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  • MRHabetz
    Post count: 42

    My second dose was 15 compared to my initial dose of 10. For the first time in over 2 years, I’m actually cold in my house instead of freezing my kids out because I’m hot!! I think that’s a good sign! I’m pretty tired all of the time but just started working and have to be at work bright and early. I haven’t attempted to sleep without ambien yet but am tempted. I still wake up some and don’t want to chance not getting sleep. Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone!!

    Post count: 42

    Thank you!! <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

    Post count: 42

    Well, Thank you!

    My levels were down to the low normal then have been steadily creeping up .02 a month (whatever that means). I was on synthroid for a few months and even after they took me off for a little over a month, it still rose and my heart rate had returned to well over 100 resting. I’m just ready to get through with this part and get on a routine to lose this weight.

    Post count: 42

    Maybe I shouldn’t say that I would join in here……….since I don’t have a scale. I guess I just need the moral support and know that someone else in my situation (trying to get to a good level on tapazole in preparation for RAI) and is having success controlling their diet and not gaining anymore weight or in fact losing it. I know that most people lose weight at this point but for me I’ve gained close to 40 pounds from what my "normal" weight is…….and am very discouraged!! I am even considering taking myself off of the tapazole and seeing if I would lose some of this weight because I feel like my doctor is dragging this out and has no clue what he is doing (a GP). I just wish he would send me to an endo so I could get better input. Sorry for hijacking this thread!!

    I wish everyone the best success losing/maintaining weight and overall feeling good again!!!

    Thanks so much,

    Post count: 42

    Ok ladies…………I’m completely confused. I have had many many comments lately about how I lookd tired and my eyes look puffy!! Like I just woke up or got out of bed when I had been up for hours already. I also have sudden problems focusing that from what I can remember started around the time I was diagnosed with Graves…….I’m on medicaid now and wonder since they don’t cover routine eye care if maybe anyone has any experience with them sending me for an appointment because of the Grave’s. Also, what do you ladies think? I haven’t worn glasses since I was 13 and am now 34, but it just started happening within the last 6 months. I can read 2 pages of a book then have to put it away because I suddenly can’t focus on a line anymore. Other than that, most of the time my vision is fine!! I don’t want this go get out of hand as I am taking 3 classes this semester and plan on graduating in December. I’m just hoping that it doesn’t happen to me in the middle of a test!!! I’m worried and need tips and words of encouragement please.


    Post count: 42
    "Kimberly":2z264qpi wrote:
    "MRHabetz":2z264qpi wrote:
    My doctor talked last week about staying on tapazole in hopes of keeping my levels down and said that works for years sometimes……I was like, really?? What’s the point???? [/quote:2z264qpi]

    Hi Michelle – It is true that some folks are able to maintain their levels long-term on ATDs, and others who are able to enjoy remission. So it’s not a "given" that all Graves patients will eventually have to go the RAI or Thyroidectomy route.

    With that said, it’s important to research the pros and cons of all the options, listen to your doctor’s opinion, and then make the decision that’s right for you.

    Best of luck![/quote:2z264qpi]

    Well……..right now I’m on medicaid until I finish school in December and get a job. That said, I want to get it over with before I get a real job with insurance as I don’t want to go through the hassle of a pre-existing conditions……etc. So, I just feel that I should get it done now and get leveled off that way all that’s left is medication, no procedures that will be a big hassle. So…….I want to be done with it!!

    Post count: 42

    Ok……..I know I’m joining in this kinda late but I’m sooo depressed about my weight!!! I feel completely gross!! My "normal" weight all my life has been about 125 give or take 5 pounds. The last time I was weighed…….about a month ago I was 152 but I know I have put on quite a bit since then. I don’t want to get out of the house!! I just want to be a shut in! The last time I weighed this much is when I was full-term with my son in December 07. FULL-TERM!!!!!

    Nothing fits……I’m tired of having pants ranging from 2 to……who knows these days! I’d rather be a slob in sweats! But, I work waitressing and have to get dressed and deal with people everyday!! Not to mention I have been there for 6 years so most are used to me being about 115-120. BIG DIFFERENCE!!!

