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in reply to: What to ask? #1172789
I am glad it went well
Hopefully that continues! I wish I could see my endo after every blood test but he is impossible to get an appointment with so I have to wait for the 6 month mark. Glad to see you liked your new endo!
in reply to: Frustrated #1172771Thank you both for your responses. I just had labs done 6/25 and my T3 and T4 were both normal for the range my doctor’s office gives me, T3 was 4.0 (standard range 2.8-5.2) and my T4 was .9 (standard range .8-2.2). My TSH was still high, 16.930 (s.r. .3-5.0) which is why he wanted to lower my meds more. I went from being originally tested just my TSH and T4. Originally my T4 was 3.7 and my TSH was <0.015. After being put on Methimazole, 30mg daily, my follow up labs made me hypo T3 2.5, T4 .3 and TSH 62.602. This recent lab was my follow up lab from that and due to my TSH still being slightly elivated he wanted to lower the meds more.
I will keep in mind what you both told me. Harpy, I was diagnosed back in April so yes I am still in the beginnings of treatment. I have had Psoraisis since I was 8, mostly just on my scalp but it has spread in recent years. I will keep the Gluten Sensitivity in mind. I have yet to find something to help with my Psoraisis, even with countless visits to a dermatologist.
Thanks again to both of you.
in reply to: TED … who gets it? #1172764Well hopefully the Opthalmologist gives you some reassurance. If it is barely noticeable than I would think it will not worsen as long as you get treament. I also did not notice mine but I could feel a slight pressure behind my eyes all the time. Mine just makes my eyes look a little bigger, but not much. My family said they can see it slightly. Doctors can see it much easier because they are trained to. I hope all goes well and your eyes get better and do not worsen!
I feel you on this. My Endo is continuing to decrease my dose, I am on 5mg every other day, even though I feel the hyper symptoms coming back. It is all very confusing to me as well. I hope everything goes well for you and you get everything back to comfortable for you!
I have been having similar issues. Sometimes I forget my age, I am 22, and I forget a lot of times something someone tells me. I used to have a great memory. I could retain many different things. Now I struggle with concentrating on school work, I was doing school online and had to put it all on hold temporarily due to my lack of concentration and ability to retain information. I am excellent with words, always considered myself intelligent and now I find myself forgetting the right word to use or the proper spelling when it used to come so easy for me. It is frustrating at times. I even find myself forgetting what I was doing at work, which causes me issues from time to time because I work in a retail store and customers get frustrated on occasion when you forget.
in reply to: Diagnosed today…confused #1172742Susan,
The beginnings after diagnosis can be some of the most difficult. I know it has been hard for me so far. I have that “bright stare” as well. I am on Methimazole and my Endo said that once I get everything balanced out that should go back to normal. Yours will probably do so after RAI treatment. Let me know how all that goes, I have been debating it because I have been getting frustrated with all the changes in my medication dosage. I know it takes a while to balance everything out but it does get frustrating. Hope all goes well with you.
in reply to: Frustrated with Dr. #1172627That is good that you are going to see a new Endo, hope all goes well for you there! I really like my Endo thus far and I hope that stays the same. Glad you got prescribed something to help with the heart rate! I know my Atenolol helped significantly. I know my heart rate now that I stopped taking it has gone back up slightly but my Endo says that should improve once we find the right balance in my Methimazole.
Feel free to stay in contact with me. I enjoy the opportunity to talk to people who are going through what I am, it is much more helpful than to talk to people who have not experienced it because they cannot fully understand! I hope you like your new Endo! Oh and thank you!
in reply to: TED … who gets it? #1172762Not everyone gets it. My Endo told me if you smoke it can increase your chances significantly. If you know who Marty Feldman is, he was a comedian, he had the well known bulging eyes from Graves’. He also smoked like a chimney from what I heard. I have a very slight bulging to my eyes and my eyelids move slower than most others according to my Endo, but he said the Methimazole, once balancing out everything, should make my eyes return to normal, unless I were to smoke. Hope this helps.
in reply to: Frustrated with Dr. #1172625Caro,
The beginning is so tough. I am still in the beginnings of my treatment. I was diagnosed in early April and every lab appointment I go to I have to have my medication lowered more and more. On top of it, I am weak and feel sick all the time. My heart rate before I started on Methimazole was high like yours, mine ranged anywhere from 109-127! I was put on Atenolol to lower it before they diagnosed me with Graves and my Endo told me to stay on it for a month because it would take a while to get back down to normal on the Methimazole. You could always see if you could get prescribed anything like that to help. I also went months on little or no sleep before I finally went to the doctor and got prescribed Trazadone as well to help me sleep. It took a while but I became extremely hypo and slept all the time. My sleep pattern is almost normal now but a lot of my original symptoms are unfortunately still there. I have heard it takes a while for everything to get all balanced out and once it does is when we are supposed to start feeling better and i hope for it. I hope all goes well with you and things start to get better for you soon!
in reply to: Curiousity… #1172048Thanks Debbie. I suffer from psoriasis so I know all to well about itching too much and breaking open skin. I do notice I get cut far easier as well. I should probably bring it up to my doctor just to at least get confirmation on what it could be.
in reply to: Curiousity… #1172046Yes, my bruising started premeds. I am still curious as to why the bruising happens so easily though and plan to go get it checked out nonetheless.
in reply to: Curiousity… #1172043Thanks Bobbi.
in reply to: HELP: Could it be a misktake???!!!….. #1171937I just recently found out my Methimazole was causing me to go hypo, my lab says their standard range is between .3-5 and i went from being <.015 to 62.602 in my first 6 weeks of treatment. Needless to say they cut my dosage. I went from 30mg daily to 5mg a day but they should only increase the medication if you were to start going back down, not increasing your levels. I am glad you got it all figured out and hope that you are in fact in remission! Best of luck!!!! “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” Bri
Tina, That is great to hear! Good luck on your fourth exam! I know the hardest thing for me to do is to ask for help when I need it but with everything going on, you have to realize asking for help is ok! So good, I hope you can figure something out that works for you! Just remember to not take on more than you think you can handle but after this first year you now have a better understanding of what you can handle! That is a huge plus! I really hope that you get better as well and feel free to stay in touch!!!
Thanks so much! That is why I joined this forum, everyone seemed to be so helpful and supportive from what I was reading!