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  • mawahit
    Post count: 8

    Thanks, Bobbi!

    My dr. prescribed additional T3 medication because my actual t3 hormone was low on t4 only therapy. This is why I began to feel hypo again. Quick weight gain after steady loss throughout taking t4 while both t3 and t4 levels were normalize is just an evidence of being hypo again.

    I know what you mean when you are talking about the immediate release of t3 into the blood stream. So far I have been feeling euphoric somewhat, like after drinking a couple of glasses of wine- but nothing else. But it has been just a few hours since I took my t3 pill.

    When you are saying that you began taking t3 for brain fog- were your t3 levels normal or were they actually low? How long have you been taking t3 before your heart started to race? Did your t3/t4 levels increase to the hyper levels when you were on t3? Sorry to be asking all these questions, just trying to understand.

    Post count: 8


    I’ve been on T4 medication since January of this year, post RAI and got my T3/T4/TSH levels back under control by this May. All of the sudden a couple of weeks ago I started feeling hypo again- checked my levels and it turned out that my t3 is low. My doctor reduced levothyroxine by 25 mcg and added 5 mcg Liothyronine. I took my first t3 pill today.Not everybody is able to successfully convert t4 to t3 and sometimes we do need that additional dose of t3 to help our body convert. Plus t3 is there for a reason, so why should we make our body work extra hard to convert t4 to t3, when t3 can be supplemented directly? To me combo therapy just makes more sense. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see:). Good luck to you!

    Post count: 8

    Wow! I didn’t know that all this weight gain comes from muscle gain! I had RAI in October 2011, went completely hypo by the end of December. Overall I gained 10 lbs since RAI with the majority gain during just a week before I started taking levothyroxine. I have been on levothyroxine for about a week now and feel swollen all over with muscle fatigue and stiffness. My husband and I both follow Paleo diet with plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits and organic meat, fish and chicken and no grain. Plus, i am a part time group exercise instructor and the combination of weight gain/ muscle tension is hard to deal with when teaching classes.
    I am very hopeful that once my thyroid drug takes effect, I will be able to loose weight quickly and my muscle become stronger. It is all downhill from RAI. good luck to you!

    Post count: 8
    in reply to: RAI Treatment #1169286

    Thank you, Bobbi!

    Do you know what hormone replacement drug is preferred during pregnancy’? Thank you!

    Post count: 8

    Thanks, guys! It’s been a difficult journey and hopefully once I undergo the radioactive iodine treatment, things will improve.

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