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  • mamabear
    Post count: 484

    I remember you. It’s been about 4 months since you were in…I think last you said no to the surgery in a post and then you stopped posting.

    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your baby and your dog. I’m sorry that you and your bf aren’t together any longer either. I haven’t had RAI, I opted for oral medicine and since I do so well with it I didn’t do the RAI. But from what I heard it’s like the other posters said.. Take it and wait the amount of days they say to and done.

    You said you lost your apt., do you have a place to stay?
    Do you have a way of getting there?

    If you have another apartment, make sure you clean it up before doing this and make sure you go grocery shopping before hand so the house is full of stuff in case you just wanna sit and vegetate for the time they say to stay away from people.

    Use this time to sit and relax and mourn the losses that you have had, it is the only way you will heal. Sit and think about the happy future you will have by doing this and once your levels are better how fun it will be to have your life back.

    What I’m about to say next no one has mentioned but I am going to and please know that it is with all the caring in the world that I say this… During this time it might be a good idea that you try not to get pregnant. I’m not saying you were trying before baby #5, but I am saying that whether you were trying or not you shouldn’t be trying now and in fact you should be avoiding it at all costs. when I went in for RAI consultation with a radiologist he said that I shouldn’t get pregnant till about 6months afterward. I didn’t opt for that RAI so I didn’t have to think about that but i was told that while on PTU(oral medicine) that I couldn’t get pregnant till my levels were better.

    I know you said you just lost your bf, but I would make sure that during this time that you be careful with whomever you are with to make sure you don’t get pregnant. Healing is in order here and your body and your heart need it. Let it happen then when your levels are better and you are in a better place with your health you never know what could happen!

    My #4 was something we weren’t expecting after I was on medicine and then off meds for 7months. I was thrilled I didn’t have to back to a Reproductive Endo to have another child. Finally my body was healing and it showed.(2nd and 3rd children I had help with and 1st one I did on my own as well but that many years before).

    Many hugs and prayers to you as you heal from all of this loss and stress. Smile when you can because that will help your healing. We’re here for you !!!! Vent away and ask as many questions as you wish!!!!
    You’ll do fine and in the end you’ll feel so much better. Keep us posted, since you’ll be home I’m sure you’ll be posting!!!

    Post count: 484
    in reply to: red burning eyes #1071781

    I know nothing if Thyroid eye but wanted to say I hope you find your answers. I do have a question though.. Do you have allergies? I ask because I know someone that have eye problems year round. I found out that he has allergies to things other than spring time stuff. Just asking, might be something environmental/dust/animal..something that is always around in the house.

    Post count: 484
    in reply to: My intro…… #1071695

    You are certainly in the right place….wait no not there I’m standing there… Ok how about ______ <

    Here. That looks like a good place. ROFL

    Full of support and never ending kindness is what this place is all about!

    Post count: 484

    Hello and welcome to the forums. I’d like to say thank you so much for getting as much information as you can on this disease. My mom always thought that I didn’t act as I should yet all tests always came back just fine. I’m hyper by nature and can talk your ear off for hours. Turns out I’m just that way to begin with ROFL!!! I wasn’t diagnosed with Graves’ disease till after I had the flu and 3 months later it finally showed up on blood work. I was 27 and trying for child #2. I had to hold off on trying for #2 since it would not have been a good idea to get pregnant and then I had trouble getting pregnant so I had help from both my Endocrinologist and a Reproductive Endocrinologist. (i have a total of 4 children now(14,6,4,2))

    It Graves’ disease goes untreated or undetected and therefore untreated yes i guess it could be fatal if your heart is working overtime and there is nothing stopping it and it gets weak with so much stress on it.

    It is very scary as an adult to get this disease
    It is very scary as a parent to have a child with this disease
    AND it is very scary for any child to have this disease.

