Forum Replies Created
Maria, Hello and welcome! When you were 31 and diagnosed with GD what did you do about it? Did you do RAI or Tapazole/PTU or have surgery (thyroid removed surgically)?
Did you go into remission and keep up with the dr’s?
You need to do one thing… Do NOT cut your hair right now. You will regret it later if you do. Do the diary of everything taht happens through out the day. and also mark in there what day you are in your cycle.
Note if your cycles have changed if they are less or more, do you still get breast tenderness, ovulation pain, PMS?
Do you have pains in your side you can’t understand why?
Do you have lower back pain that is worse than normal(i know most of us have it that’s why I say worse than normal lol)?
Have you been tested for other problems? (UTI, bladder issues, hormone levels,premenopausal,calcium or other vitamins (to much or to little)?Personally I just cut my hair, I also went through loosing it many years ago and I have very very very long hair or did at the time. My hair at one point was at my belt ! I tend to let it grow then cut it off again. I just finished a course of antibiotics due to a kidney stone then a kidney infection after that and for the last 8-9 months have been dealing with pains and aches and fatigue as well and it was all due to this stupid kidney stone. I had no clue I had it and it was just there wreaking havoc on my insides. Oh what a pain in the side LOL it was. My hair also took a beating, a good one too. I finally said to my dh that it was time to cut it. I was clear in my head and new I needed it. Felt good to!
But I would never do it when I’m pms’ing or in pain or feeling not so good, because I know doing something that drastic during a time like that could mean we regret it after ward. So there is my warning and why.” title=”Smile” />
Here are some tips CLICK HERE and it will take you to a thread about tips for hair/skin…
It might help you with your skin and hair.
Using petroleum jelly (like vaseline) right after you pat dry from the shower is a great emollient and keeps the water inside the skin. Remember when doing this do it before bed time and in clothes you dont’ mind getting "icky" with vaseline. Dont do it before you go out to work or somewhere else. It can be a bit messy but it is sooooooo helpful and cheap.
In between use a good lotion/cream. But do use something because we loose water throughout the day and keeping up with moisturizing the body helps keep the kids from cracking and looking old and when we look unhealthy we tend to feel it even more. I will have to go through the thread to make sure things are up to date on there with what I have written. lolHave a great weekend!
Bumping up
in reply to: Kidney Stone… update 5/27 #1065546My babies are; boys 15 and 7 the girls are 3 and 5 but going on 4 and 6 very soon! I’m 36 and will be 37 soon as well. I do not have to say to check in with gyn about your b(O)(O)ies to make sure all is ok! I am sure you already know that! Wow you have been down a road or two more than once my dear. God bless your heart ! I’m on the east coast (NJ/NY/PA). The funny thing is is that the dr. I adored here was raised in Maine which I am quite fond of. I find that a good firm hand shake and your word comes from people from maine and texas, you tell a mans life by his hands and his eyes and you can tell a wife by the friends she keeps. I tend to stay away from "friends", I have a best friend outside of family or my husband and she is as true as you can get. not sure I need more than her. I do have several aquantences but most women tend to talk about their hubbies, i don’t. It’s also funny how the east coast is so different depending on what part you go to. yes the dr’s are so different in different areas.
Have a great weekend, you sure deserve it!in reply to: Kidney Stone… update 5/27 #1065544Thank you!
Yes I need to see an endo reagardless of whether this is from parathyroid issues or not. I saw urologist today and it will be a slower recovery than I expected due to this infection. I knew it was bad but I didn’t realize how long it will take to be back to 100%.
I did make an appt with a new Endocrinologist "just in case" for june. Come to find that he was in a business with the dr. I left a few years ago. They didn’t get along and he is now practicing alone. I laughed with his receptionist and said oh then you ARE the ones I need!It is most unfortunate about the other endo’s I have been to. I don’t mind a miss diagnosis or missing something, I do mind a dr. who finds himself so full of himself and misses what I am saying because he couldn’t care less and he only heard half of it and can’t get the whole picture. Just like this Uro (not the new one), he heard me cough and completely missed the rest of the stuff I was saying. That is something I will not tolerate and have never been able to tolerate with an endo. I hate the attitude they give when I use to say I wasn’t doing RAI. I use to hear "what do you mean, it’s the best thing to do for your?" When I would say no they woudl say that I would never be able to achieve remission.
