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  • marypop
    Post count: 6

    I’ve started putting ketoconazole on during the day and it does help control the sweating and odor. The weather here has also finally cooled down, which helps a lot. I tried the Tom’s Deoderant on my feet and it didn’t work for me. I guess everyone is different.

    Thanks everybody for the replies and best wishes for good health.


    Post count: 6

    Pizziocatto, Thanks for sharing the link. I’ve heard of Raynaud’s Disease but don’t think I have that since my hands and feet don’t change colors and it is only my feet that sweat all the time, whether I am relaxed or not. I know some foods make it worse like caffeine and thankfully I don’t like coffee.

    Bradybunch, Rite Aid here did have Tom’s solid deodorant on sale for about $3.50 so I got some unscented and am going to try it., probably with my flip flops first and then tennis shoes that I’ve washed.

    Post count: 6

    I’ve tried all those socks that are supposed to wick away moisture and/or have odor control to no avail. Also, leather shoes were the worst.

    I think it was Valerie that mentioned your son’s room. Does he have athlete’s feet? Do his feet itch? Mine don’t. Is the Tom’s Deodorant an unscented or a scented type?


    Post count: 6

    Thanks for the replies everyone. Valerie, I can especially relate to your son. Imagine my work area smelling like your son’s room and me feeling embarassed and making it unpleasant for everyone else around me. Last Wednesday the air conditioning in the building went out, it felt like about 110 degrees and it was not a very pleasant day with the mixture of smelly feet and perfume that others sprayed to try to cover up that smell. They finally opened the doors but by that time it was too late. I did see my doctor about something else and mentioned my sweaty feet. She gave me a prescription for a deodorant that is usually for the underarms and I am to dab it on at night and then wrap my feet with plastic wrap twice a week. It does contain aluminum and she did mention that she wasn’t real big on using that but said there is no definite proof that it causes Alzheimer’s. On a normal day it does work but I had used it the night before the AC went out and it quit working about half way through the day. My doctor said it is not something a podiatrist would treat. I have no problems with ingrown toenails and very minor calluses. I was thinking of trying Tom’s Natural Deodorant but didn’t want to waste more money on my already large collection of deodorants that didn’t work. I forgot who mentioned that it worked for them but thanks. I will try it. I don’t know if this is Graves related or not but as I mentioned before I never had problems with this until after I was diagnosed with Graves. When I was younger I used to sweat a lot under my arms, now that I’m in my 50’s it seems to have moved down to my feet. Sigh.

    Post count: 6

    Thanks for the replies. That is a cute story of how your met and married your husband. In the house I’m either barefoot or just have socks on since I hate wearing shoes. I’ve tried Odor Eaters and they don’t work for me. Anything like that or powder that has a scent smells strong and then ends up smelling like a mixture of that scent mixed with sweat. I soak my feet every night and they feel better and don’t smell after that but unfortuately, I work in a clinic and have to wear tennis shoes all day. I’ve gone through three pairs since March and am about ready for a new pair or two and the pair I have now was not cheap. A couple years ago when I was still in the hyper stage of Graves I paid $100 for a pair of real leather shoes and those were the worst with the sweat and odor combined. I’ve even tried diabetic socks and some help a little but not all day. My latest thing is putting strong unscented underarm deoderant on my feet, which works for about half a day but is irritating in more ways than one.

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