Forum Replies Created
The gels and ointments are available over the counter. Some of the ointments are quite pricey, but there are a couple that are essentially generic. Ask the pharmacist. The only gel drops I know about are Celluvisc, and they are relatively expensive. They come in single use applications, but you can put them in a cup and stand them on end, and not have to waste the remainder. There are several brands of the ointments. Good luck!
Take care,
in reply to: endoscopic or video assisted thyroidectomy? #1072432This procedure is not performed in the United States. I first heard about it in Canada, Dr. Wong with one, maybe two patients. He is no longer performing the procedure. It is officially called THYROID ARTERIAL ABLATION, and is currently in advanced clinical trials in China. Dr. Haipeng Xiao, Division of Endocrinology, First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. The last information I have is that there are 50 patients in the advaznced clinical trials, and they are doing well. We will probably be hearing about this for many years to come.
This doesn’t really help, but it is informative I hope.
Take care,
in reply to: nancy patterson #1069408I just bumped back into this post. I did contact our medical director, and he said that the "start low and go slow" is the approach. The doctors have your original TSH results, and have an idea of how things need to be, and follow you closely. Of course, each doctor’s difinition of "low" is different, and that depends on clinical judgement and experience. The operative phrase is "follow you closely".
Take care,
in reply to: DX 10 YEARS AGO, JUST HAD TT #1070322Thanks to all of you for these great posts on Thyroid Surgery. You make the process more "real". We have a great bulletin about Thyroid Surgery. Go to the Home Page and contact the NCGF office, or send me an e-mail at "" and I can reply and attach it to you.
Take care, all of you~
in reply to: How do I cope with Graves’ Disease? #1068830Dear Kit,
Are your doctors telling you that jaw joint breakdown, femoral nerve entrapment of your left hip and upper leg-and its’ atendant numbness, and periformis syndrome in your lower back are Graves’ related? Certainly your tremors,fatigue and eye involvement are likely to be related to your Graves’.
As far as disability is concerned, there are people with Graves’ who are on disability, but the disabilities are usually horribly severe. Would a different approach be to look at it from an orthopedic perspective?
Have you talked to HR at your job? There are many reasonable accomodations that can be made. What things might help you? Different computer screen, different ergonomic chair, somewhat more flexible hours, do some work from home (like paperwork that doesn’t involve interaction with the students)? If you make a list of the things that are difficult down one side of the page, you might be able to make a list of corresponding possible solutions down the other side.
Take care,
Lastly, a reminder that the Conference will be in Charlotte. There are excellent health facilities and physicians in Charlotte, and there is a NGDF Support Group there! If you go back to the Home Page, you can click on the Charlotte Support Group and be in touch with them.
in reply to: How long did it take? #1068816You provided your own answer: we are all different. I would imagine that it really gets to you that your sister seemed to get better so quickly–I would be thinking: "but my sister and I are a lot the same!"
Your surgery wasn’t a magic wand. It did remove the offending thyroid, but you still have four years of feeling bad (actually being sick) to recover from. It won’t take anything like that long, but things are not going to just pop back to the way they were. Somehow, you need to lighten up on yourself. You do seem to worry a lot, most of it unneccessarily. I don’t think I have ever met a Graves’ patient that is patient–it is just not in our general makeup. We are used to being go-getters, multi-tasking, in good health, in control, etc. Life gets in the way of all that. So do children, jobs, relationships, society…and oh, yes…Graves’!
You are actually very tough. Hang in there. Write down your little successes so that you can see them.
Take care,
in reply to: Checking in #1068840STRESS?!? You mean that stuff that messes with our body when we are overcommitted, under-rested, eating poorly, not exercising, bottling up all our feelings because no one else wants to hear them, AND dealing with Graves".?? You’re kidding, right? (ROFLOL)
Love ‘ya!
in reply to: Risk of Thyroid Storm Question #1068906You won’t go into a true Thyroid Storm, but as you are experiencing, the excess thyroid hormone is flooding your system. If your heart is pounding, the doctor will likely also call in something (one of the beta-blockers) for your heart. True Thyroid Storm is life-threatening. You wouldnot be able to be on the computer. Someone would be carrying you into the emergency room.
I hope you can make your trip. Take care,
One of my favorite subjects! In my freezer at this moment are at least a dozen ice packs of various sizes and age. For me, the best ones are the gel packs, blue covers that are about 4′ X 10". I always wrap them in a thin towel, and usually go to sleep with them on my face.
I got started on them many years ago when I had my first eye surgery. The orders were : elevate the head of the bed 4 – 6 inches, and ice packs CONSTANTLY for 72 hours. They kept both the swelling and the pain down (because the cold makes the tissue somewhat numb).
There are the gel drops, and the eye gels that work especially well at night because they stay there longer. I have taped my eyes shut, used eye patches that kids use, and right now I am using an excellent product called Mepitac, which is a silicone tape that can re re-used. I know folks that use bandanas. Much of it is what you can get used to.
There are others that can use the water goggle-type things. My eyes, unfortunately, actually touched the lenses, so I couldn’t use them.
I think we are going to have a quick demonstration at the conference – everyone showing their favorite
eye closing technique.Hope some of this helps. Take care,
in reply to: College Scholarships? #1068846Mandy,
I am sorry to say that I don’t know of any scholarships available.
Take care,
in reply to: referral please! #1068911Try
How long has it been since the orbital radiation? Sometimes the results are agonizingly slow!in reply to: What’s your input on conference speakers? #1071133Dear Lakeview,
You will find SO MANY people who understand. I go nowhere without my extra-dark sunglasses, have another-additional- wrap around pair in the glove compartment for those terrible glaring days. I have poured cream into the "wrong" cup in nice restaurants, signed important papers in the wrong place, turned the corner in the hall too soon…you name it, I have done it (and sometimes still do). If you cna get there, you will really be glad that you came!
Take care,
in reply to: Newly Diagnosed with Questions #1069012Dear Sasuesse
I don’t think I can answer all your questions right this minute, but I can give you some information.I have been told (many times) that the warnings on medicine about thyroid conditions apply if you are hyper. If your levels are okay, you are considered euthyroid. Still, use caution, and be aware of the effects on you.
Where do you live? Does this doctor treat a lot of Graves’ patients, or is most of the practice diabetes and hypo? You have already decided to consider a second opinion. You deserve to have your questions answered, and to be treated with respect and dignity. YOu are right, just because you are a nurse, doesn’t mean you should know everything about everything.
If you will e-mail me at "", I can attach some information to you.
The current dose of PTU can carry you for a while, until you can get some real answers and decide on a real course of treatment.
I think there are plenty of success stories for being pregnant with Graves’, but you really need to get as many bases covered as is possible. You may have to delay getting pregnant for a while.
I am sure you will hear from others.
Take care,
in reply to: What’s your input on conference speakers? #1071130We have a couple of eye specialists, three endocrinologists, a nutritionist, a psychiatrist, 2 support leaders for families, an endo for neonatal Graves’–that’s all I can remember right now.
in reply to: What’s your input on conference speakers? #1071128We are in the downhill run of conference planning. We still have room and time for your suggestions. Please review the list above and give us your input.