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in reply to: For those of you who have used Cytomel #1176890
So, are you saying that the doc added Cytomel and did not change your Synthroid at all? Hmm..not sure I understand that. When I started Cytomel, the doc reduced the Synthroid at the same time because my labs were normal already. I was trying the Cytomel to see if I would “feel” better not because my labs were off. Even with the first reduction, I became hyper and had to reduce again. As of today, about 3 weeks post second reduction, I am feeling a little more energetic and not hyper anymore. I do not remember the exact conversion but it was something like 5 mcg of Cytomel is the equivalent of 20 or 25 mcg of Synthroid. So, if you didn’t reduce your synthroid and added Cytomel, you would have effectively added 20-25 mcg of Synthroid which would make you feel hyper. I would bring this up with your doc. Of course, I’m not a medical professional but it doesn’t add up for me.
in reply to: For those of you who have used Cytomel #1176886Hello there. Have you had your labs checked? I started with 5 mcg of Cytomel and experienced itching and eventually became hyper. Though I was just a little hyper, I didn’t like it and didn’t feel very good. So, we adjusted my Levothyroxine. I am now taking 75 mcg of Levothyroxine instead of 88 and 5 mcg of Cytomel. I made the adjustment about 2 weeks ago and have felt pretty darn good this week. It’s the first time in a long time. That said, I am cautiously optimistic. The itching went away so maybe it wasn’t the Cytomel.
If you feel hyper, I would get labs. If you are hyper, then maybe they can adjust your Synthroid/levothyroxine dosage.
in reply to: Cytomel and itching #1176549Kimberly, I did find lots of patient reports of itching with Cytomel. I wanted to check with this group to see if anyone here had experience it personally. I will be calling the Endo on Monday. I had to take Benadryl to sleep last night.
in reply to: Cytomel and itching #1176548I am taking 5 mcg Cytomel and 88 mcg Levothyroxin. I have not had any problems with it other than the itching. I feel like during my awake hours, I have more spunk. Unfortunately, it is not solving the hypersomnia problem.
in reply to: Anyone had the surgery out there? #1062335I have. Search for my posts "mykena". Send me a personal message if you want.
in reply to: Total Thyroidectomy coming soon… #1062626Just wanted to drop in and post an update regarding the thyroidectomy. I have been feeling pretty good. My scar is not bad at all and I think you will not even see it in about 6 months. I’m back to work but taking it slow. I did verify with the Endo that it was not too soon to start the Synthroid. I’ve been doing pretty good on 100 mcg until the last couple of nights. About this time every night, I am WIDE AWAKE. I’m having a really hard time getting to sleep and if I am awakened during the night, I can’t get back to sleep. Wondering if maybe 100 is too much. Regardless, I am feeling better. It’s funny how you don’t know how really sick you are when you’re in the midst of hyperthyroidism. I feel like a completely different person. Normal? Not sure I remember what that feels like so I think I am finding a new normal.
My final word on the choice between RAI and surgery is that I don’t regret having surgery at all. I feel like I had one of the best surgeons (that is really important) and I took an active part in my treatment, calling all docs and asking lots of questions. Given my personal situation at home, work, etc., it really was the best option for me. I think if things had been different on those fronts, I may have gone with RAI. It really is a very personal decision and I would be happy to discuss it at length with anyone who is interested.
Thanks for all of the encouragement and I hope to pay it forward to someone else.
in reply to: Total Thyroidectomy coming soon… #1062623Just quickly checking in to let you know that the surgery went extremely well! I am glad to be on the road to recovery. I don’t start my synthroid until Monday so I’m just taking it easy in the meantime. I am home and my throat is a little soar and voice a little scratchy from tme to time but overall I’m doing great!
in reply to: Total Thyroidectomy coming soon… #1062620Hello. I have decided to move forward with the surgery. I am scheduled for Thursday morning and I am excited!
” title=”Very Happy” /> To lhc11, I bought a scarf today to wear home. Great idea! Thanks again for everyone’s support.
in reply to: Total Thyroidectomy coming soon… #1062619Thanks, Ski! There is no way you could have added to the confusion. I agree that it is probably an emotional decision at this point. I’m giving myself until Monday morning but I think at this point it comes down to the length of time before I will be well or at least on my way to being well, the convenience factor for my family, and lots of other things that are not directly related to the treatment. At the moment, I am leaning toward surgery again. I really don’t think I can go wrong either way given my circunstances.
