Hi there, I was diagnosed with Graves Disease after TTC for 9 months. My doctor referred me to an Endo and he put me on carbimazole (anti thyroid drug). This is the only treatment I have ever had for my GD. I have been in and out of remission a few times. I have not chosen any other treatment and I was diagnosed in 2004. Whilst pregnant my symptoms were good and I was only taking 1 tablet per day (5mg).
As far as getting pregnant was concerned that is a different story. My thyroid levels were good after 6 months of treatment but after 2 more years of TTC I found out that I had another underlying factor that affects fertility and that was Endometriosis.
It is very discouraging when you are TTC and then find out you have GD. But once you find a specialist who understands that you want to become pregnant you will feel better.
Hope this helps.