I am in remission almost 3 years now with out meds. I know I can easily go out of remission again and back on meds or maybe eventually have to have RAI but for now the meds worked for me and I am grateful. Had I listened to the dr’s I don’t know what I would have done and where I would be right now with my levels.You are right, different feelings for different dr’s. These dr’s here are to full of themselves. lol I am hoping this new endo I will see will be the one I need, the one I use to have was a great man. He retired so I had to find others that just didn’t match up to his great bedside manner. He was a true old fashioned dr! Few and far between!
Keep up the great work everyone with all you do to help yourselves and your health. We all deserve to feel good!
in reply to: Just diagnosed with Graves #1065434dixie, You are right!! We must must must always believe our gut. When we do not feel well we know it. We feel crazy or insane when people look at us and say oh you look fine!! Oh how that makes me mad!
It’s like a man going to see his dr. and says he found a lump on his breast and the dr. says oh dont worry about it, you’re a guy! There are so many diseases out there that are left untreated in people because dr’s for some reason aren’t taking us seriously and the ones that do take us seriously are bombarded with patients becasue of idiot dr’s who wont give us teh time of day!
I pm’d you as well.
in reply to: Kidney Stone… update 5/27 #1065541I just wanted to post and say that I had a kidney infection that didn’t start till 6 days post op. It has been quite a week here, scary but the worst is over and I am grateful that I have great general dr’s who caught it.
The stone analysis came back and it shows the type of stone and I might have to have my parathyroid checked. I am looking for a new Endo. I am not sure if you remember but I stopped seeing one after the fiasco with the last endo that said oh your levels are fine (they were slightly off but in range) and they treated me poorly. Remember that I don’t give 2nd chances. I have learned that is not the way to go. If you make me feel like you are ignoring me I will not go back. To me a poor diagnosis can be forgiven.. I mean we are only human. But to blow off how a person feels, is unforgivable in my book.
I do have a few more choices with endo’s this time around. So when the urologist says tomorrow you will have to see one at least I know i wont be going to the same ones I have already been to.I have to take it slowly, no lifting or too much of anything. I am in good hands and am almost finished with my antibiotics. I must say I was scared with this one.
Going to research a bit on hyperparathyroidism and see what I find, just thought I’d update you all.
I wanted to suggest "training" your body for sleep. We have a habit as graves’ and non graves’ patients to get dressed for bed and hop in bed and think we are going to sleep right away. Yeah..not! I wish!
We have to train our bodies to become relaxed..yes it is hard when we are upset and feeling our pulse rate high but we really have to try to do this.
I have a "bedtime routine", "evening routine" and a "morning routine"
Bedtime routine consists of:
Brush teeth
Get dressed for bed
Turn lights out/lock up house
Turn TV on/book/radio 15 minutes Set timer for TV if you have one on it
Reflect/prayers/thinking of loved ones that need prayers
Bed time is a time to relax and not get up or go on phone or do the last load of laundry you forgot, it’s about getting ready for it. Sometimes this is what we need, it usually takes about 28-30 days to have something become a habit so getting your habit for sleeping might take that long and it means every day the same routine.
This is what I needed for me and it helped and it still does help. I have been unable to do that since I have little kids that like to wake me at night with potty and I need this and I need that but when they dont I do get rest.
