Hi, Hope you are feeling much better by now?
I am just replying as a newbie here and fellow Brit
” title=”Smile” /> and would be grateful for any advice you may have. This site is great but information on treatment is generally on what is available in the US.
I am 18 months in from diagnosis with initially very few symptoms apart from right eye involvement. I was euthyroid after 6 months on Carbimazole and gradually weaned down to a minute dose twice a week but never stopped completely. Its all kicked off big time now over the last couple of months, I became very symptomatic, especially with dizzyness and insomnia and my bloods were off the wall. I am back on 5mgs Carbimazole as well as 40mgs propanolol a day for high blood pressure and anxiety. The beta blocker has helped but I am absolutely devoid of energy.
I am due to see my endocrinologist again in a couple of weeks and I will ask again about RAI, I was originally told that it is not appropriate treatment if you have eye involvement. Also sounds like it makes things a lot worse before it gets better? I would really appreciate any comments you might have.