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  • mamabear
    Post count: 484
    in reply to: Update on my son #1072037

    I thought my post went through but I guess i (x’d) out before submitting lol.

    Congrats on your son’s progress. If I recall he is 16. Remember he is a teenager and dealing with so much other stuff right now, so if things get real hard for him. Go to the school and talk to them about special things they can do for him since he has had this done. There are exceptions and he should have support at home and at school. Maybe exemption from gym extra time to get to classes if he is feeling tired at the end of the day. Ask him what might help if he needs it.

    Hugs for him and for you. It’s not easy dealing with a teenage son and one that have Graves’ to boot. Oh boy!!!

    I’m 35 and have a 14 yr old (oldest of 4 children) and well I can’t fathom what that would be like if he had Graves’s so God Bless you both and remember he is hormonal to begin with at this point in his life he is self centered as any child is at this time in their life. They have had mom and dad do for them their entire lives. so when he says I don’t have to do that, or why do i care if (pick a sibling) doesn’t get to do that it has nothing to do with me, or the best one I have heard yet is "why do I need to do your work?" …this is a time where we have to teach them that the world doesn’t revolve around them and it doesn’t stop when they say stop. That we are not only moms, but women as well that are more than just mothers and men that are more than just fathers.

    I remember the look on my oldest son’s face when he said something to me not knowing that my dh was there.(sorry have to giggle about it). DH popped out and said nothing more than "DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT PERSON IS IN FRONT OF YOU?". ds said yeah "that’s just mom". DH said to him "NO! That is MY wife you are speaking to that way!" The look on that kids face was priceless. He all of a sudden realized that I wasn’t just mommy, i was a person. It was a great feeling.

    Your son is going through so much and i sure hope that he gets support in school as well. I’m sure you are doing a fine job at home.

    Keep up the great work

    Post count: 484
    "KMB":39lnc1pn wrote:
    Dear Jake:
    Your response makes a lot of sense. I’m going through what my Endo calls a relapse of my Graves Disease or Subclinical Hyperthyroidism. My TSH level has been dropping since last June; my current TSH is at 0.06, while my T4 is at 1.14 and my T3 is at 1.33. It was my hope, when I was first diagnosed with Graves Disease over three years ago, that I could beat this thing and put it into permanent remission. I really thought I had this thing licked last year, when I was taken off methamazole completely, but the euphoria was short-lived. I started having the jitters, heart flutters, and nodules, all of which gave my Endo a rational for subjecting me to more studies and tests. I had a fine need aspiration, wore a heart monitor for 24 hours, and had my blood tested every three months. Each time my blood was tested, my TSH level was dropping, while my T3 and T4 was going up. Today’s prognosis was a real downer for me, but reading your comments are making a lot of sense to me because as much as I have been rejecting the idea of killing off an organ that is so desperately trying to save itself, the organ appears to be losing and virtually killing me off in the process. So please, Jake, can you tell me what my readings really signify to you and point me in a direction that makes sense? Also, I have a real concern about subjecting my body to Radioactive Iodine; I find it difficult to believe that this course of treatment targets only the thyroid and does not do harm to the host. It also concerns me that RAI involves so many cautions, because if this is a safe, responsible treatment why is it so dangerous to other inhabitants of my household? If I opt for surgical removal of my Thyroid, is it effective? Lastly, the removal of my Thyroid will make my system slow down to the point where I will have to take another drug for the rest of my life to regulate the hypo effects. I’ve read that this is far easier to control than hyper, yet there is a period of adjustment. I am really confused and hoping you can provide me with some advice. Thanks so much.[/quote:39lnc1pn]

    I just wanted to comment here;

    You were doing fine on your meds and your levels were fine, so why would your dr. take you off them?

    SKI/Diane please correct me if I am wrong…. But isn’t Tapazole or PTU taken for 18 months to two years before trying to go off of them to achieve remission?
    And if you do go off them and go don’t go into remission why wouldn’t your dr. just put you back on them so you can try again.
    You didn’t mention that had gone through a Thyroid Storm or were in trouble. Meaning while you were on your meds your levels weren’t bad. YOu did just fine on the meds so in my opinion I would have gone back on the meds to try again.

    You must be comfortable in what you want to do. If you feel that as of right now RAI isn’t the road you want to take tell your dr. now so you can go back on meds and feel better. Your dr.’s view is his view but that doesn’t mean you have to listen to him. Unless you are in a life threatening situation that you have no mentioned you are the one that really needs to see if RAI is right for you at this moment or if it isn’t.
    You have the choice to say no and go back on meds. If your dr. refuses than find another dr.. Some dr’s would prefer the RAI but there are dr’s out there that don’t mind using the drugs and getting you back into remission on them.