I was going to bed at 11pm,12am then complaining, so I start my bedtime routine about 9pm, yes I know I’m on here typing but I thought was more important than getting bedtime routine done, i’ve been doing it for a long time so it’s easy for me now.I can’t offer anything else just thought this might help you. Hope you feel better.
in reply to: Kidney Stone… update 5/27 #1065539Surgery done. recovery slower and more painful than I expected but hey it’s out! will post soon
Thank you! Yep I know there is no cure, I’m ok with that. There was a time when i wasn’t ok with it but I really am, I know if I go out of remission again that i will have to choose ptu/tap or other options. I’ll be ready for it though!!
in reply to: Kidney Stone… update 5/27 #1065538Thank you! I need all the encouragement I can get.
Went to drop off stuff with dr.’s office. all ins. needs are done.
Dr. looked at me and said "when was the last time you had…. oh never mind, we’ll draw blood just in case and I’ll make sure i do a cbc and glucose as well as the thyroid just in case." I then said well since you were going to ask, it was Oct. 09′ like I said before.He was concerned that dd3 would not like the needle and was kind enough to ask me about it. I said no she thinks it’s awesome that mommy gets blood drawn. He was like "i guess that is ok", I had to tell him that they all feel that way because I make it a happy thing not a omg thing. He then relaxed and I guess he felt better thinking my daughter wasn’t a little goulie or something.
I then told him while he was working on my arm, "it isn’t often you get a dr. who draws blood", He said well I had a job doing this for the summer many years ago so I learned. I laughed and said "well you learned correctly and I think that should be a course all dr’s take and told him he did a great job himself at drawing my blood". He said thanks!
He really did a nice job, I have to say! They really should make all dr’s do this as a summer thing!
Can’t wait for this to happen, I’m so ready for this thing to be out. I am really getting excited about it and only wish I could watch the actual surgery !!! LOL
in reply to: Kidney Stone… update 5/27 #1065536You always seem to deal with life’s challenges with common sense, determination, and a sense of humor…Thank you! Yes I do and I will but this has kicked my butt severely and I have to say that Bobbi certainly has a point. This pain had drained the life out of me and I can’t continue to let it keep me down!!!!
I’m all ready to go! I don’t want a loose a kidney over this nonsense! Besides my dr thinks this is their weirdest case he’s ever had!!!!
Friday it is and dh and I have made plans, and I spoke to ds7 about not going to his poem reading and party but I will buy him a camera and he can take pics for me. He loves to take pictures!
I feel fine about going into surgery, I just feel tired and icky in general so can’t be my chipper self since I not feeling good!! LOL
Dr. is doing blood work tomorrow on me including Thyroid levels just to have a base line before I go in to see if this surgery kicks me out of remission at least he’ll have a base. I haven’t had them done since october so he wants fresh ones.
in reply to: Treatment options if want I to become pregnant #1065574susanne, I must stress this….. I have been where you are! It is not worth it to try something immediate just because you want to get pregnant! Heal first then get pregnant.
My dh and I wanted to have a baby, I didn’t understand why it was taking so long (i wasn’t a patient person lol as it has only been a few months!).
During that time i had the flu then a few months later I finally had a diagnosis of Graves’. I was told RAI, i said no due to the fact that I wanted to get pregnant.
I went to another dr. and was on PTU. Was on it for a few months and was stable then was told to try to get pregnant. My eggs were poor, I had to go to a Reproductive Endocrinologist(RE) to get help.From the we wanted to have a baby till the time I actually did get pregnant was about a year and half. From the time I was on the PTU and was stable was about 9 months.
Please get better first. DON"T try to kill yourself with this surgery or that one or what you think will get you better faster. Remember you have to heal from the surgery if you have it. AND then you have to be stable with your levels and might have to go on Thyroid replacement and be stable on that before you try to get pregnant.
Fighting either hyperT or hypoT while pregnant isn’t an option i’d suggest to anyone. 2 of my 4 kids were with help from an RE.
If your body isn’t healed properly and your levels are off and you get pregnant you wont feel good and when baby comes you wont have fun. You’ll be tired and cranky and it wont be a good motherly experience. Everyone is different but I woudlb’t be a good person if I didn’t mention this to you.
