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I do have headaches and have had migraines for years. I would not rule out the TED. My headaches worsen and I had the puffy eyes. I did not go to the doctor until one of my eyes was bigger than the other. And found out I have TED. And it is to the point that the doctors are very concerned with my Optic nerve. I thought it was my migraines or sinus and allergies. I would definately have your eyes checked out.
in reply to: Thinking about moving into a bedroom by myself. #1069854Emily being in my bed is an easy fix right now. LOL. We all need sleep. I do agree with trying to get kids in thier own beds from the begining. Emily started out in her own and my other two children have always been in thier own beds. The past two years have not been the ideal family life. My husband lost his job. We had to sell everything in our home to move 5 states away. To stay in my sisters 3 bedroom singlewide trailer. So she had to sleep with us. Now that we are in our own home and things are back to normal. She goes to sleep in her bed. 5 nights out of 7 she will end up in my bed. Then after she is asleep most the time I will slide her back into her bed. I did talk to her last (she is very smart) we talked about Christmas, she wants a princesses bed with purple sheets and princesses on it. LOL So I asked would you like a big girl bed like your sisters. She said yes and I told her she would have to put it in her sisters room and sleep in there all night. So we will see after Christmas. Her birthday is in Nov may aim for the time frame to get it.
in reply to: Anxiety/Panic Thread….. #1069936Yes Ski and Hyperm. I have decided I am going to try and control this disease as much as I can. And not let it control me. I am really sorry you are not doing well tonight Hyperm. I do wish the best for you and keep you chin up. And Ski my little girl makes my day everyday. Today we went to take our nap. She said " I dont want to take a nap." I told her well I do I am tired and we argued how she should laydown. Finally I said "Listen mommy is really sick and the dr told me we really need to lay down and take a nap. Her reply was " Well I am not sick, why do I have to take a nap?" That girl is soooo smart, lol
in reply to: Anxiety/Panic Thread….. #1069933Ok back from the interview. It went very well. The 45 minute drive did calm me and did great on my interview. It was with the FBI childcare so I really wanted to impressed, and I am sure I did. Still I think I will take your advice and relax a little tonight and try and get the kids to bed early. My sweet 14 yr niece is staying over and making my favorite meatloaf that she makes so well. All I will have to do is make a few sides to go with it. I might even be able to get my 11 yr old girl to do that. She is just now getting my 3 1/2 a shower (I did not even ask). Oh I have to tell you something soooo cute. Emily my 3 1/2 yr old was here in the livingroom yesterday. And I had a bad moment I was after my older too to help me by cleaning the kichen and they argued back and forth. So as we do I went into the "Crazzies". Emily my little one said so softly "Mommy its ok, calm down. I really need you to calm down mommy. " While patting my arm softly. How could you not calm down to that? I just had to share that with you all. So the next time you go into the "Crazzies" imagine my little girl with big brown eyes telling you to calm down she needs you to calm down.
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in reply to: Thinking about moving into a bedroom by myself. #1069848I just started the Tapazole and the one below it. The proprantnol I have been on about a month now. I dont care what the experts say about my child at 3 1/2 sleeping close to me or in my bed. I feel however I can get somfort and rest I need I am for it. LOL. I do love to read and my long hot bathes. What I run into is the quietness! Ohhh how I dream of quietness and everyone leaving me alone. I can tell by your posts that more is involved in this Graves Disease then the dr told me. All I was told by my Endo is you have Graves disease it is caused by your immune system and it is attacking your thyroid and eyes thinking they do not belong to your body. And thats why I am tired, hot, moody and why your eye is swelling. By the way I see the eye specalist on the 8th of August. I hope I get sleep soon. Glad to know I am not alone in feeling this way. Hey we should all exchange IMs in the middle of those sleepless nights, ugggg. LOL Thanks
in reply to: Anxiety/Panic Thread….. #1069930Hopeful23_ I am feeling so panicky today. I only got 4 hours sleep last night. I feel like I have so much freakin energy and I know I dont. Stressing over so much. My sister is coming to babysit my kids today and my house is a wreck. Stressing about the house. I have a job interview at the FBI. Such a great offer I cant pass up trying. Stressing I will not get the job but if I do that I will not be able to keep up and lose it. On one hand you have bills piling up on the other your sick, what do you do? I thought maybe the hr drive to and from work would give me some quiet time to myself also. I want to stay home but then I dont. I have thought about canceling the interview because I have doubts about keeping up. I just dont know and I am flipping out.
in reply to: Just diagnosed today and I am so scared! #1069922Thank you Hyperm. We must be alot alike. I also am a Stepford Wife. I love everything to be in its place and everything clean, If not I freak. And from the way all of you tell me, This is not helping my condition at all. I have let most of it go until I cant stand it anymore. I also am ashamed to have anyone come to my house. Not that it is dirty, it is just a mess. But still I am not the person I use to be or want to be. Thanks for all you posts and input. I am starting to understand it all more.
in reply to: Just diagnosed today and I am so scared! #1069920Thank you for all of your replys and words of encouragement. Yes I am being seen by my reg dr, encronogist and now next month an Optmolgist. I have read over some of the prior posts and they have helped some. This morning I am feeling a little bit better. You know I went to the Doctor THREE years ago because I was tired, noticed a change in myself, etc. They did bloodwork and said my thyroid was hyper. The doctor I saw refered me to a Enconolgist (I know spelling is all wrong, LOL). Because she thought my eyes looked a little poofy. My eyes have always since childhood been poofy. So I did not think nothing of it. Went to the Encronolgist and my co pay was 300.00. I did not have it so they refused to see me. I left and never thought about it again until the begining of June this year when I noticed my eye. First few times I noticed it, I thought it was the position I was in looking in the mirror. What I am trying to say is that this has been going on for 3 yrs. I had never heard of this disease before. If I would have known how serious this is I would have went back to the Encrolgist (Guess I will be learning the correct spelling) three years ago. My kids are 13 M, 11 F and 3 1/2 F. And I will be honest, I do everything in this house for them and thier father. Just recently my son has started mowing the grass and weedeating the yard. My oldest daughter 11, she is alot of help with her sister 3 1/2. My 3 1/2 she is my tornado. I get one room done and she the other room dirty. I do try to get my older two to do more around the house. But when I do I have to hear the argue and complain about they should not have to clean thier room. Honestly to me it is not worth it, I cant handle it. So after awhile of trying to get them to clean I give up, upset and ready to go sleep. Like right now my kitchen and bathroom is half done the two things I asked them before they went to bed. I do have to say since they found out I am sick (even prior ro seeing the dr) they try not to argue as much when they see me getting upset. My 11 daughter will tell me mommy you need to go laydown. Go laydown and I will keep an eye on E**** (3 yr old). My husband all he worries about is his job. Not much of a helper around the house. Having Gaves Disease he tells me why are you stressing and so worried. Not really alot of support there. Wow I am just going on and on. Thank you again all of you. And I too wish all of you the best with your recovery.