    Post count: 484

    I just want to make sure I’m clear on this…
    MIL came to HELP you during your time of need with this Graves’ disease, right?

    Does she know what this disease is about and does your dh have an idea as well?

    I agree with the girls, if I were to come to someones house to help them I would want to know what to do as well…Oh wait what the heck am I saying. I am an overbearing motherbear, I’d just take over and keep a sign on your door to keep out and let you be and I’d take a hold of the family and get er done. But again that is me and my overbearing I have to have it done my way or no way attitude and the person who needs rest should have it no matter what the cost. :lol: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: Just ask my sister whom I tend to do that too. lol

    Ok so yes if I were you I would talk to her about this. Tell her that these are things that need to be done and you would like to know "if you can help me with them". Don’t say I need you to do them, don’t say I need this done, don’t say I want you to. Ask her if she can help you with them getting done. Heck, ask her if she has any advice on getting the others in the house to do it when you ask. To be honest, her sitting on her rump is more as if she planned a holiday to your house and not time to help you out. (thus the reason I ask if she knows about the graves and the problems that you have from it, not sure if you said anything to her but if you left it up to your dh to do so…well you need to do it and not leave it up to the hubby cuz you don’t know if it was done/said right to her lol.)

    I would have a bigger chat with dh about this and be stern about it. Tell him that you are in no shape to NOW clean up after the rest of them and if this doesn’t change they will have to leave till you feel better and then they can come back for a holiday. You being sick and having to deal with them as well isn’t a good time. DH needs to step up and be on board as well with what you are going through. Tough if he doesn’t get it or doesn’t help out much. He HAS to now since things have changed. This is something that makes or breaks a marriage so pick your fights. Remember DON’T TELL someone to do it unless it’s a kid and then it’s "Go clean your room now, please" or "go get the dishes ready for dinner, please". When dealing with dh don’t ask but don’t demand it either. If he is sitting watching tv, say "please fold the laundry (hand him the laundry) while you sit there so I can put it away." Or "please sort through this laundry while you’re sitting there so I can get it ready for a wash and dry". You aren’t asking permission for him to do it which gives him the opportunity to say no. But you aren’t demanding that he do it either which will make him feel you are being (w)itchy <img decoding=” title=”Wink” /> or nagging. Don’t forget please and thank you. I am sure you know all of this but when we are not feeling well we tend to not have manners. (i have done this on many occasions).


    Post count: 484

    Congrats on feeling better!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work .

    When you are feeling blue…always remember that you are stronger than any old disease and you can certain kick this thing swiftly into left field!!!!! We’re here with an extra bat for ya if you break any trying to swing it out there!!!!

    Post count: 484
    in reply to: Chest pains #1072098

    Ski, I would like to comment on what you said about what jake had. I’m 35 and have had crippling pain like a heart attack feeling on either side since I was a teenager. I was never kicked there or anything like that(I read that that could be a related reason but just read it today since I only heard of it today).

    I had one dr. tell me that it was a rib or something pressing against my heart and causing the pain, I was just about 19 when I was told that and given some muscle relaxers that I never used. It doesn’t happen as often as it use to but just recently it did. I had about 4 hangers with clothes in my hand and raised my arm up to put them away. It was like slow motion, the hangers fell from my hand, my hand came down and I grabbed my chest all the while dh was sitting 3 ft in front of me and I couldn’t speak. Naturally I knew the feeling but it lasted longer than usual. DH saw me and asked what was wrong and if I was ok, i didn’t want to move but I couldn’t breathe deep enough to get in enough oxygen. He put me on the bed and I just held my chest all the while trying to hard to breathe really slowly because I couldn’t get it in deeply. Finally after about a very very very long 4 minutes I was absolutely fine, a bit soar but fine. It has always been that way and I think I might have just found the reason in what you said Jake has. I am going to take this information to my general dr. whom I have never told I have these problems and I dont get them often enough to even mention them to her, and see what she says.

    I am in shock and speechless which is saying a lot since I don’t shut up for nothing!! LOL I am in awe that this might be what I have been looking for for close to 21 years (since about age 14)…wow just wow.

    Buttamama, talk to your dr. about this and keep asking till you get the answers you need. I am sorry it took me this long to finally say I need to tell my general dr. about this and have it in my records.
    Thank you SKI.

    Post count: 484

    I agree with diane. I was always said to be "hyper" even though tests showed I wasn’t.