I was also of the mind that RAI wouldn’t be good because I wanted to get pregnant, and although I didn’t do the RAI it still took me 1 after I was told to take it to get pregnant. I don’t regret not doing it, i have mild graves and it is in remission for 3 years now with no meds. But again if you aren’t healthy before pregnancy you wont have a fun time with the pregnancy and being a mom. You’ll think every ache and pull and stretch of your tummy is from the Graves’ disease.
THink of your options with this in mind please. I am sorry that PTU didn’t work for you. It did work me, we had some side effects but nothing major.
Good luck on this journey!
in reply to: PTU and Liver failure #1065618many have taken ptu and have been fine… although I do understand the worry, as with any drug you have to be cautious either way. Taking a base line liver function and repeating it to keep track should help.
Facilitator’s if I’m wrong please let me know!Regarding your dr… Personally I am NOT of the liking of any dr telling me what to do with my body. I do my research and take what they say into account and when they push something I don’t like that.
I have told a dr. this before " so you are pushing RAI because you want me to be on Thyroid replacement and rely on you the rest of my life, no thanks!". "we do it my way or no way or not with you at all". Big smile on my face too! I left that dr. because he insisted on rai and i told him to well…. lets just not say that on here but believe me I said it! LOL
Sometimes RAI is the way to go and it works and you go on supplement and are fine after they get the dose right. I didn’t like this persons attitude about pushing it so I left him. I would either tell this dr. to stop talking about and stop the bs adn you will try PTU or you will go to someone else who gives a damn about how you feel.
Good luck !
in reply to: First Endo appt #1065595Ewenme, here is the post Thyroid Hair
I am euthyroid for almost 3 years now! 34 months to be exact! I have a thread called Tips and tricks for hair/skin/mental health Peronally I dyed my hair so much as a teenager, then at 24 stopped only to stupidly try again when I was 34 and did it for a year and well regretted it. It was fun but not worth it at all. it’s been a year since I have done it and I have very long hair! So i look funny, since about 6inches of it is naturally and the rest isn’t. But I have a big pair and will go out with just about any look! LOL Make-up or not, jeans pearls and no makeup, garden discustingly muddy jeans, a tshirt and hair in a bun and full makeup on…you name it I do it and I can get away with it because I don’t care what anyone sees. Regardless of my clothes I am still only me, whether I look like a knock out to my husband or not when we go out by ourselves is the only thing I worry about. and even then it doesn’t take much to please him or myself when I leave.
My hair will remain natural the rest of my life. I want to keep it long (well once a month I complain about it but we all know why that is lol)… but I have damanged it due to kids playing it with chlorine from the pool last year which I didn’t know what happened but oh well. Once it’s back to its healthy self I will continue to keep it that way. I have been in remission for a while and want my hair to look healthy as well. I wish I was gray, I know one day I will be, I’m almost 37 and only have had a few but one day it will be AW-SUM!!!! I love that look of naturally gray hair and you would be surprised at how many think it’s sexy!!!
I have heard of natural color as well, never looked into it due to not wanting to do it anymore. Have fun with it, if it works for you. keeping your hair healthy whether you use product in it or not is key. look at the tips section and see if any can help you out.
Have fun! and please don’t fear trying for remission, it can happen!!!! If it doesn’t you can always opt for what you want.
in reply to: Tendonitis/bursitis #1065731I have tendonitis and bersitis in my shoulder from falling down stairs with a child in my arms. I was protecting him (only 3 at the time) and I landed on my shoulder instead of injuring him. I hurt the rotator-cuff and I feel it every now and again.
I had an injury to my wrist due to a dog(long story), sprained it so bad, would have been better off breaking it. The bursa was injured badly and the tendons healed but not 100%. I can’t put too much pressure on it if I use my wrist to hold my self up.
Doing exercises does help. A trainer can help you get started with the right physical therapy exercises to do so please check with them first before doing something to further hurt the injury.
Both injuries were during euthyroid and I was very healthy. Although I know that active graves’ can cause muscle weakness/damage it some times is just due to bad luck and the type of injury you have regardless of how good or bad your health is.