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  • marta1234
    Post count: 35

    one more think I forgot to mentioned . I started with 30 mg MMI which I think it was too high dose for me . I dropped my level quickly , too quickly. I think it also put me in a bit too low side, therefore I started to experience headache, dizziness. difficulties with sleeping. Overall , it made my recovery process longer. I hope you will feel better sooner then me !!

    Post count: 35

    I hear you and I really relate to you. I had HP bacteria treated 3 months prior diagnose. I was suspicious that this was causing my nausea. But after going through all GD symptoms I understand that nausea was one of them. For me each symptom lasted long , however week by week was improving, and then was coming back occasionally before it was completely gone. I also had headaches, they started after 2 months on Methimazole, Later on also feel dizzy, sleepy and I had weird pain neck. I used to fall asleep easly but I used to wake up too early with high pulse. I also felt constant nervousness, muscle twitches, weakness in my legs . I had fast pulse and I really felt in inside of me , my whole body was shaking from it. I started with 30 mg of MMI and my levels dropped to normal range a month after . My endo was lowering my dose very quickly and since November I am on 2.5 mg . My blood test stays about the same since august but my symptoms were changing a lot and improving . It is a proof that even blood test shows normal it will take a while for body to heal.
    I went through rollercoaster like you . I was scared , worry, afraid that my life will never be the same. Simple grocery shopping was challenge for me. Somehow with my symptoms , I felt like I they were unusual and they were not “by the book”. My endo used to make me unsecured and scared me as well, he kept saying that my symptoms are not GD related. Just trust yourself, be patient and don’t loose hope.
    You have no idea how nauseous I felt, and it really hard to say what was the reason. It could be Methimazole, beta blocker, GD itself, anxiety, stomach acid ?? I was not able to figure it out, but for sure for many months I have not felt nauseous at all!!
    Like I mentioned I felt better and better, after 3 months I went back to work, It was still difficult time for me but I didn’t have much choice. After 4 months I booked beach vacation, I was still nervous how I will handle it and how it will be away from my comfort zone…. And it was great with just a few hiccups . Now I really have my confidence back and it is great.
    Take a lot of rest, don’t worry about your family , they need to understand you and give you a lot of support. Laugh and play with your kids whenever you can and stay positive. This forum is great , you will get a lot of support here!

    Post count: 35

    I was diagnosed 8 months ago, my first and very long lasting symptom of GD was nausea. I had all kind of test done for my stomach, that didnt show anything. I had lots of stomach pills presribed that didnt help at all at that time. Now I am assuming that nausea was side effect of feeling nervous, anxious. Now, when my levels are under control nausea is completely gone . My doctor prescibed me domperidone for nausea and that was the only one pill that helped me. Talk to your doctor.
    I was off from work for 3 months, i had horrble symptoms, but it is getting better and better. I am on 2.5 MMI , I think my levels are a bit on hypo side, my endo is saying that they are great . The most important thing is that I am back to work and my life. Finally I have days/ weeks when I feel perfectly fine! good luck to you , it will get better!!

    Post count: 35

    Thanks Kimberly
    I would like to ask you a question I hope it is not personal
    What will determine if you will be ready for start remission? Is your blood results not there yet? Or antibodies are too high? Why have you been waiting for 3 years?
    I just trying to bring some ideas how to convince my doctor to wait with remission.
    Unfortunately I dont find my endo perfect, I am from Cananda and it is not easy to change endo here ( months of waiting time for appointments ) but he claims that all my symptoms are not thyroid related since the my lab results felt into normal ranges 2 months ago. I had nausea for two months that now is suddenly gone and he claimed that it is not GD as well . I slowly see the improvements and I know he is not right.
    I am trying to gather as much information as possible then

    Post count: 35

    Thank you for your opinion. I will ask my doctor for all possible tests.
    Overall I still have some hyper symptoms, although It has been 3.5 months on MMI . I still have higher pulse and I feel some anxiousness. I think I will benefit from taking MMI for longer . It has been few days I am on 2.5 mg of MMI and I feel not the same – every time when I change a dose I have few “difficult “ days.
    I wonder if anyone even heard about the possibility to start remission after 5 months ? I can not get over the thought that I will start the remission and most likely fail.
    Do you know what to expect at the beginning of remission? Watch for the symptoms? It will be difficult as my symptoms has never gone completely .

    Post count: 35
    in reply to: Panic Attacks? #1063477

    I started to experience nervousness and anxiety that lasted hours when I was diagnosed 4 months ago. I still don’t feel perfect, but I week by week it is getting better to the point that I can control my life now.. I just want to tell you that a lot of people with Graves still feel it especially at the beginning.
    After some time I got used to it, but at the same time I try all possible relaxation techniques , meditation, relaxation tea. I used to take beta blocker that helped me with some anxiety as well .

    Post count: 35

    Iwould like to add one tip as well , I am not sure if that will work for everyone
    I didnt want to take any anti anxiety pills to treat my nervousness, I have difficulties with early morning waking up, so instead I decided to take allergy pill. It works great for me, it makes me very drowsy. But please ask your doctor before taking it!

