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in reply to: I need some advice please. #1071092
I agree! I hate feeling "not well" and also hate it when you look "ok" therefore people think you are fine. Well I don’t look ok so most people see the unhealthy look in me and say "hmmmm we better not muck with her" LOL
DH knows me and knows even though labs don’t show something bad that there is something going on.Trusting your general dr. is the greatest feeling in the world!! Very proud that she knows her limits, she isn’t trying to be a hero which is great for a Graves’ patient.
One year all of my levels were all screwed up and I couldn’t think straight and was even to a point of stuttering and falling down and the endo wouldn’t see me. My general dr called him and demanded that I be seen and I guess due to her cranky nature he saw me without giving me crap about it lol.I do hope you feel better soon. Today I’m in a great mood and I’d say for anyone feeling like they sky was going to fall and they wanted to crawl back into bed and not get up again….. that if you’re feeling like you’re going crazy..just go with it!!! Laugh about it and ride the feeling. If we can’t laugh at ourselves and the things that happen around us that we can’t figure yet then life must be boring.
It is so hard to keep a smile on your face when BLUE is the only feeling you have…. Throw some green and purple in that mix…get some red in there too!!! Throw a fuzzy hat on your head and laugh at yourself, listen to old music and laugh at yourself thinking of what you use to rock to as a kid. Call a friend but don’t complain…just chat with them and if they ask how you are doing tell them I’m working on getting better. Always positive things… never negative. The more talking of positive things the better your heart will be.
The up’s and down’s of things is hard, especially like me, if we don’t know what is really going on. But like it was said in another happy with the little things.
in reply to: Weaning from beta blocker? #1071059in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071243Again thank you for the great info!
I feel if my Dr. didn’t feel it was nessesary to see the Endo she wouldn’t have sent me to get a check up and show her my labs. My general dr.’s have known me for 8 years now (there are two general and two pediatricians who see my kids). They assured me that they WILL find out what is wrong and WILL treat me for what ever it is and treat me for the way I feel till we figure things out. Right now their concern is my sleeping.Oh and I have to comment on what you said in a previous post. I didn’t realize that laying in bed even though I am not actually sleeping but just laying there resting, helps. My problem is that I have these thoughts of what am I going to do with the kids, laundry, errands and things like that but dr. said teaching my body to rest is imperative to kicking what ever it is that is ailing me. Soooooooo off I go at about 9ish at night to take dogs out and get to bed on time.
Thank you for the support.
in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071241THank you ski.
I have a question about some lab results. This endo said that last November my T3 serum was normal and since it was she isn’t concerned. I’m a little confused about T3 serum, total t3, and free t3..
Here are last years results just aug,nov 08′ and again this weeks.
TSH 1.087 (range 0.35-5.5)
T4 Direct 1.1(Range 0.61-1.76)
TSI 122% (range 0-129%)
Triiodothyronine,Free,Serum 2.7 (Range 2.3-4.2)11/10/08
TSH 1.033(range 0.40-4.5)
T4 Direct 1.1(Range 0.61-1.76)
TSI 87% (range 0-129%)
Triiodothyronine,Free,Serum 2.9(Range 2.3-4.2)5/11/09
TSH 1.000 (range 0.40-4.5)
T4Thyroxine 7.3 (range 4.5-12.5)
T4 Direct 1.2(Range 0.8.1.<—Different lab/different range
Triidothyronine Total T3 87(range 97-219) <—This Endo said this shouldn’t have even been taken since it doesn’t tell anything.
Triiodothyronine,Free,Serum 2.7 (Range 2.3-4.2)Ok so what is TSI?
And what it Triidothyronine(is that t3 as well?) what is the difference between Total T3, Free T3 and T3 serum?in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071239I called the office to get the Dr. who owns the practice to call me back about the situation that happened on Tuesday since my dr. didn’t call me back. I got a different receptionist on the phone and she didn’t know what was going on and was concerned so she told me to tell her what happened. I told her and she was mad and said that she would have the dr. call me back about the lab results. She had me send the labs again because for some reason they didn’t have them from last week. I sent them and within 15min’s the dr. called me back. I told her how I am feeling and why i went to my general dr. to begin with. She said that my T4 and TSH were fine and therefore there is nothing wrong with my thyroid. That is must be something else. I asked her if i might be going hypo and she said my labs "were perfect" and that doesn’t seem to be a problem and that T3 isn’t something that is looked at when T4 and TSH are fine. I said ok and we got off the phone.
I put a call in to my general dr. who is away till next week but the other dr. i see as well and they always talk about cases that they share. Which is great for me because the other dr. knows me and will call me back about this. I’ll see what they want to do now since this dr. said it can’t be my thyroid.