Thank you all for helping me sort through things! I’ll keep you posted.
in reply to: Total Thyroidectomy coming soon… #1062616Thanks, lhc11. I have read your posts and was very encouraged by them.
So…I was so sure. Now, I am not. This is a long story. I will try to make it short.
My aunt, located in D.C., was worried about me having surgery and knows an Endo there. Put us in contact, gave me great info, gave me more questions to ask, and encouraged me to seek a second opinion immediately.
Asked additional questions of my first Endo and the surgeon. Confirmed that the surgeon does 300 thyroid sugeries and ~50 parathyroid surgeries a year. Started me on SSKI to prep for the surgery (as a result of conversations between him and my Endo).
I sought a second opinion from a doc that I respect very much. He thought that the precaution lengths that I was given were "non-sense" and that 2-3 days of being away from the kids completely would be sufficient. No prolonged close contact for a week after. We can do a week.
So now, I’m not sure again. I did ask the Endo if taking the SSKI will interfere with RAI. He said yes and I would have to wait 4 weeks to receive RAI. I can’t continue working full time and dealing with this. I was pushing through every day to get to next week….ended up not working today. I am researching my options with my job and will try to decide this weekend.
Has anyone with little kids had RAI recently? I would love to hear your experience.
in reply to: Total Thyroidectomy coming soon… #1062612Thanks for sharing your experience, Shirley. I’m glad you’re feeling better. I have accepted that I may have adjustment periods from now on.
I actually started working again shortly after my diagnosis (forgot to mention that). The doc said that I could be back in the office within a week but I am planning to take 2 weeks off. After that, we’ll see what happens. Fortunately, I have a good manager and she has offered work from home, half days, and split shifts as options while I am trying to get back to normal.
in reply to: WBC low…what’s next? #1067262Thanks, Ski. I was at the conference and I vaguely remember hearing that comment about the ATDs. Thanks for the reminder that it is MY decision. Sometimes doctors can be pushy. That said, I do think that he would be open to whatever treatment I decide is for me (while strongly encouraging me to do the RAI). I will be discussing with my husband to decide what we think will work for us as a family.
in reply to: WBC low…what’s next? #1067260Happy New Year to everyone. I’m late providing this update (for many reasons) but here goes. Went back to the endo and he said absolutely no more ATDs. I was still a little hypo and my WBC was more than slightly low and although it had come back up some, it was still not "there" yet. He also mentioned that they have noticed that when a person develops this condition on the ATDs, if they go back on them, it can happen again and actually be more severe. So, I have not been taking the meds since the phone call to stop immediately to see if I may be in remission. I had another set of labs two weeks after the last doctor’s visit and my thyroid hormones were all in the normal range and the WBC was up a little more but still slightly low. Thank God, I have not been sick through any of this with a preschooler and a toddler whose noses are always running this time of year. I was actually feeling "normal" at that time and for a couple of weeks afterwards. For the past week, I have been feeling hyper (palpiations, irritability, night sweats). My next set of labs was scheduled for a week from now but I have a call in to the doc to see if we can get them this week. So, where to go from here? The endo is really pushing RAI if I am actually hyper again. I don’t know about that. I guess I’ll keep reading the boards for your experiences and get a second opinion.
in reply to: WBC low…what’s next? #1067258Thank you for your responses. It’s helpful to read about your experiences. I had been on PTU before when I was nursing but we switched after that was done because the methimazole was a little easier to manage once a day. There we no side effects from the PTU. Interestingly, there were none with methimazole until months later. I have been reading that if there would be any, they usually show up relatively soon. We shall see what the doc recommends on Tuesday. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks, again!
in reply to: The conference #1067683I also highly recommend the conference. I was just diagnosed this year and didn’t know anything about GD. The conference was just the primer (and so much more) that I needed. In addition to the wealth of information, I made some great new friends. It was wonderful meeting others who understand the battle with GD.