    Anyway, sorry for the rant…..I needed to get it out!! I’m still hyper….if you can believe that, on 10mg tapazole, 3 times a day in hopes of RAI soon. My doctor talked last week about staying on tapazole in hopes of keeping my levels down and said that works for years sometimes……I was like, really?? What’s the point???? Let’s do the RAI as soon as possible then get leveled out! I mean really, it’s gonna come to that anyway so why not just do it and get on with the rest!! I’m 34 so hopefully I have a long time but want to get stable so I can lose weight. I’m on Inderal for my elevated heart rate and am scared to exercise. But I think I’m about to start starving myself and walking anyway……..I’ll just watch my heart rate!! I can’t take it!!!

    Wow……..didn’t mean for this to be so long, sorry!

    Post count: 42
    in reply to: Now My Eyes! #1068362

    I know I should research more…….but I’m confused!! My eyesight has been getting bad lately. How do I know if it’s something to do with the Grave’s or just getting older? I had glasses until I was 13 then my eyesight improved to where I didn’t need them anymore. Now I’m having trouble reading and seeing the computer screen sometimes!! It comes and goes……….what do you think? Sorry, I hope I’m not hijacking your thread!

    Post count: 42

    So sorry that you are going through this……..for me it was horrible. I was taking benadryl then went to the doctor because it got so bad that I felt I couldn’t hardly function. He put me on zyrtec and told me i could also take the benadryl as needed. It cleared it up for me. Sorry that didn’t work for you. I hope you find something that works, keep me informed if you do. The other doctor in the practice that I go to seemed concerned about me taking the zyrtec and the tapazole together long term. But, she didn’t tell me why!

    Post count: 42

    I am taking the Generic also and developed Hives about 3 weeks into it. I would itch a few places, then a red raised area would appear like a welp. I started taking Benadryl until I couldn’t take it anymore. My doctor put me on Zyrtec and for the most part it has cleared up the hives. Occassionally, they will show up when it’s getting close to 24 hours since I took the zyrtec so I just go ahead and take that dose a little early and in about an hour I’m good.

    Post count: 42

    I can say that I too have been having VERY WEIRD and vivid dreams!! Asside from being pregnant, I almost NEVER remember my dreams……up until lately. I’m taking 10 tapazole at morning 5 mid day and 10 at night. I’m also taking Zyrtec to combat hives from the tapazole and Inderal to lower my heart rate. I went to the doctor yesterday because I have a stomach bug that has lingered on past a week (I never have it for more than 24 hours), anyway my GP and I both laughed cause I walked out with 8 prescriptions…….

    My boyfriend thinks I’m crazy too because I tell him some of my dreams…….and he says I have started to talk. He will ask me "hey, do you remember telling me………….last night, or were you sleeping" and half the time I remember me saying it in my dream. Also before now I have NEVER EVER woke up in the middle of a dream to fall back to sleep and be in the same place in the dream. The other night it happened 3 times!!! It’s crazy!! Maybe I should keep a dream log……’s some funny stuff!!!!!!

    Post count: 42

    Now I don’t know whether to be scared about my daughter getting this or now. Since Grave’s can run in families and the possibility of this vaccine bringing it out……I would hate my daughter to go through this at 13. But then again, Grave’s is manageable as opposed to Cervical Cancer. My doctor had told me that HPV is close to 90% in sexually active people and barely anyone knows it. But the Cancer is scary………what to do, what to do?
    Most girls her age have either had the vaccine or are getting it and my daughter is due for a well check up and I’m sure her doctor will bring it up.

    Ladies, I hope your daughter’s are feeling well and am sorry they are here with us on this board. I was only diagnosed a few months ago and am still new.
    Please let me know if you find any other links to these two as I would greatly appreciate it.

    Post count: 42
    in reply to: HOLY CRAP… #1069363


    Post count: 42

    I was wondering this also, as I have been taking Tapazole for about a month now 25mg a day… it was just increased from 20. I just started taking meds to lower my heart rate but am actually feeling better. I feel like I can "think" again. I’m curious about when my doctor is going to want to do the RAI. He is pretty much clueless and since I’m on medicaid he hasn’t referred me to an endo yet. But I’m getting nervous because I think I will be off Medicaid by December…..I am for sure feeling more anxious lately!!

    Good Luck and keep us updated on how your feeling.

    Post count: 42

    Ok……..I just took it and it was 84…….much better!!

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