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in reply to: Hyperthyroid Symptom Question #1179896
I had undiagnosed SVT for about 5 years. Kept having episodes like that , over time got SO tired of hearing I was having anxiety or vertigo or drank coffee or ate sugars or was having gallbladder issues, or PMS cramps, or took a herbal vitamin to cause this. One day I fainted and that made me push my GP to refer me to a new cardiologist. My GP thought I had low blood sugar. What I needed was a new dr, one that hadn’t seen me at my weepy worst with Graves.
The new cardiologist put me on a heart monitor for 30 days and said maybe they could catch something. I wore it for less then a week and the life watch people were calling the on call cardio DR for emergency. He called up and asked me what was going on during the first part where the nausea, chest pain, and lightheadedness that would come on. He said I was in AFIB and to have someone take me to the ER. It was long story shortnot anxiety at all but a upper left chamber of my heart that didn’t fire correctly. Electricity. I got referred to an electro cardiologist and had surgery – ablation
My point is that you can have an underlying condition besides Graves but sometimes Doctors that see you repeatedly forget that and see you only as Gravesy- emotional feelings expressed as physical symptoms like when stress brings on nausea.
Thankfully I was confident about my thyroid and other hormones and so pushed the referral to a cardiologist. Right now I am shopping for a new endocrinologist who will get on board with using reply to: Anyone NOT gain weight after RAI? and VENT #1064872I have surfed around a lot online and this is the most accurate forum for grave’s info IMHO
I would go get that RAI done asap and then get myself in top shape for babymaking” title=”Smile” /> by starting off with swimming and walking. When you get ready to do the uptake you will probably go low iodine diet for a week maybe a couple days. Take advantage of that time away from chips & dairy — and clean all the processed food stuff out of your cupboard, youre going to want to eat healthy for your baby and this is the perfect time to make better menu choices and get your s/o on board. My husband lost 7 pounds of belly when I did my uptake low iodine thing and RAI from me having no junkfood in the house.
Instead of what weight I wanted to end up being, I focused on what sz clothing I looked best at and my facial features I wanted to improve- dark circles, thin sallow color skin had to go, and the weird body hairs.
The extra 5 pounds I put on after RAI were mostly water weight as my periods changed up and as I felt better and could go off restricted activity, that turned right into muscle and honestly I look better then before graves now. My breasts stayed larger to a C cup and I was flat as pancake on ATDS & then I got some lil booty in the back. I feel sexy & vibrant now at my stage of life (late 40s).I will probably come back to edit out the personal stuff but dont let posts online scare you off a course of treatment or talk you into doing something. Look at the facts you get from your endo, get a second opinion from OB GYN who has thyroid experience, then come here and ask the facilitators for their 2 cents.
in reply to: Newly Diagnosed GD — Sad and Scared #1065871Some things that have uplifted myself & friends family coping with thyroid in transition issues- artwork/painting with oils, Music playing instrument/listening, pet therapy, TM (Transcendental Meditation), planning a future vacation/ wedding vow renewal, and participation in a prayer group.
in reply to: One year from RAI #1065521I had bloodwork done every 2 weeks after RAI starting 3 weeks after the uptake. With WEB MD and going directly to the lab for the draws, I didn’t have to wait to see the endo and Dr called in my prescription changes as we went along adjusting as I adjusted. and continue too
” title=”Smile” /> My Dr runs the whole panel including white blood cell count and it is just honestly interesting to see how the whole shebang alters over time.
in reply to: Wondering? #1065404My perspective comes as a late 40s mom of four with grave’s that is Hypo, I miscarried between pregnancys to have my children. My family is complete and I chose RAI pretty recently after trying ATDS with no luck. I found out I had Graves after having my children. My children are 21, 16, 13, and 10 now.
One of my kids was uterine rupture emergency c-section that ended up developing an infection to the stitches and it took me several months to recover where I could even bend over to pick something up much less return to work, care for myself or tcare for the baby. Placenta Previa with bedrest for another preg too as well as nasty vaginal varicose veins for my” title=”Smile” /> good pregnancy. Two of my children were born with resolvable birth defects, the son with orthopedic issues did not sleep for more then 45 minutes at a time for many many months and required me to go to dr visits frequently that were stressful on the whole family. Another child had early developmental issues with movement, speech etc.. that required me to be 100% organised putting together OT and ECE, Speech therapy etc.. while juggling our other children’s needs.
