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  • mjessie1985
    Post count: 7

    I know you’re not, was just looking for someone to tell me they have the same symptoms with their anxiety. I’ve left a message with my endo and she told me to increase my propanolol which I can’t do because my BP is already on the low side

    Post count: 7

    luckily I’m completely off of the wellbutrin, I talked to my dr when I had that first panic attack and told her I needed off of it, she told me to take it one more day with a anti anxiety pill and I had another awful panic attack that night, so I told her I couldn’t do it anymore, she agreed. So then a few days went by and I was okay then I started having basically non stop panic attacks for a couple weeks straight, I might have a few hours where I felt okay then right back at it again. They say the wellbutrin can take several weeks to get out of your system, I’ve also read that wellbutrin can cause some patients to go hyperthyroid, and I’ve also read that some medications can mask your thyroid levels or something to that effect sooooooo who knows what exactly is going on with me lol. I really appreciate your support though. I hope that one day when I get all better that I can help be supportive to someone going through the same awful things as I am. Hugs! Thanks again

    Post count: 7

    Thank you, It’s very difficult to stay level headed right now with all these emotions going through my mind and all these stupid physical effects on my body. I hate it. I do know that I have come a ways since this first started. At least I’m not having panic attacks 24/7 now and now I can eat some and sleep some. So this is good news. I really hope that all this evens out soon though because its all freaking me out and my kids and my husband too I’m sure. Today I got a tremor in my hand but it was only in my left thumb, I took one of my anti anxiety pills because it freaked me out so then the tremor stopped, not sure if it was because of the anti anxiety or what. I’m applying for evening jobs right now because I feel like crap in the evenings. I do much better when I’m busy, doing something, it makes me not feel sad or depressed or anxious, I know I’m opposite from some people on that but hopefully getting an evening job will help me feel better and get through this. I won’t get to see my eldest much for a while because he goes to school during the day but at least I’ll get to see him in the morning when I take him to school and on the weekends, and this is just a temporary thing I’m hoping, I WILL get better to a more functioning individual that can see straight and then I’ll be able to be a full time stay at home mom again, or get a day job that way I can see all my kids in the evening. God’s got this, He’s all powerful, He’s going to get me through this. I keep playing that song in my head you’re an overcomer by mandisa. Love it, highly recommend it. Thank you again

    Post count: 7

    Thank you Flora for your support, I hope and pray this gets better soon. My body is doing so many things both physically and emotionally and I know I’m not happy and I’m making everyone else miserable too I’m sure just from being sad all the time and complaining about everything. My poor husband has had to step up to the plate so much. He’s such a sweetheart. Thanks for listening

    Post count: 7

    Thank you Kimberly, the antithyroid meds they put me on are making me itch like crazy, I feel like I’m bugging the doctors by keeping on telling them all the side effects I’m having and I know they’re getting irritated. What bugs me about this WHOLE thing is this. I had a baby 4.5 months ago. I didn’t have ANY symptoms of hyperthyroidism until I went to the dr and said I wanted something for mood to make me less irritable, so they prescribed me wellbutrin. I find it to be a HUGE coincidence that after being on wellbutrin for 5 or 6 days I woke up in the middle of the night with my FIRST EVER panic attack in my entire life. I didn’t know what it was so I went to the ER, thought I had ingested something bad and that I was dying. Then, they tell me it was just a panic attack. They still didn’t check my thyroid levels at that point, a few days later, my leg had progressively been hurting more and more so I thought I might have a blood clot, so I went to a regular dr and she referred me to the ER where they cleared me of a blood clot but my heart rate was very irregular and got up in the 160’s. So they did all kinds of tests on me including a chest xray with dye so they weren’t able to do the iodine uptake test to confirm I had Grave’s disease but they started calling it that anyway. I went to an endocrinologist, she said that yes I’m hyperthyroid BUT she doesn’t see any signs that I have Grave’s disease, that it could very well be post partum thyroiditis which the medicine will not help. BUT they’re leaving me on the antithyroid meds just in case and so now I’m having the side effects from that medication, diarrhea, nausea, headaches, itchiness on top of the hyperthyroid symptoms. So they have to wait another 5 weeks before they can do the iodine uptake test to either confirm or deny that I have graves. I mean, what if I’m allergic to this methimazole and it does something harmful to my body or something in the meantime?? I know I’m talking like a paranoid crazy person but I’m telling you, I’m not normally like this. I normally have anxiety and a little paranoia but not anywhere NEAR this extent. Every little twinge of pain or ache I get, I think I’m dying. Yesterday I had a shooting pain in the back of my head up to my forehead, today I noticed my neck hurt on the left side and my lymph nodes are swollen, could be a minor infection but my mind assumes the worst. What do I have?? Graves, or postpartum thyroiditis? I just want to know so that I can know how to treat this but I know I have to wait until they can accurately do the iodine uptake test. My antibodies for Graves were in the normal range, my hands aren’t shaky, I don’t have the bulging of the eyes, she didn’t hear swishing in my thyroid area from extra blood flow, no goiters, and this endo said she didn’t feel like my thyroid was enlarged, they did do an ultrasound and one doc said it was slightly enlarged but the other said it didn’t feel like it. I know….. I’m babbling, I just needed someone to talk to who knows what I’m going through. Either way, I’m hyperthyroid, now whether or not the wellbutrin contributed to that, I don’t know for sure but I think its a good possibility because it says online that it can do that. But all the doctors don’t seem to believe me when I say that. Anyway, thanks for just listening.

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