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in reply to: Better times will come #1069239
i HOPE YOU REALIZE WHAT A CARING, SUPPORTIVE PERSON YOU ARE! Even in the midst of your own problems, you still find ways to reach out to others. You are AMAZING!
in reply to: nancy patterson #1069407I’m sorry, I didn’t see this until today–almost a week after you posted it.
I don’t really know how they determine the dose. I would suspect it is "start low and go slow". I will try to get a more specific answer for you and post it.
in reply to: How long do you wait for your endo appt… #1069228I usually try to schedule my appointments as the first appoiontment, the last before lunch, the first after lunch or the last of the day. I try not to be too upset when they run late (but almost two hours is reallt a long wait) because I hope they would take the extra time with me if I needed it.
It seems that larger practices run more "smoothly", but there isn’t much opportunity to run into overtime if needed. Smaller practices (1 or 2 doctors) seem to get behind, hopefully because the doctors are taking the time to LISTEN to patients.
Sometimes I tell the person setting up the appointment to schedule me for a longer appointment (known as a complex assessment) because I know I have more things than just my bloodwork that we need to discuss. I guess it depends on what kind of relationship you have with the doctor. Is he meeting your needs? Competent, communicative, caring?
in reply to: TSI question #1069243They are right, you need to contact the doctor, not the front office. They are doing their job, which is to manage the doctor’s time. It will do you no good to be demanding, but do figure out a way to contact him. When you see him in person, that is the time to let him know about your experience with his office staff.
Does he have a nurse? She might be able to help you get a message to him. In the meantime, I will copy and paste your post to a couple of our doctors, and see what they have to say. I seem to stay confused about antibodies. They seem so individual. Some people seem to have them go away after a couple of years, some longer than that, and some still have them after twenty-plus years.
Your questions are good. Your research has been good as well. Hang in there, and give me a few days.
in reply to: RASH- Where did it start? #1069231Call the Pharmacy and the on-call right now! The rash can start anywhere. It can look like a bad sunburn, or be itchy bumps that spread. It is not something to watch and see. If it is the generic, they may consider chaiging the medication, but they will be doing liver profiles in the meantime. The rule of thumb is to STOP the medication immediately.
in reply to: I can’t do this any more – sorry :( #1069257Please! Call your doctor TODAY Ask whoever is on call to order something to hold you over until Monday when you can get in to see him. I don’t know what that might be. we are not doctors. The suggestions you have here may give you some ideas as to what to tell the doctor. Maybe just cut and paste your first post and highlight the things that are happening to your body, and your spirit.
You need to avoid heavy lifting (I think the limit is 8 pounds (a gallon of milk).
Did you ever contact the British Thyroid Foundation? You need some local support, in addition to "talking" to us. I am worried about you—there is so much going on.
There is nothing wrong with taking medicine–it is there to help you. If that means something to control the excess thyroid, take it. If it means something to calm you down because your thyroid hormenes are making you climb the proverbial wall, take it. If it means some serious marriage counseling, GO. Things will not be one bit better at home if you are not there. None of this means that you are not a strong person, just that you are not a magician.
Sometimes you have to make it an hour at a time, and work up to a day. We are all thinking about you.
in reply to: Unemployed, no insurance – meds running low… #1069498I just typed a long response, and lost it!
All drug companies have Patient Assistance program. Usually it involvers the doctor signing off on a form (that is in their office) attesting to the fact that you do not have insurance, and the medication is medically necessary. They usually send six months supply either to your home, or to the doctor’s office. In the short run, your doctor probably has some samples on hand–ask for them.
Isn’t it Walmart that has $4.00 prescriptions? That may be for generic. If you DO have to switch to a generic, there are four that are considered to be "bio-identical" by the FDA. Syntyhrosid, Levoxyl, Levothroid and Unithroid. It may mean a little more frequent TSH testing to make sure it is working well for you. There are also ways to get reasonable lab work done. is very trustworthy. I have used them in a pinch when I didn’t have insurance.
Good luck, and take care,
in reply to: interpersonal problems #1069445Any lawyer that is worth his salt willl NOT take your case. It would be recognized for what it is–a REACTION to a physical problem, not a well-reasoned (RIGHT!!) ACTION.