    One thing I have learned having kids and training dogs is that kids and dogs are in one way the same. <—-I put it this way so that parents and clients understand better.
    Dogs and kids need their alpha/parent to teach and tell them what to do. A dog needs its owner to give it commands and teach it to do the right things AND to not be afraid of things. That is why we have dogs out there that fear thunderstorms. See at a young puppy age dogs can be taught that thunder and lightening are nothing. as long as the alpha doesn’t fear it then the pup wont fear it. You walk around like you have no care in the world about it and they learn to have the same attitude about it. (I have two german shepherd dogs that sleep through a storm, it’s so awesome!)
    As far as kids go it’s the same thing, I taught my kids the same thing about storms. since we had the dogs already trained I decided to do the same with the kids. We call it big booms and thunderstorm parties when we have a storm. The kids love it. Someone asked me why in the world I did that, I said well I didn’t want little kids being scared of something so natural and something so great for our earth. THe kids know that water is great for the earth and know that big booms are everyone in heaven having a great time with bowling. (this is how we explained it).

    The moral to this story is, you are scared to death and rightfully so. But dogs and kids are identical in the fact that they KNOW when there is something wrong. They sense it, they smell it in our body odor. Kids know when we have a cold, they know when we are scared or angry just by our scent. Your daughter can sense your fears and she will know it is about her. Be as honest as you can be with her and make her a part of this as well. Her being 10 means that she will have to learn at a young age what her symptoms can be. Keep a log/excel spreadsheet of her lab work so you always have it and don’t have to depend on the dr. to fax it to another dr. if you need to go somewhere else. She can be as involved as you want her to be. TEACH her that you and your husband are strong and that you are going to help her and she will learn that that is what she has to do. She will learn to be a responsible young child and therefore a responsible young adult and then finally a responsible adult when it comes to this disease.

    If you read 100 articles you will 100 different things. Many people go out after having something happen to them and write about it, it doesn’t mean they know everything. It also doesn’t mean that just because the person has an MD at the end of their name knows more. Dr’s are still learning about this disease as well and go with what they know, they learn as well when something new comes up. A specialist, someone who is a Pediatric Endocrinologist is someone that would have more knowledge about Graves’ disease in children. Just because an Endocrinologist will see your daughter doesn’t mean that he is a specialist in pediatric patients. I took my son(14) to a Rheumatologist and found out that he saw kids but wasn’t a kid specialist. I was mad but learned an important lesson.(always ask if they see adults and kids or just kids to make it clear what they do).

    Your Pediatrician said that he doesn’t know this disease in children so KUDOS to him for being honest and doing the right things for her till you find a specialist for her. He will be able to monitor her levels and give her medicine so she starts to feel better. Remember that even if you find a specialist for her, she should still be seen by her regular dr. for her regular visits and shots (make sure any new Endo has your ped’s information so that he always gets a copy of anything they do for her.) Take the pediatricians phone, address and fax number whenever you go to an appt. for any new Specialist.

    This is a time in her life that is only going to get worse…I mean that she will start acting like a little girl that is going to be making a change in her hormones and eventually getting her period and acting like she hates the world. Don’t confuse our normal complainy selves ( <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” /> <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” /> ) with her Graves’ disease. It’s a fact, we are cranky, PMS’ing girls from the time we are born. Men think that we "get" like that or "become" that way ….wow are they mistaken!!! We are born that way and we just get worse with age ROFL!!! Do your daughter a favor and when she needs to be yelled at, yell at her. Just because she has Graves’ disease doesn’t mean that she wont continue to grow and act like a nasty teenager (at times) and the annoying girlie girl that nature intended. You will learn her symptoms for Graves’ disease and know when she seems "off". You don’t think you will know it right now but you will, your intuition will trigger and you’ll have that moment of Eureka.

    My dh and I are very close, we have become best friends throughout our time together. Once we knew I had Graves’ and how I acted (we call it "the crazies") he knew when I went my levels were off. So you being her mom will have no problem eventually get fixed to her symptoms and needs.

    I agree that your DH should be there with you for appt’s but more for the fact that he is a man taking the time to be there. Yes I said it just the way you read it. As with school, when a man takes the time to go to a meeting or an appointment people tend to not try to screw around with the wife. Yes it happens, I know this from experience. When I walk into an appt. with my dh I get everything answered and he does too. No one gives me a run around at all. Same when I go into a meeting at school for my oldest son. :twisted: No one fools around at all which is awesome!
    It’s like going to buy a car alone as opposed to going with a man or a man going by himself. It is just the way it is even if we don’t want to admit that people treat women and men differently. So we might as well use that to our advantage.

