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in reply to: Graves Dermopathy – anyone?? #1071180
Thank you for the info.
in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071234Thank you SKI. I have to laugh. I have a "bedtime routine" and morning as well. I threw those papers out in the trash a while ago because I was in a "bad mood". I would have to say that not getting enough sleep for the last oh lets see…… 6 years might have taken a toll on my sleeping patterns. 4 kids total…3 of which are young. 2nd and 3rd are 18months apart and 3rd and 4th are 23 months apart LOL…what was i thinking!!!!! I know something is wrong when I can’t laugh at my kids and their antics. I am one for living in the moment. Kiss them while you can and let them sleep in the middle while it lasts because soon enough it wont be like that. They grow so fast too quickly and I don’t take that for granted. When I am feeling that I can’t wait for them to be grown, I know something is wrong. Regardless of what it is, for sure something is wrong.
Dr. said she was pleased that I know that there is a problem and am really trying to not get sucked into it.
in reply to: Graves Dermopathy – anyone?? #1071178Welcome here!
I am sorry to hear of this problem and that you have not found anyone who knows how to help you.SKI, gotta question for you. what about patients seeing a Podiatrist for Pretibial Myxedema? Would it make sense or no?
also is it like eczema? Dry, cracked, red inflamed? Not just thickened.
in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071232Thank you. I am just a wreck due to my period coming and that always enhances our feelings LOL. I know I can deal with this, I am too stubborn a woman and to big a control freak when it comes to my own health to let this bring me down! But I am choosing to wallo in self pity for a while and that is NOT like me at all. Thus the reason the dr. thinks thyroid or major lack of sleep. She demanded that I sleep because if this is the makings of GD coming back or going hypo sleep is essential. Yeah right ROFL!
What I dont like is that I have NO CLUE what will happen next. I do have an appt on tuesday with the endo. I am wondering if they should have run a FREE T3 instead of a Total T3.
I am wondering if this is really something to worry about or not?Any suggestions from anyone?
in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071230My tsh levels have always been on the low side. there was a time I would feel weird being at 1.0 and I was even not happy with .8 but I wont complain. Yes I feel best at a nice 1.5-2.5 but my body doesn’t do that on it’s own. So i get what I get lol.
in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071228Currently labs are;
TSH 3rd generation, 1.0 (Range .4-4.5)
T4, free 1.2(Range .8-1.
T4 (thyroxine), Total 7.3 (Range 4.5-12.5)T3, total 89 (Range 97-219)
Dr. says this is lowDr. wants me to go see endocrinologist. Can someone explain to me why she wants me to go to endo? I have no clue what T3 is and if it’s low what could possibly be the matter if the TSH is within range.
Please note that our lab FINALLY changed it’s ranges last year. It use to be .35-5.5. I was so thrilled that they changed it.
She did yell at me for not sleeping well but sheesh I have 4kids. 3 are little. She said I will go back out of remission if I dont take care of myself and a few nights of good solid sleep should help and if it doesn’t it wont hurt.
in reply to: Do I still have Graves Disease? #1071188I agree with Jake.
are you on replacement hormone? If yes or no it doesn’t matter, either way you should get your blood drawn and see what the levels look like. If you aren’t on it, you might need it. If you are on it you might need to be tweeked to a different dose.
Yes you will always be a Graves’ patient. AND your children and their children down the road can also have this as well. Maybe someone in your family had it and that is how you got it. It is not something someone talked about back in the day from what I hear. I’m only 35 and my grandmother was young and she never told us where it came from. 1st son had Hashimotos thyroiditis and so does his daughter. 2nd son has graves and so does his daughter. My mom didn’t have anything and I have Graves as well. But mom was diagnosed just a couple of years ago with Hypothyroidism. Mom is young too, she’s only 54. No one ever found out if it was grandmother or grandfather who had it. My guess was that it was her, she always acted crazy. I hate to say that in that way but she did and so did her sister. Mental issues that no one could explain because their mom was fine. Their dad died at an early age by car accident so we dont know about him.
