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  • marta1234
    Post count: 35
    in reply to: excessive hunger #1064176

    Yes, still feel nervous anxious everyday for couple of hours. It is feeling that I used to have before exam or when boss called me for unknown reason. :lol:
    Before it was understandable and short but now it gets me always in the morning and last way too long, hours…. It could be one of the reason why my stomach is sick as well.
    Is it possible to have such a long attacks still at this stage?
    I lost a lot of weight and I still didnt gain anything back after weeks on MMI. I am hoping once I gain some weigh hunger will go away. I am eating every 2 hours as well and I am sick of food. I dont have appetite as well. I miss those days when I had great appetite , I struggled with extra pound, It sound very ironic now , but I miss those normal days

    Post count: 35
    in reply to: excessive hunger #1064174

    Thank you Kimberly for sharing your thoughts.I will have my endo appointment in 2 weeks- that is the closest time they were able to squeeze me .
    It’ has been 2 weeks after dose change.
    I expected that I am back to hyper place, so I got new blood tests ordered last week , that shows that TSH moved to the bottom of normal range, T3 is in the middle of normal range and T4 is at the bottom . I think those are great results, they T3 and T4 move down a bit since dose change however I feel more and more HypER. My pulse is moving up ( I am weaning off Beta Blocker so on the day without BB is 80-95 with BB is 70-75 ) , I still have stomach problems, and I have my nervous moments through the day more and more intense, . Today I had one of those days that I felt nervous for 5 hours. When it is going to end? Am I the only one still very sick at this stage?

    Post count: 35

    I am starting my 7th week on Methimazole and I havent have a good day yet. Since the beginning I have nausea and recently extreme hunger to the point that I am loosing my appetite but still my stomach needs more food.! Last week, my T3 and T4 were in the middle of normal range, my endo reduced dose of MME but I still feel hyper. I still experience anxiety, nervousness, pulse over 80. As per my endo and many comments here we need to be patient and we will feel better soon.

    Post count: 35
    in reply to: What if RAI??!! #1064225

    Thank you James and Kimberly.
    It seemed to be to good to be truth. Too bad!! <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />

    Post count: 35
    in reply to: New Here #1064586

    As long as I remember I always struggled with weight. I wanted to look good so I was continuously on diet, exercising, trying to eat healthy. One of my symptoms of GD was 20 pounds weight loss within 3 weeks. Sounds good? Maybe , but it was and still is very scary for me . I am on Methimazole for 3 weeks and continuously loosing pounds as I have issues with my stomach. I understand that extra pound may be concern for many of us but what is more important right now is to be healthy, defeat Graves. I would love to enjoy the weight gain is a sign of returning to good health ( it is very true Kimberly!) and you should work together with your doctor to become healthy.

    Post count: 35

    I have one quick question….When symptoms start bothering me i always feel that my thyroid is getting bigger, becoming swollen. It feels like I have difficulties to swallow. In the afternoon when symptoms going away my thyroid size is normal. did enyone experience it as well?

    Post count: 35

    thanks Bluewater!
    yes, it looks like we have very similar symptoms. I added extra pill 10mg of Methimazole few days ago, so now I am on 30 mg but morning sickness is still there. I think stomach problem is related to my nervousness since it always comes together for me . I am nervous so I feel nausea, or I am nauseous and it makes me nervous. so it is like with egg and chicken :x ….
    When the symptoms in the afternoon are gone , I can eat whatever I want and that is why I think that problem is GD related. Unfortunately acid preventing med are not helping me at all, so I guess I need to bring my thyroid level down to feel the relief. I have appointment with GI in two months as my family doc doesnt see a point to go to see him while I have thyroid problem. Please keep me updated as well your progress and diagnoses.

    Post count: 35

    Thanks Jules for great words. Kimberly , I took today’s pills with food . thanks for suggestions ! I feel indeed that GD symptoms and side effects are like a puzzle and you need to figure it out how to solve it. Everyday I wake up sick and by 4 pm I am a healthy person. Why ? I was too excited this morning that betablocker will help with my morning symptoms (Tremor, being nervous, palpitation, upset stomach) but they still got me and bothered me a lot today

    I am spending my free from work time ( I am still not able to go back to work) reading this website . It is great , it has lots of information . Thanks for posting
    Good luck to you Jules as well

    Post count: 35

    thanks Kimberly!! Durning Ultrasound doc found out two 3 mm nodules, however durning the iodine uptake scan technician told me that he doesnt see any nodules at all and my % is 38. I learned more from technician as from my endo, as endo doesnt explain me a lot. It is fault as well since I didn’t know much about it. Now , my list of questions for next visit is really growing. <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />
    beside nodules problem , can you please let me know what 38% result mean? Where 38% (after 24 hour) is placed somwhere in the middle of thyroid problem?. Doc explained me that he needs to do this test on me to confirm whenever I have GD or transient hyperthyroidism . Is that the usually reason why that test is taken?

    Post count: 35

    Thank you so much, your replies make me feel so much better. Today it is my 15th day on Methimazole so I really see the light at the end of the tunnel . I have appointment with Gastrologist but I really hope I will cancel it. Switching betablocker to night time did miracle to me this morning . I will see how the rest of the day will go

    Post count: 35

    thanks so much thompson91. I am happy for you that you didnt have to experience Graves hard way. I am sitting at home for 2nd month having my ups and downs. I was going to family doctor but once overactive thyroid was confirmed I go to endo, but it is hard to make an appointment with a busy doc to resolve all my questions and problems.
    Today I felt so bad that I had to go to walking clinic and it happened that I got a very good doctor that advised me to take beta blocker in the afternoon instead of morning , hoping I will feel better in the morning as it is not 24 h pill. She suggested to take 10 mg more of methimazole . I will go to 30 mg …. I am not sure, should I wait for my endo appointment in 3 weeks or increase the dose base on walking clinic doctor.
    My stomach really worries me as well. it is one of the symptoms of Graves but I dont see a lot of people complaining. I am going to Elaine Moore site now.

    Post count: 35

    thank you Bobby for your reply. I am very new to this problem and very unfamiliar. I dont even know my blood test results , but I know that iodine intake test came at 38%. I understand that I am somwhere in the middle of the problem ? I noticed that a lot of patients has nodules biopsy done. Is it rare procedure or should be done as a precaution? Should I suggest it to my doctor or more likely it is unnecessary?

    Post count: 35

    i was diagnozed with Graves Disease after blood test, iodine intake test and ultrasound. Ultrasound showed two 3mm nodules , however doctor told me not to worry about them. Should I be concerned about them ? In my family there is no history of thyroid problem so maybe it isn’t Graves but nodules that make my thyroid overactive?

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