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  • Megtimhart
    Post count: 10

    Just to give everybody a update…Surgery was a sucess! The surgeron was Able to get most of the thyroid and he said what is left should just die off. We are both staying the night because they wana keep her under observation. My wife said the worst part was getting the IV because she is scared of needles. She doesn’t remember anything from surgery. She has been fighting a migraine from the anestheshia but other then that she is doing great. She said her neck feels like she got a kink in it and a really bad sore throat. But much less painful then she was expecting. They already started her on synthroid .075MG. We are hoping she gets discharged tomarrow since wensday she has a appointment with her eye doctor regarding her Graves’ disease.

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    Just want to give you all a update. We just booked my wifes surgery for a TT on monday. We are both anxious and excited to get it over with and continue to heal from graves dieases. Thanks for sll the support and advice. We will update you after surgery.

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    My wife and i were trying to concieve for 2yrs and went through 2 miscarriages before she was dianosed with graves diease. As soon as we told the endocronologist about it she tolds us to stop trying. They recomoned you do not concieve untill your thyroid is stable and even then it is considered a high risk pregnancy. All the doctors we talked to and the research we did pointed to surgery. My wife is having her thryoid removed on monday.

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    You have to do your reasearch. My wife was diagnosed with graves less then 2 months ago and we scheduled her surgery for monday. The main reason we choose surgery was because we want to start a family. If we went the RAI route the doctors told us it would be a mandatory 12 months waiting period before we could try to concieve. Surgery is faster depending on how fast our endocronologist can find the right dosage of meds. It all depends on your reasons for choosing one over the other. Ours was children so it was easy for us to pick surgery. Good luck!

    Post count: 10

    WOW! thanks everybody for all the useful information. My wife recently had a follow up appt with the ENDO beacause although she has been taking her atenolol to control her heart beat and methimazole for her thyroid she has still been feeling very weak and out of breath from rapid heart beat. The ENDO said this is normal and this process will take time. We also told the ENDO that we have decided on thyroidectomy to remove the thyroid. We have been reading and discussing the pros-cons between RAI and TT and we feel the surgery is best. She brought the surgeon in to ask us some question about why we wanted the sugery. Our response was that we wanted to start a family. We are both 29 have been married for 5 years, trying to conceive for 2 years and 2 miscarriages later where ready to take the next step. The surgeon agreed and we have a per-segery appt on March 1st.
    Like I said we have been reading up on removing the thyroid and we do have a couple of questions:
    My wife is worried that after the thryoid is removed her body will not be able to digest carbs and her diet will have to change. is that true?
    Does the surgery require a hospital stay?
    I also read that some surgeons have the ability to remove the thyroid endoscopicly, meaning less of a scar. Can anyone recommend a good surgeon in Los Angeles, CA area?
    again thanks for all the help

    Post count: 10

    Shirley, Im am glad to say my wife and I have not had to deal with the “graves rage” i have read so much about. We did ask the endo about having the thyroid removed and her response was that it would take longer to adjust to hormone treatment. Also she warned us that having the thyroid removed is permanant, would leave a scar and will take time to get the correct hormone replacement meds correct. She did say it was a option but she and we agreed that trying somthing less permanat first would be better. I agree with you that we should take time and consider all our options and not rush into things. I mean who knows maybe my wife will respond well to the medication and not need any further action. Thanks again. Tim

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    Thank you very much kimberly. The endo appt went good. Doctor was very clear on the 3 choices of a treatment. Though we still need more time to think about it we are leaning towards radioactive iodine. We want to start a family and the endo agreed that this would be the fastest treatment. Is that correct? If so how long after the Iodine will the levels be back to normal? Endo started my wife on methimazole and she needs to return in 4 weeks after which they will run blood test again to check levels. Any bad side affects from methimazole? I feel very lucky that we caught this diease early. Even the endocrinologist was surprised. I took my wife to ER because of rapid heart beat and other symptons and in less then 2 weeks she was diagnosed with graves. So I am glad we caught it early. Thanks again

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