wasn’t healthy then, and it certainly isn’t healthy now. Those who know us, knew us "when", and since we usually look the same, they truly don’t understand "why" we aren’t back to our old selves. We have to teach them by example. "No" is not usually a word that was in our vocabulary. Learn to say it, or at least "Let me think about and get back with you." Learn to PACE yourself.
You have reached an excellent place to stop and talk. Welcome to our exclusive club!
Take care,
in reply to: Debating Upcoming Conference… #1067892Great news! I know you will be glad you came.
Take care,
in reply to: New Here and Very Thankful #1067938Mykena,
You have permission to post the Magazine. There won’t be any copyright concerns. How fun to get a makeover. Public awaness about Graves’ disease is always good.
Take care,
in reply to: RAI four weeks in OH BOY #1067879Dear Julies,
"Otherwise feeling like I did the right thing with RAI."[
It’s good to read that, and good that you feel that way, even in the midst of all that is going on/
That will give others a more positive spin on RAI.Do you live in Ohio? Sometimes I have no idea what the subject is really saying
Please let us know how you are doing, so we can enjoy your improvement. In the meantime, get that rest your doctor is recommending. I don’t know about the remainder of your life, but this may be your best chance for YEARS!
” title=”Very Happy” />
Take care,
in reply to: Debating Upcoming Conference… #1067890Of course I am prejudiced, but the conference IS a great opportunity. Dr. Cord Sturgeon (from Chicago) was our surgeon speaker at one conference. At this conference we have Dr. Klineman to talk about pregnancy.
The dinners are included, but that doesn’t help your budget much!
Don’t come to confirm your decision, but to collaborate about it, and celebrate.
AS Marpo reminded you…having Graves’ is permanent. We all sturggle with the treatment decision.
I vote "yes" (if I have a vote!)
Take care,
WOW! 85 is really high for us. Mine was 49 one time, and the change in my medicine brought it back into line in about a month. It got that high because "Doctor Patterson" thought she still had some thyroid tissue, and stopped her medicine for a month. My "real" doctor just rolled his eyes!! Obviously I had no thyroid left. Good luck!
Take care,
Great to hear the good news! It gives us encouragement and HOPE!
Take care,
in reply to: H1N1 vaccination #1067917Lara,
My 13 y/o grandson, (who does not have Graves’) just got over H1N1. His doctor advised NOT getting the vaccine. That may have been because he should have a resistance to it now, I think. This is definately a question for your doctor. You can also contact the Center for Disease Control.
Take care,
in reply to: Ok. Now I’m kind of annoyed #1067931IT sounds like you have made up your mind, and it is probably a good thing.
The "check with your Family doctor" is one way of saying "I only do your thyroid". What we all need is someone who will look at the whole person. Probably you need to touch base with your family doctor anyway. He’s the one you go to for the flu, backaches, and whatever else. After you check out the new Endo, you need to decide (and you need input from them) as to who will be your primary doctor. Ordinarily it is the one that knows YOU the best. Whoever it is, ask the other(s) to fax copies of your labwork, and copies of their visit note to that doctor. You will probably have to remind them every time.
Now you need to call the doctor you have been seeing, request a release of information form, sign it, fax it back, and get them to send your records to the new doctor. If you are uncomfortable with this, you can call the new one and ask them to do it for you. They will have a release of information form you can sign. The disadvantage to that is that the new doctor won’t have your old records.
It will also help him if you will type up a condensed version of your history with Graves’. That way, he will have more time to spend WITH you. Be brief, concise and factual. Good Luck!
Take care,
in reply to: New here…TSH low & waiting on endo appt. #1067977Melanie,
Elf gave you a really good response, which I will not duplicate if I can help it. These are some brief observations from me–going back and forth from your post to mine:
The medicines you mention are not causing your thyroid problems, but some of them may need to be re-visited in light of this new diagnosis.
You are not supposed to be the one that figures out all of this–give yourself a break.
The Strattera that you are taking at night may be the thing that is waking you up so often, but talk to your doctor before switching anything.
The hair falling our is Graves’, the changes in you hair are hypo. Great news, huh?
The night sweats and the heart is Graves’.
Bone density is a good idea.
Talk about all of this with the Endocrinologist. Copy and paste your post, and then "organize" it so that it doesn’t ramble. They need facts. All your doctors need to be in on this.
Are you on some sort of medicine in the meantime? The doctor that did that bloodwork can give you something.
Good luck, and take care,
in reply to: Radiotherapy update-TED and getting zapped! #1068028I had them hanging on the wall in the office. They were quite the conversation piece. It would be great to have several to share with the support groups, or one for the conference for "show and tell". I knew people that paper machied (sp?) theirs, wore them for Hallowe’en, and quite a few that got a great deal of pleasure by smashing them to smithereens.
in reply to: Anyone else with muscle pain #1068001The muscle pain that I am familiar with is bilateral. It sounds like at least some of yours is site specific. Suggest you sit down with your doctor and have a good dialogue about how much exercise is good for you right now. As far as the labs go: we don’t interprete them, because we are not doctors.
Take care,
in reply to: Shameless Plug for the Conference #1068175Only four hours to make that hotel reservation!
in reply to: Is it ok to be fearful of having RAI? #1068009Dear Hockey,
It sounds like you are not even telling your family (sister) about the treatment for your Graves’?!?
That seems to indicate that you have even more on your platter (plates are not nearly big enough for us). I wish we could hold some things for you.I don’t know where you live, but it sounds like you have gotten some really strict "instructions" about post-RAI care. Have you looked at some of the medical sites (American Thryoid Association, AACE, The Endocrine Society, Mayo Clinic…etc) for some information?
The actual treatment is quite boring, but it sounds like you are concerned with the long-term consequences. That IS a tough decision, and one that only you can make.
Take care,.