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  • masudu
    Post count: 3

    You are certainly an inspiration!!

    I have always been a firm Weight Watchers believer because it is "real" food. There are things I have done for years, i.e., skin off chicken before cooking and breast meat… I am such a picky eater that I tend to eat only foods I like and sometimes it gets old. Not one for the fad diets..I eat way more chicken than I used to as I was always a beef eater. I am not a big fish eater but do eat it sometimes. I still have the WW philosophy that you can eat anything as long as in moderation. I am not sure I could do it as well as you have. I am a carb person but really do limit them.. it is just very hard for me. Living in Alaska fish is plentiful but I do not care for salmon. I do not feel like I have eaten anything…

    Thank you for your support and I will keep you posted…

    Thanks, Mary

    Post count: 3

    thanks LuAnne

    I am just watcing what I eat and limiting things. I am a really picky eater but have tried to cut out flour, potatos, rice and not a big sweets eater, and not really much on fruits and veggies either but have been eating more salads, fruit but it just doesn’t fill me up or stop me from wanting those carbs. I tend to not eat when I don’t want to eat what I know I shouldn’t so sometimes I think I don’t probably eat enough. I have always been a big Weight Watchers fan but every time I join now I only lose about 5 lbs and never stays off.

    I am 54 and had a total hysterectomy 5 yrs ago and do not take hormones (don’t want added weight gain) and also won’t take antidepressants anymore either. The less that goes in my mouth the less weight gain is what I keep thinking…..not that it really works that way….I went through bioidentical hormone treatments which were a nightmare. According to saliva results (my insulin levels were fine) I needed both progestrone, and estrogen and my cortisol levels were way up.. but it made me feel just horrible and felt like I was crazy so I stopped it. When I thought I had an appt, I got there to find out because the NP talked to me, they cancelled my appt. so I stopped them and never went back. I just actually talked to a different doctor the other day (clinic where I go for minor things) and we got talking about how I hate my body (5′ 185 lbs) and got talking about thyroid. She did research on it and agreed natural was the best way and said she isn’t opposed to making sure you have the right amount so it works right despite the lab results. If a person is not at max feeling, she said she would add more. That made me feel maybe I have hope so I am going to see her for labs in a couple weeks. I need a doctor who listens and not that I don’t tell all my doctors I have had, that I want someone to treat me… not just labs, it never seems to work that way. I am hopeful this will be a new beginning when I go in and see her.

    I have also kept a workout log so that I have proof that I am really doing it as I feel like it. I am mostly consistant at 30 minutes 4 times a week. I have just recently added the WII Fit and since most weight is in my middle, I work mostly on those areas.

    Thanks for writing… and best wishes to you too.

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