    I smoked from a young age till I was 24. I quit cold turkey and didn’t get diagnosed with graves till after I was 27 and what triggered it was having had the flu. I have Graves in my family and other two people that had graves didn’t smoke at all.

    Post count: 484

    Graves’ disease can be triggered by many different things.

    Mine was triggered the 1st time by getting the Flu. 2nd time by Rotavirus that my youngest boy and I got several years ago, oh that was so not fun.

    Graves’ has many triggers, I was going through a bad divorce before my ex and I finally sat down and talked about things then approached the lawyers with OUR decisions(oh they were mad), dealing with my parents who were well lets just say it was bad, and even though I was sick from something else, it wasn’t graves disease.

    It wasn’t till after I had had the flu that it came out. So I would agree that there are many things that can make it show it’s ugly head but taking the right med’s and reducing stress and eating right all have a part in it. When your body is doing 140 beats were minute there is no waiting around for it to go away on it’s on and no matter how calm your lifestyle is you need a dr’s help with meds or your heart muscle will weaken.

    This is a very real disease and has very real effects on different parts of the body.

    Post count: 484

    CAthy is right. Make the appt’s. If it is going to take a bit to get an appt. call your general dr. and tell them you need to be seen right away for it. Once the general dr. sees you they can get you in faster with the endo or eye dr..

    Yes, Eyes are nothing to screw around with. The faster the appt the better. Even if it winds up being nothing, at least you went and if it is something you caught it in time.

    Post count: 484

    Alice, Congratulations!!!!!
    ANY baby news is ALWAYS welcome. Scary yes to some of us, but always welcome.

    The girls are right, eat right, keep hydrated,check with dr. before stretching or exercise and make sure he/she says it’s ok, don’t miss appt’s for ob or bloodwork and if you feel tired rest!

    Don’t be supermom, KISS (Keep It Simple Silly) is the best quote I have ever heard. Having 4 kids myself you learn to figure things out and how to delegate things. You have a 2 1/2 yr old which will keep you on your toes but remember when you are tired, you need to rest and need to secure a room so that he/she can play and you can rest without 2 1/2 yr old running about the house. I use gates I bought at BJ"s wholesale and they are great. The older ones can get over it but my dd2 can’t lol. She will eventually learn though I’m sure.

    Remember that each pregnancy is different and the 2nd ones usually come sooner and definitely faster. They call me minute mama. I labored at home and got to hospital with 2nd child 15 min’s before he was born. #3 They had me on monitor for 2mintues before I sneezed her out !!!! #4 I went to hospital 3 hours before she was born and dr. said you’re only 1cm you can go home, the nurse (awesome woman!!!) said no way I remember her she is staying! It was so funny. Those nurses ROCKED in the hospital! What am I saying….ALL nurses rock!!!!

    DOn’t feel bad for calling your dr. about even the simplest things. That is what they get paid for, if you are scared or wondering about something that you feel is important then call the dr..

    One thing I would suggest and it’s only because I had to do it as well, is keep a bottle of soda in your bag when you go out. I use to have these flashes when I was pregnant. It was all of a sudden that my eyes wouldn’t see anything, I would see completely black as if I were going to pass out. I never did pass out but would have to sit before I feel down from not being able to see. I got use to it starting so even in the car I would realize it was happening and pull over. It was such a scary feeling but it was never something the dr’s worried about because my levels with everything were always perfect. They blamed it on being hot outside and once I had the baby it stopped. I kept sugar on me because as long as I sat down and had a few sips I was fine. Then I would drink plenty of water. Go figure! I had never had the problem with the 1st one, but the last 3 i did with #4 being the least of the these little incidents. Just something to let you know in case it happens to you.

    Also, I just wanted to share with you that on my 8 week check up I was upset that I did’nt get to hear the baby’s heartbeat. The OB never suggested that anything was wrong just said that it happens. It wasn’t until my 13th week that we were able to hear the baby’s heartbeat. Don’t panic if you dont get to hear it, the less stress you have the better.

    Smiling is contagious so do it often and pass it on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pick your fights with your 2 1/2 yr old, remember toddlers are toddlers and unless they are going to learn right then and there not to peeve you off you have plenty of time to deal with their antics and teach them well. Trying to work on it while you are pregnant if it is going to stress you out isn’t the time to start. Just keep the tot occupied with stuff and don’t fuss over the little things.

    Ahhhh the joys of motherhood!!! I wish I could be pregnant once a year for the rest of my life, it was that good! Well also having big hips and not having to push really hard works too!

