Forum Replies Created
in reply to: Armour off the Market 07/15/2009 ? #1069735
I checked, and Armour IS OFF THE MARKET ("unavailable") right now. The Pharmacist did not have indication of what the problem is, or when/if it will return.
in reply to: Thats when you know how good this site really is #1069830Thanks for the praise. It is things like this that make hours of work worth it all!
We work REALLY hard to NOT give advice, but to give you sound, "evidence-based" (that’s the new term for things that can be proven–not just one person’s opinion) information. It’s scarey6 to see mis-information on the Internet, because it seems that most people feel that if they read it on the "Net, it must be TRUE! NOT!
in reply to: Armour off the Market 07/15/2009 ? #1069734I have not heard this, and it is too late to call my pharmacy to verify this.
How long have you been working with levothyroxine? Sometimes it takes a long time (MUCH longer than we would like) to find a balanced place with replacement.
Armour is tough on your heart and bones. Be VERY CAREFUL with it. If it makes you feel hyper, get off immediately.
in reply to: Is the archive search engine working? #1069769I have sent a note to Peter. He has the ability to check things out. So sorry for the delay.
in reply to: Mamabear Checking in to say hello #1070007It is good to hear from you. I hope you are feeling better, and wish you good news at your doctor’s appointment.
Happy 4th of July! The firecrackers are beginning. They don’t seem to bother my cats, but my heart leaps out of my chest when they first happen.
in reply to: So nervous – how will I cope? #1070071I didn’t have thryoid surgery, but I know a number of people that have had it. They don’t report the problems that you are worrying about. Worry is a circular activity, it goes ’round and ’round. Keep building on the list of good things you are expecting, and make another list of questions for the surgeon. Fax them to him/her before the next time you see them. Go in and talk to the nurse. If I didn’t send you the article on surgery, send me an e-mail "", and I will attach it right back to you.
in reply to: Hey Ski, I have a question? :) #1070026From just a general health standpoint, the artificial sweetners are a collection of chemicals. But then there’s the caloric problem of sugar…! I know someone who says she is now "addicted" to water after having a ten-day stay in the hospital (not Graves’) She got used to drinking the water, and likes it. I remember when I had a water cooler in my office. I drank water (almost exclusively) for several years. For me, anything with lots of ice is fine.
in reply to: NAME THOSE FOODS…The Good/The Bad/And The Maybe #1070175My 2-cents worth:
If you are reading the labels, check the miligrams of Sodium in things. That will show up especially in processed foods. (Don’t start until after the picnics today, or you won’t enjoy the grilled hot dogs) An ideal limit is 2,500 mgm/day. 3,5000 is more reasonable. Sodium is in everything that is not fresh–it is one of the popular preservatives.
The reason that soy is a no-no is that it prevents the absorption of thyroid hormone. That was discovered with infants (bortn without a thyroid) on soy formula, which they drank around the clock. You are not yet on replacement hormone, so that is not a worry. When you get on replacement, if you take it away from the soy, you will be ok. There are some more things that you shouldn’t eat aroundthe time that you take your hormones, but all I can think of at the moment is oatmeal. If you take your medicine at night, that usually takes care of things.
The question of "cruciferous" vegetables is almost an academic question. Meaning: you can’t eat enough of them to make a differencve. If you are a green-vegetable-only vegetarian, you would have a problem, but I don’t think there is such a person!
I believe Diet-Rite sodas have no sodium.
Don’t make eating such a chore that it consumes you. Eat healthy, eat moderately, and eat with awareness. Remember to make the quality of your life a priority.
in reply to: Just found out today I have graves disease #1070016Dear Skinny,
I am glad you found us. Please go back and re-read Krystal’s note. She reminded you of a number of important things. I will also remind you of them.
Now is NOT the time to be trying to get pregnant. The excessive thyroid hormone would be very bad for an unborn child’s development. Your body needs all the attention you can give it.
Be easy on yourself, and maybe on your three friends. We have all been there, in that spot where no one understands what is going on. Hopefully, you can get that understanding here, and find the grae to reach out to the others and gently inform them about Graves’. You are right, you have too many questions right now.
Iodine is need to MAKE thyroid hormone. Some seafood has a high iodine content–depending on the iodine level of the water they lived in–and that is not good for you right now. When your thyroid hormone levels are balanced, you can return to seafood. Sometimes folks will read on the Internet that KELP is good for thyroid disorders. Absolutely NOT for Graves’. All the seaweed-type things are very high in iodine.
Before you go out and buy a lot of books, please check the reading list that is on the home page(one of the tabs). Those were carefully selected for accuracy and being medically sound, and good for "beginners". Some "popular" books are not necessarily filled with accurate information. You might spend a lot of time trying things that only delay your treatment. Print out the things under "About Graves’ Disease"
I have no idea where you live, but you will benefit by coming to the conference. There will be world-class thyroid specialists, augmented by nutritional, psychological, family and patients supporters. There best thing is that you will meet lots of others who have Graves’.
Lastly, slow down. (You have already done so, ’cause your body is screaming at you.)
Rest, pace yourself, and listen to your doctor. You will get through this. You can re-structure your life when your levels are stable–and that may take some time.I just checked, and can’t find the reading list. If you will send me an e-mail, I can return an attachment to you. I can’t do it from here. "". akle care,
in reply to: NEW MEDS, DNT KNOW HOW MUCH HELP THEY ARE #1070090What a mixed up group of symptoms. I think the only advice I have for you is to "chart" all this. Remember that doctors deal in measurable facts–not generalities.
For example: "My pulse is really fast" is different than Pulse = 120 at 3pm, lasted for two hours. No activity to trigger this.
SYMPTOM and Date
Heart rate:
Number of hours slept (or NOT!)
This can be a start, at least.
in reply to: Autoimmune disorders #1070364Dear Joy,
You will need a thyroidologist as well as Internal Medicine. You are going on a funky-body zebra safari!
Depending on where you live, you will find plenty of good doctors, or nary a doctor anywhere. If you could go somewhere like Mayo Clinic, or Cleveland Clinic (there are others) you could get everything checked at once, and have the added advantage of several doctors who actually collaborate with each other, and WITH YOU!
in reply to: sooo can someone help… #1070367Go to any of the medical sites: Mayo Clinic, American Thyroid Association, The Endocrine Society, American ssociation of Clinical Endocrinologists.
"What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?
Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces too little thyroid hormone. Symptoms may include any of the following: feeling run down, slow, depressed, sluggish, cold, tired, having dry skin and hair, constipation, muscle cramps, or weight gain. Women may have a heavier menstrual flow. Some patients have a swelling in the front of the neck due to thyroid enlargement (a goiter)" reply to: carpal tunnel and graves #1070440Dear Shamrock,
Your Graves’ is not causing your carpal tunnel syndrome, but that is probably not much "good news". You still have it.
The folks I know that have had it are all, without exception, involved in some type of prolonged & repetitive activity that involves the use of their hands. Construction worker, artist, computer operator. Oh yes, there is my brother the musician/persussionist. I guess the rate at which they have developed it is different. All of those have had the surgery, and for the most part, are much better. Only one is still having problems, and it was a really involved surgery for her.
Good luck,
in reply to: TED- and eye pain #1070567Thanks for letting us know. The preservatives can be painful! I am glad you just didn’t stop the medication. You followed up–and that is the important thing.
The "bubble" may take longer to go away. Get out the ice packs and be comfortable. -