When I can, I try to get couples to at least agree that "all bets are off" for the time being. Treat each other like friends–sometimes not even very good friends–but be polite, civil.
I don’t push our book very often, but the book Jake and I copiled "Graves’ Disease: In Our Own Words" is super for this type of situation. I think I have four copies. Send me an e-mail to "", and we will arrange for you to get a copy. Both you and your husband need to read it.
Counseling, not necessarily marriage counseling, but couples counseling, can really help, too. The therapist needs to know what Graves’ is, and what it can do. Frequently these counselors are involved in Rehab Counseling. I have sent reams of information to therapists all over the country from time to time, so they will understand the situation.
You both need to come to the Conference in October. There will be groups for patients (there are lots of us), and groups for the spouses (lots of them too). They need a chance to vent, to hear others, to be validated, and to come up with workable solutions. The psychaitrist that will be speaking also has Graves’, and to hear him tell of his early days is not only funny (because it is so close to home), but an eye-opener (because most of us have had the same problems).
There are some really good posts by spouses, both here, and in the archivess. It takes some effort to find them, but they will help him (and You) see that your problems are shared, and acknowledged by others.
Take care,
in reply to: It’s a miracle #1069536That’s one of those doctor questions. I have heard of both – single dosing and spaced dosing. You could call the office and ask the nurse. Sometimes it doesn’t even help us to be nurses, does it?
in reply to: I dropped in on my local DVRS office today #1069530I don’t have much to offer here, either. If I hear the phrase "in these tough economic times…." another time, I am going to break the TV set and smash the TV announcer (who has a job) to pieces! I know so many people that are looking for jobs, and having no results whatsoever!
You do need to bring this up with your doctor. It is now a need-to-know item.
Take advantage of whatever memory skill recovery services that are available, and tell us about them. I have taught memory skills for a long time, and can remember all too well when I had to make index cards with pictures of grocery items so I could go to the grocery store. My written lists made no sense whatever. That was years ago, but I can remember the hopeless and scarey feelings quite well.
It is normal not to be completely your old self. Fatigue, muscle weakness and memory loss and the insomnia are all things that do not settle down at the same time out labs "say" we are level. Tell your doctor about these, too.
As for the ocular migraines, they may be from something else entirely. The fact that you know they are "ocular" makes me think that you have already seen someone about them.
Take care,
in reply to: T4 and TSH question #1070195Dear Rhonda,
Some people DO get higher ANA levels, and it does seem to have something to do with Graves’. They also seem to normalize on their own. Most doctors will give something like Prednisone to help you deal with the symptoms(inflammation in particular, which causes pain). Treat the inflammation–help the pain in the process.
However, you mention other things, and I don’t even know what they are! That may make your situation completely different.
in reply to: Can going hypo cause edema? #1069650I am not sure that one can "catch" when we might be beginning to get a little hypo. It is a longer process than that.
It does seem that we have some increased incidents with swelling. Many times it can be managed with diet (as in don’t eat Pizza [salt] the night before–have it at lunch when you will be active later in the day)
Strange though it sounds, drinking plenty of water helps swelling. Keeping your feet elevated will cut down on lower leg/ankle swelling because of the greater ease of circulation.
For the moment, don’t worry about, but do be aware. Are your feet "flat" in the morning but swell later in the day? That is known as "dependent edema". When you press your thumb in fairly firmly for ten seconds, how much of a dent is left, and how long before it goes away?
Those are the kinds of information that will help your doctor in figuring out what is happening, and what to do about it.
in reply to: personal question #1069661I tend to agree with ewmb. but it is certainly something you WILL be discussing with your doctor! The period should not alter things, but there are the anesthesia/developing embryo interactions. Please keep us informed.
I did not take Tapezole, but know many who have done so. You should see results fairly quickly (a week or two). Be consistent about when you take it, and be consistent in the way you evaluate it. Example: Sleeping 12 hours last week, now sleeping 8 hours.
Good luck!
in reply to: A Poem For You And For Me #1069708Wonderful thoughts. Thanks for sharing them with us.