    Ok Hopefully you are all laughing and I have done my job of the day of creating laughter on this fine Sunday morning.


    Post count: 484

    I agree, I think trying to get into remission would be tried first before doing RAI.
    As long as you are healthy enough to do that.
    I understand that Graves’ can get so out of hand that there is no choice but to do RAI and than deal with the Hypo stage after that. If your health is not in danger I think trying Tapazole or even PTU would be good try first.
    Great that you are doing all of your homework though!!!!

    Post count: 484
    in reply to: Itchy skin #1072559

    Note: Zinc Oxide is the active ingredient in Desitin. If you buy is on it’s own it’s cheaper and it a stronger form than Desitin Creamy. It is in the first aide isle, if you can’t find it ask the pharmacy dept..
    Very good for drying oozing skin due to many problems.
    Also , if you skin is torn from scratching and is red and inflamed (redness around the wound/scratch) please talk to your dr. about a secondary infection and make sure you keep it clean and soak it and treat with proper dressing. Skin infections can be bad when you have Graves’.

    Post count: 484

    I wanted to say hello and welcome.
    Being thin is just as bad as being overweight in my eyes. People look and comment just the same and peeves the person off just as bad.
    I was thin always have been, I am 5’8" and at one point very built lifted weights and everything in high school and was a jock.

    I had some issues with a cat that had rabies and lost a lot of weight.
    Then after dealing with that a few years later after having a baby i was sick and lost weight as well.
    Got better but then when my 1st child was about 6 I was told I had Graves and got thin as well but also knew fromreading that after being hyper you will gain a lot of weight due to eating the same way as if you were still hyper. So i watched what i was eating and during PTU I gained some weight back and I got pregnant (purposely after being ok’d by dr. to try) and after all of that a few kids later (4 total), I am about 10 lbs above where I was 7 years ago and can’t loose it. I am healthy and eat well so I dont care.

    I also had the same attitude back then so that might differ me from many of you. I hated being called skinny but I finally went with it and said well I’m thin so what. Or I said yep bet you wish you were me. Just so people would stop talking about it. It did work because no one wants to see a skinny girl and then comment about it then have her get all Ego minded and say yeah i know ROFL. I even had someone say to me (this was just a few years ago when I was having "thyroid Storm"),very sarcastically… "oh you are so thin, it must be so nice being so thin and eating what ever you want and not have to care about a thing and you have kids so it must be so great that you don’t gain weight WOW for you". I was shocked at the sarcasm oozing out of her mouth. All I could muster up was "Yeah it’s great, I have Graves’ disease which is basically Hyperthyroidism and I’m on meds because my levels are so off the wall that my heart races so fast and I could wind up damaging my heart and all of that is so great becasue I can’t keep weight on and who knows how skinny i’ll get even after all the food Itry to keep down." She shut her mouth apologized and walked away.
    Some times people have no clue what is going on…….. I always say this
    Don’t judge someone because they walk past you and bump into you and get angry at you. You never know what is going on in their life that they don’t see what they just did. They might have just lost a loved one or is so stressed and busy in their life that they didn’t even realize you were there in front of them.

    Someone did that to me once and she yelled at me that I bumped into her. I looked at her and was about to say something so mean because I was so mad that she thought I did it when she in fact was the one who did it. I saw her eyes and knew something was wrong with her. I stopped and said are you ok. She looked at with me this worry in her face a bit shocked a total stranger bothered to ask her, She said "no I am not and I am sorry for bumping into you, thank you for asking. I’ll be fine". She smiled and walked away. Just goes to show you that everyone is going through something and not all of us know what to say or we seem to say the wrong thing at the wrong time.

    If someone comments on your weight. I would say I have some thyroid issues I am working on but thanks for asking. <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

    Post count: 484
    in reply to: Beer and PTU #1072498

    Yep dr didn’t say I couldn’t either and when I asked him he said it should be fine. Again though you shoudl talk to your dr. about this. Please don’t worry about feeling silly about asking about that sort of thing. Better to ask than not know.

    Post count: 484
    in reply to: Itchy skin #1072555

    Deffinately pat dry and moisturize well. Using a cream versus a lotion is better because almost all lotions have alcohol in them which will dry your skin out. Cream like Cereve($15 per pound but lasts a long time because a little goes a long way), are good because they are used right out of the bath/shower and can last for hours.
    Every time you put water on your body you should moisturize it afterward even if your in the water a short time.

    Post count: 484
    in reply to: skin problems? #1073202

    Good to know, thank you for the info.

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