    I was with the very first Endo who said I HAD TO have RAI and there was no way around it. We went to see the radiologist and he said get a 2nd opinion. I saw the Endo and asked him about why I couldn’t try oral medication and he came up with some crap, so i went home with that info. I went with dh the following week and he asked him the same question and the dr. gave us a whole different answer and naturally dh had looked up other info and asked him those questions and the dr. was floored. I was giggling since I was thinking "this husband of mine is my hero" !!! It goes to show that having someone there will help you be strong and he might here something you don’t or he might hear it differently than you do. Team effort means your daughter sees YOU & YOUR DH fighting for her. As a girl she will need to see that in a man. So try to get an appt for dr’s when dh can get to them to.

    If you can, can you tell us what her levels are and the ranges that come with it?
    have her eyes always looked buldgy, can you get her in to see an eye specialist not just the regular eye dr., this would be just for a future information. Getting a base line eye exam for having Graves’ disease is important and getting it from a specialist would be best. If you trust your eye dr. and they took all the important information than you can stick with that for now. I have an Optometrist and I trust him with my eyes. I have seen him for 9 years and he has known dh much longer than that. He has referred me to a specialist from time to time. He is strict with my eyes and what I do with them(i wear glasses he wont let me wear contacts), and if I have anything weird like itchiness or a scratch I see him asap. He is so trustworthy that I would pay for him out of pocket if he wasn’t in my ins. plan.

    Surrounding yourself with dr’s you trust is important. I have taken time to do that and have found good dr.s and stay with them. THey know me and know it is important for me to know results immediately and to be able to get an appt within a days times. (yes I am a pain,but my dr’s know this and respect that).

    Your dd’s teacher that has this disease, i would ask to speak to him and find out what he knows and make sure you know where he is coming from so he doesn’t say something that he shouldn’t to your dd. Not saying he would, since he is a teacher I would like to hope that he is cautious about what he says but make a point to see him face to face and talk about this. NOT with your daughter around though.

    Your dd’s hair and skin can be effected by this so please ask any questions you wish even if you think they are not related.

    More importantly, take a breath and relax. You took her to the dr. and CAUGHT this before it got worse!!! That is something that is so important and knowing what it is, is going to help you fight this the best way you can. You can beat anything as long as you know what you are up against. Knowledge will help you stay strong for your daughter. When you feel like breaking down and crying just come on here and we’ll support you and your dh.

    ((((((((((((((((((bhouse & family)))))))))))))))))))))

    Post count: 484
    in reply to: Ponder this….. #1071792

    Ok I have a good one….Hopefully you all know this one

    Twisted Sister – We’re not gonna take it !! LOL

    Life is short so get er done!

    Post count: 484

    Rhonda, hello and welcome!!!
    Send him a photo if you can. Tell him what’s going on and tell him you are getting better or on the road to recovery. Remember that he is just getting out of boot camp, their minds are different so know that he will try to "fix" or "protect" you. That is what a soldier does, just don’t be surprised if he says why didn’t you say something?!

    As far as your hair, I sent you a private message about that. Look in your in box. You’ll see that on top left side where it says User control panel (0 new messages), you’ll see it says 1 there.

    Post count: 484
    in reply to: Weight Gain #1071922

    Yeppers SKI is right…there are a slew of us here with different situations.
    I have always been thin. At one point I was skinny due to a different problem. I was able to gain weight back from that. I was about 140-145 lbs when I was diagnosed with Graves’ while trying to get pregnant with my 2nd child. (1st child had been about 5 years prior). I have had 3 children in the last 6 years and gained almost 50 lbs with each pregnancy except for 1st (that was 70lbs, dr was peeved at me on that one lol). I am now 35 and 150-152 lbs depending on when I weight myself. My youngest is almost 3 years old and I have been in remission for almost two years.

    There are so many different stories out there and everyone body is different and will take the medicine differently. Eat well and don’t let the stress of this get to you. Keep an open mind with things and pick your fights, know that some things just aren’t worth arguing about.

    Good for you for researching this before anything else. I did that and opted for PTU to try first and it did help and I am greatful. Everyone is different though so take what you learn and find a good ENdo that will be willing to treat you with RAI or Oral medicine and is willing to listen to what you have to say. A dr. that says I wont do anything but RAI or I wont do anything but oral meds and isn’t willing to listen to you probably isn’t the dr. you want to stay with.

