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  • msgraves
    Post count: 15

    Good for you, Amy! I’m so glad to hear that you are feeling better. :)

    Post count: 15

    Hi Lilly,

    I had my RAI procedure about three weeks ago. Taking the RAI pill itself and going through quarantine for one week afterwards were pretty anticlimactic. I was stressing out while I waited for the doctor to prepare the dose because I was thinking about how drastic it is to destroy an organ. I reminded myself that my quality of life was going to improve tenfold. I had some throat pain in the days following, which peaked at around day three and went away entirely after about 1-1.5 weeks. I was told that my emotional symptoms/mood swings might get worse before they got better. I found, however, that I felt fine for the weeks after the surgery. I’m only now noticing that my moods are fluctuating again, but I’m attributing that to the fact that I’m probably tending hypo now.

    All in all, the procedure itself is no big deal. Good luck to you!

    Post count: 15
    in reply to: RAI on Thursday #1182284

    I was told the same thing about, after a period of time, the radiation being concentrated in the thyroid. I hope that you are feeling a little less hyper now. Ugh, I was feeling pretty good the first few days and then on Monday I started to feel thyroidy again. Obviously I didn’t expect that I would feel normal right out of the gate, but it was still disappointing. Hope you are doing well!

    Post count: 15
    in reply to: RAI on Thursday #1182282

    I was told that the first 2 days are the most critical and that after 2 days I can start spending more time near people, but still at a safe distance of 6 ft. away. After a week I’ll be able to go about things normally. I work from home for the most part, so I’m planning to spend the majority of the week in quarantine. I’ve heard so many different things from different sources, although I’m of course following the directions from my doctor. It seems like some people have been given more lax instructions while the instructions I was given are more conservative. It must depend on the dose and the physician.

    Post count: 15
    in reply to: RAI on Thursday #1182280

    Hi Amy,

    I’m glad to hear that your RAI went well and that you are all done! :)

    I’ve holed up in the spare room and I’m watching Netflix and reading books and magazines to pass the time while my family stays downstairs. It’s only been a little over one day and I’m already feeling pretty lonely, though. My family and I will talk every once in a while from a safe distance or they will call my cell phone haha. I had a little throat soreness yesterday, but not much today. How are you feeling? Are you watching/reading anything good?

    Post count: 15
    in reply to: RAI on Thursday #1182278

    Hi Amy,

    I just got my RAI done this morning and I can tell you there’s nothing to be nervous about. Sitting there before the treatment, when you are talking to the doctor and signing the paperwork, can be a bit nerve-wracking. However, when you actually go in to take your dosage, it’s all a bit anti-climactic.

    Best of luck to you!

    Ms. Graves

    Post count: 15

    Thank you both for the words of encouragement.

    The tests that I had done before withdrawing from the meds were as follows:

    T4, Total
    T3 Uptake
    T3 Total
    T4, Free Calculated

    I’m not sure if one of these is the antibodies. I never asked for antibody testing and I don’t remember my doctor mentioning it. I was told that there was a 50% chance that my thyroid would start working properly on its own.

    If I continue feeling this way, I’ll call my doctor. I’m a little nervous that they’ll stop taking me seriously if I get more labs done and my levels are “in range,” but I don’t want to wait 10+ weeks without doing something.


    Ms. Graves

    Post count: 15

    Thank you to all who have answered my original post. While it makes me sad to know that anyone else has had to experience all the unpleasantness that goes along with Graves’, it’s comforting to know that others have gotten through it.

    I’m not a very patient person (probably the Graves’ on top of my normal personality) so it’s tough to have to wait it out like this. This is my fourth day without any methimazole and I can’t say that I’ve really felt any better or worse. I did have a “good day” on Friday, where I felt really connected and healthy. I don’t have another appointment for three months, which is tough. It’s just one day at a time.

    In the meantime, I’d love to hear from anyone else who has encouraging words or has reached the end of the awful roller coaster that is Graves’.


    Ms. Graves

    Post count: 15

    Hi Nancy,

    I just finished addressing the envelope, so you should be receiving my address and stamps this week. I’m very interested in seeing the articles you mentioned. It’s always comforting to have further confirmation that I’m not going crazy and that these symptoms have (sadly) been experienced by others.


    Ms. Graves

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