From my own experiences as both mother and patient — I would choose in this order 1. Surgery 2. RAI 3. ATDS
Whatever you chose your cycles will be screwed up while you go hypo and it will be more challenging to chart to TTC, so getting a good reproductive endo is VIP as suggested as well as an infertility OB that has treated other thyroid patients. Try google for preg after Thyroid cancer to see some experienced OB/GYN near you. Make sure to take your meds as directed whatever meds” title=”Smile” /> you end up with, watch the pregnancy vitamins vs replacement thyroid pill. Also take good care of your skin & hair through your pregnancy as it will change like crazy as your counts change and hormones too. Start looking at gentle products now for soft bristle brush, lotions, soaps, etc..
I’m no doctor but struggled to have my kids during my fertile years and only had one child that went as planned with delivery and good health coming home from hospital healthy — so to me the best route, knowing that you might have a child in your 40s with increased chance of birth defects and need to be hypo enough to met those needs as well as your own would be to go hypo through surgery. Good luck to you with whatever you decide to do, I have 4 happy healthy children and they were worth every bit of the work.
in reply to: Is there somebody who can give me advice? #1066597endometrial abalation- not as bad as it sounds when they tell you the procedure and can give you a lot of relief. Many women who had tubal ligations go this route after taking a birth control pill like loeestrin to shorten their periods VS a hysterectomy to help with post tubal symptoms like ovarian cysts, heavy periods, clots etc.. Try asking on a post tubal ligation syndrome forum
” title=”Smile” />
He eats like a mad man- this is normal. If you cant afford the food, get to a food bank. he needs proteins. I have three sons that age, one wears sz 15 shoes, they are all over 6 ft tall big boys that I could spend thousands+ a month feeding. Instant mashed potatoe, can of beans, brown rice, pasta dishes. Go to your Church and lay it out on the line that you need more food. Low blood sugar & not enough sleep can make very crabby poor memory teen son. I would apply for assistance, you mayb be surprised even if you dont qualify for much, just by applying it opens doors to referrals for him.
He may not want to tell you his plans for his life if he has been rejected by another parent or adult to move back in with you, thats normal and you have to rebuild trust. Takes time, he will test you constantly and you need to make good household rules, be firm and consistent. You may need to have your girls stay elsewhere for the next month while you establish a routine for him.
Is surgery not an option for him? Does his Endocrinoligist understand the stress you are both under? I would call & tell the nuclear meds people he needs to get in before the 3 week period. I would go into the DR and let him know your sons behaviors are escalating in a negative way and see if he wouldnt benefit from anti depressants or something like xanax to mellow him out. If he has ADHD, the meds for that have many side effects including the inability to fall asleep/ Its winter, he isnt likely to be getting excersize. Boys get ‘house-head’, they are like puppy dogs that need to be walked or they rip up the furniture. Sounds crazy but in my experience it is lack of mental stimulation too that cause them to turn off and get lethargic. He needs to be put into situations where he can help you or someone to build his self-esteem. He is probably feeling very broken and like he is not worth much as a person. can he go with you to get food at a pantry and spend an hour volunteering? Does he have any friends? Definately talk to his Doctor about the different meds he is taking to be sure they are not interacting to make him act out.
People you might be able to turn to- extended family, his Doctors, a local Big Brothers group, your Church, your local public high school guidance counselor, Middle Earth Hotline (516) 679-1111 – a crisis center that does referrals- they are in Long Island if you are NY ?, The Samaritans- (212) 673-3000, 1-800-LIFENET, a confidential, toll-free help line for New York City residents, is operated by the Mental Health Association of New York City.There is help out there, your landlord can’t just evict you without notice and you can call Legal aid to get someone advice on that. Be sure to call the girls school and let the Nurse or counselor there know what is going on, they are mandatory abuse reporters, if the girls go to school and make comment to their teacher that their adult brother has laid hands on them, the teacher has to follow up on that. Forewarning that staff is a good idea.
((((((hug))))))) please come back and post again to let us know how you are doing. I will help you research to find local stuff if you don’t mind posting a zip reply to: Went hypo..on levoxyl..when does it kick in? #1066711Was going to second that, I belong to a thyroid cancer group – joined to get diet ideas for the low iodine foods & info on nodules- and saw postings that are similiar to yours there regarding low blood pressure & sleep. Are you on a new beta blocker dosage? I am so jealous of your running!! Hope things settle into normal range for you quickly.
The anxiety sounds normal to me if your thyroid is changing that much, that would be normal to be manifesting fears (at least according to my Mom’s experiences) she was sure she would fall asleep while cooking something and not wake up when the house was on fire. Are you getting labs done more frequently then the norm? Im sorry if you already posted, but I would go in early if only to reassure reply to: Please help… #1066748The rash if it is on your back and stomach- trunk area can be from elevated liver enzymes. I got a lot of relief from using butt paste and some other heavy duty no itch products meant for insect bites while waiting for that count to go to normal.
. One thing I had was a gallstone scan since elevated liver enzymes, the trunk rash, the yucky tummy feeling aches like that can be gallstone issue. -