    We’re here for ya

    Post count: 484

    Remission CAN happen…Please look at my signature at the bottom of this post!!!
    Doesn’t mean it will for you but I want you to have hope that it will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can only try it to see if it will happen and if it doesn’t well then you can go from there. Sometimes you get lucky and believe me I was lucky. I came out of remission but was put back into it with meds and now again without any meds I am almost 2 years without a problem. I know that there is always a chance it will come back and I will deal with it then.

    Taking your medicine is a way of life now, don’t miss the doses. Know that taking your medicine even after you start to feel better is key. Start eating a well balanced diet NOW, when you are hyper we tend to eat more than we are better we are still eating that way thus we tend to gain weight. Like ski said, we will need to gain the weight back if we loose muscle mass and all the good things we have to have. Eating healthy now and checking with the dr. NOW to see if light exercise(no cardiovascular) is ok. Keeping tone if you are healthy enough for it is good. If dr. says no then don’t do it.

    If you are looking at getting pregnant please stop trying at least for now till your levels are within normal range. Getting pregnant right now will not be healthy for you or your baby. I know there are some girls that are pregnant and are ok but truly know that there are risks if your levels are wacky.

    Laugh as much as you can… that is always good medicine when you aren’t feeling well. Tell your friends and family what you are going through so they know when you snap at them it’s for a reason lol.

    Post count: 484

    Do you need your Endo to refer you to an eye dr? I am not sure they have to do that so I would find out what kind of ins. you have and what it covers for eye dr’s and go see one on your own. There are dr’s out there that specifically deal with Graves patients and TED patients at least here in NJ they do. So call around and ask if they do first so you don’t waste your time in going. You can always go to an optometrist first and see what they say after they do an exam on your eyes.

    Your endo If that is the person you are saying hasn’t referred you yet to an eye dr., is the one you are seeing about your eyes, I would see an eye dr. first because they have the equipment to look inside and see if there is anything going on and suggest things to you. They can also dilate your eyes to make sure all is well in there so make sure you have someone with you to drive you home OR are at a place you can hang out for a while in. My optometrist is at my walmart so it’s very convenient for me (cough cough cough ehem ehem….sneaky sneaky!! LOL). They can tell you if its allergies to something or something more than that but at least they will be able to give you a more advanced exam than your endo can.

    Post count: 484

    Don’t have any advice..just wanted to say hi and hope you feel better soon. Oh yes a bit of advice…. Take it as easy as ya can!!!

    Post count: 484
    in reply to: What’s next #1071795

    Kimmer, hello and welcome. I am wondering why your dr. said it was the only treatment. Did you know that there was an oral medicine they could try first or maybe your dr. thought it wasn’t worth it. Not sure but either way, I hope you are feeling better. Keep an eye on your symptoms of going Hypo now and talk to dr. about any questions and keep all of your appt’s.

    Post count: 484

    That is wonderful Bill. It is always good to have someone that is supportive even if they don’t fully understand exactly what is going on.
    I am not sure if you have children but please make sure they know what you have so they can give that very important information to their dr’s for future reference if they happen to get it as well or if their children do.

    Kudos to your wife! If she has questions as well feel free to tell her to hop on the board and ask as well.

    Post count: 484

    Welcome and sorry that you are going through this.There will be others that are more knowledgable about this and will provide you with answers that you need. I can tell you that when my TSH was low and T3 and T4 high that it was TSH that was fixed last, although it was very fast that this had happened.(i consider myself to be one of the lucky ones as I was on PTU (like Methimazole for you) for a short period before going off of it and going into remission.)

    I would like to ask if you need support with your family not understanding about this disease? I know it can be hard not only on us but on our husbands/wives/children/grandkids…. the list goes on and on. It is never easy with our mood swings and although we try, we can sometimes say things we dont usually say or wouldn’t say if we were feeling a bit better.

    Again welcome and hope you find the answers you are looking for and hope we will be able to help and support you on your way!

    Post count: 484

    Now take it easy and try try try to relax a little bit, take your medicine and laugh as much as you can!! I’ll write that on a prescription pad if ya need it <img decoding=” title=”Wink” /> <img decoding=” title=”Wink” /> <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />

    Post count: 484

    Shapooky and RFNqueen, I am sending you both the same post when I get the chance to write it. oK.

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