    Post count: 35
    in reply to: need help today #1063587

    I can’t get over what my endo said when my lab test felt into normal ranges in august that all my symptoms are not Graves related because blood results are fine. After first month of taking MMI he reduced my dose from 30 to 10 mg and told me to come back in 3 months. Sorry for complaining and venting about endo here but doctors can make us very unsecured about the disease.
    Even my first full week without constant nervousness didn’t comfort me and “ old worries “ quickly came back again .
    Thanks to forums and friends I am still fighting, but when I have some bad days I really need that reassurance that I will have great days again.

    Post count: 35
    in reply to: need help today #1063585

    Thank you so much !! I have appointment next week ( it will be 6 weeks after lowering the dose) and I can not wait to see where I am now. Last time after 10 mg of MMI I was at the bottom of normal lab ranges, , so dose was reduced to 5 mg.
    I don’t expect to see that I am going hyper again , I think my results will be in the middle, which makes me worry already.
    After last lab results I didn’t understand why I was almost hypo and I still had hyper symptoms ( nervousness , anxiety , early morning waking up ) and 4 weeks after I had my first great week .Now anxiety is back. I didn’t expect that GD will be such a difficult disease.
    I am looking forward great days again . At the beginning I was hoping that after few weeks it will be all over, now It takes months. 3 difficult months already!

    Post count: 35

    hi Michabelle ,
    I am from Toronto as well! It looks like a lot of doctors treat us with ATD recently in Canada and Us as well. Did you find it difficult to get to specialist in Toronto? …long waiting time.

    I am just at the begining of my Graves Disease journey , I have been 12 weeks on MMI down from 30 mg then 10 mg and now on 5 mg now.
    When we say that we should slowly wean ATD doesnt mean that we should take it for at least a year, two years?
    What is the usual dose of MMI that patients stays towards the end?
    I know that there is a long road ahead of me- I still have a lot of symptoms, but I would like to know if I may need to take 5 mg a day for at least another year?

    Post count: 35

    thank you so much !!!
    I really appreciate it!!!
    I want to make my own decision and not relay on my doctor opinion.

    Your story helped me a lot!!!.

    Post count: 35

    I started the topic because there is something I don’t understand.
    My GP prescribed me small dose of antianxiety pills for 60 days without any explanation. My endo didn’t comment if I should take it or not. I was hesitating, but once I started MMI I decided to take antianxiety pill just get well quickly and smoothly. I stopped it after 2 weeks and I still wonder if I should take a pill if I need it.
    Today I have read on internet we shouldn’t take them as our anxiety is inducted by thyroid and not chemical imbalances in our brains. I understand that my hormones, not psychological issues make me nervous I am nervous in the morning only, I am nervous in the situations I don’t have a reason to be nervous. I never get nervous in the afternoon.
    I understand that some patients may need antianxiety pill as GD is difficult to deal with, but for most of us has different kind of anxiety and still take the pill that at the end can do more damage.
    Does person diagnosed with GD without any anxiety problems before, but anxious due to GD can take antianxiety pills?

    Post count: 35

    It is great news especially for us, people staying on ATD and hoping to go on remission one day. That gives us hope that it is all possible.
    I have been only 2 months on MMI , trying to stabilize my levels , but remission is my ultimate target. I have difficult time with GD and I was giving up so many times , almost booking RAI. Time goes by I don’t feel great but I will stick to my original plan and continue as long as possible on ATD

    Thanks Harpy for the story. We need to see examples to encourage us !

    Post count: 35
    in reply to: excessive hunger #1064181

    Thank you a lot!
    There are still difficult weeks ahead of me. I decided not to take beta blocker any more, so may deal with high pulse and more intense anxiety now. I will have endo appointment in two weeks, and I will have my blood tested after 4 weeks of changing dose. I hope it will be a good picture for him to see how my body is stabilizing.
    With positive attitude I am recovering from hurricane now and I will not let it to create more damage <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

    Post count: 35
    in reply to: excessive hunger #1064178

    I would like to ask your opinion about beta blocker then
    II was on Betablocker Atenolol 25 mg before, once my level stabilized my endo told me to cut betablocker cold turkey since he said it was a small dose.
    I wasn’t able just to stop it so I decided to take 12 mg every second day for two weeks , Today was my last day and I am not sure how I am going to survive without it. Like I mentioned before on the day without BB is 80-95 with BB is 70-75. I still feel nervous, I have high pulse. What is the best way to wean off it? Is it ok to continue for longer? I am checking my blood pressure daily and it stays in normal range since the beginning.
    While I am dealing with GD I am experienced unusual pattern I am very sick- anxiety , higher pulse nausea and hunger till afternoon only and then at night time I don’t have Graves. I have never , ever experienced symptoms in the afternoon. I tried to explain it, that at the end of the day my body is in “ relaxed” mode , but it is not like this. I put a lot of responsibilities, household tasks for afternoon time since I am more comfortable.
    My endo doesn’t understand it and doesnt have the answer. To change it I started to take MMI dose 3*10 daily and beta blocker at night time . It didnt change anything. I had and still have the same " difficult mornings" and great afternoons for 3 months. Any thoughts?

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