Please make sure children (girls and boys) know that you have Graves disease and that it can be a factor in them having it.
in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071225Yes it is always good to be reminded that Graves’ disease is treatable. I am greatful for that. I wish I wasn’t so "blank" feeling though. Again we have no clue if this is or isn’t my Graves’ but we’ll see soon. DH even said it might just be that i’m not getting enough sleep. (go figure with 4 kids
in reply to: So confused #1071382Great for you!!!!! I do hope the dr. didn’t give you any gas about it.
” title=”Wink” /> Keep us posted with how you are feeling.
Hello and welcome!
I am not an expert on this and hopefully others will post to help you. I wanted to say that it will take some time to feeling better. If you have a concern and want answers asap call your dr. and ask them.
I know it takes time for things to start changing and I have also read that the body can also "dump"all the excess stuff out of your and you can feel that as well. I’m not sure when that happens and it might be mild for some and extreme for others, again not sure.I am sure you will get more responses later or tomorrow when others see this. I wish you well and again if you have a concern that is scaring you please call your dr.
This is a great bunch of people here and glad you are with us!
in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071222Thank you girls.
I went to general dr. today and told her what was going on. She said with everything I told her that she was going to run thyroid testing and a cbc and go from there.
I’m not happy but nothing has me happy nowadays. 2-3 days i’ll have results. SHe said we will see what they say and if it’s that then we know what to do. If it isn’t that then we’ll go from there with looking for something else.
DH says this has been coming on for a long while now and I of course my mind is saying it’s everyone else and not me. We’ll see what happens. I’ll keep you all reply to: My goiter is going down hurrayyyy #1071365That is great!!
in reply to: New here, but not to Graves #1071257Hello and welcome.
I have a question..why hasn’t your dr. put you back on PTU since it worked the first time? How long were you on the medicine for before he took you off? You said you were Euthyroid for a few months, so did he have you on meds then take you off and you were ok off them up until now?
I ask because sometimes going back on the medicine for a period of time will give you what you want and then going off of it will work again. Please dont let the dr’s give up trying PTU again, sometimes they see that you come out of euthyroid and say oh well lets try RAI or surgery.
I did PTU a few times and was fine and now am currently in remission for almost 2 years now. The difference with me was that I didnt have to take PTU for long periods of time. It was short courses.
Just wanted to note about Lyrica…This is my opinion only and has nothing to do with this site or anything. I know someone who used it and watched her become a zombie on it. She was depressed and the idiot dr. thought well lets just suppress her feelings so she doesn’t have any emotion at all rather than deal with her depression. Well finally she realized that I was right when she didn’t have anymore of it and had to wait to get more and she was a completely different person once off the meds. NOW she is dealing with the depression and why she had it. I dont say this word very often but I HATE Lyrica. It is a temporary bandaid for a condition and that to me is just wrong. I don’t mean to sound like I am an overbearing pain in the butt kinda person but….ummmmmm wait a minute..what am I talking about? I am an overbearing pain in the butt person so yeah I hate the stuff and wanted to let you know what it did to her. I am sure it is a good drug for some things but I didn’t like her on it, not one bit.
I would seriously get tested again asap.
Start the PTU again, tell your general dr. that you are having hte same feelings you did before and want to start right away. Since you all ready have had to deal with this before you know that this is your thyroid and shouldn’t have to wait for the tests to come back to get your prescription from the dr. Make sure he gives that to you BEFORE you leave the office. Don’t let him tell you you should wait till you get the tests done THEN have to go back to his office just for that.I would get to an Endocrinologist if you can. But you can have your general dr. prescribe the PTU first while you wait for an appt. wiht an endo. You said there aren’t many around so it might take some time and the longer you wait the worse you might get. Make sure he prescribes the rest of the meds as well, if you need them.(the ones for your heart and such)
Keep us posted.
in reply to: just diagnosed in UK #1071260I don’t know of a support group in that area BUT we surely can help with it. We are a great cheering team!!!
Welcome !!
in reply to: Under the Knife – Finally… #1071340May God be watching over you! May the surgeon eat a good wholesome breakfast and may you heal fast! We’ll be here for support!!!