The endo said that even though my menstrual cycle seems off it is still within range for a normal person(the days and such). She said it must be lack of sleep and keep getting sleep.
I’m not sure what to think. I thought that T3 and symptoms would mean that symptoms should be treated.Maybe I’m just wrong and I should look elsewhere for what is wrong.
in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071238Oh I forgot to say…
Nancy yes I do have my lab results. I have kept an excel spreadsheet of all my labs for any thyroid and my bilirubin (that likes to be a bit high) since 1992. So I dont need any dr’s reports at all to see another dr. asap. I can tell them what I’ve been doing plus I have all the results so that should be just fine. I love it when I walk into a dr’s office and they see my sheet. They are always so reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071237I didn’t realize i didn’t put all of my tests down here.Not sure how I missed it but oh well here it is.. They did do a Free T3.
TSH 3rd generation, 1.0 (Range .4-4.5)
T4, free 1.2(Range .8-1.
T4 (thyroxine), Total 7.3 (Range 4.5-12.5)T3, total 89 (Range 97-219)
T3, free 275 (Range 230-420)Free t3 was at bottom I didnt even see it.
Thank you for the replies, I do appreciate them I really do. I was in bed staring at the wall again last night, i did finally get to sleep but kept waking up. DH watched kids this morning since they are early birds(the girls are) and I was able to sleep a little then as well. I feel tired but I do feel a bit better today. Going to get more stuff done today
in reply to: Info on atypical nodules anyone? #1071065I have no advice.
Just wanted to say ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((cat & mum))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
in reply to: I am seeking a new Endo… #1071082Oh this will be my 6th dr. that I left. there was only one that retired and he was great. This last one is a good dr. as far as listening and such but I see that yet again it is all about numbers and how to get people in and out quickly. Since I dont go there often enough maybe they dont care about me. I never got a call from her either. THat doesn’t help.
To be honest I don’t want another endo. I dont want to have to deal with them around here. They are all the same. Sucking everything out of you and everything out of your ins. company. They either say do RAI and you have no choice or you can’t take this because we said so. I’m sick of it.
If it wasn’t for the fact that there might be something wrong i wouldn’t go at all. I’m going to call my general dr. and ask her why she said I should go. I can’t find anything online about low total t3 and lowish free t3.I’m willing to fight but I need a dr. and their office to be on board.
in reply to: Neonatal Graves Disease #1071096I truly think this post should be a sticky. This is so important for so many people and it is huge for these children. I’ll post a different time but for now I give you this…
This image is artwork by Gary B. reply to: I am seeking a new Endo… #1071080I almost forgot,,,, dh said he sees that my throat is getting thicker. I was like that isn’t funny at all. he said he was serious. He knows about goiters but doesn’t a lot just said he thought I should know.
in reply to: New to this website #1071151I am popping in as well to say hello. I am "supposed" to be in bed (it’s almost 11pm here) but I am up and going as soon as I post this. Hang in there, I have 4 kids!!!
Hello and welcome.
I am sorry dr’s didn’t take you seriously as a kid. Please forgive your mother, it isn’t her fault. Having felt hyper through out teen years and now being a mother of 4 with one that happens to be a 14 yr old boy. I know from experience that it is hard to distinguish between nonsense, bs and the real thing. I felt weird throughout being a teen and mom suspected something she had no clue. When I was about 17-18 she sent me to the gyn for a test for thyroid because she thought i was, but it came out fine.It’s hard to be a mom and trust me I am sure she is beating herself up after finding out you are truly hyper(graves). She is doing enough damage to herself inside her heart than anyone saying I told you so. She is only human. Be thankful that you are here and that this dr. although he seemed a bit hmmmmm let me not say the word.. At least you found out what you needed to.
Here are some tips about Hair/skin… IT’s a link from this forum so if you want you can bookmark it.
Make sure your guidance counselor, teachers and friends know. It is important they know that some of your actions aren’t your fault.
Please know that there is a chance that you can pass this on, so make sure when you decide to have kids that your ObGyn knows and after babies are born that you tell the pediatrician for medical history. Don’t fear about having babies. I have 4 kids and know it could be passed on and I will watch them and if something happens take it from there.
Stay out of drama, unless you are failing and your parents are yelling at you don’t worry about other peoples drama or nonsense. It’s just not worth it. Girlfriends and boyfriends have plenty of it and be assured it’s just not worth it at all to be caught up in that stuff when you have Graves. Well you shouldn’t be anyway but definitely not when you have graves.
IF ONLY i knew then what I know now…I swear i’d be rich!!!! LOLUsually my posts are much longer than this but I have to go and i’m not feeling well to boot. Ask questions and vent if you need to. We’re here for you.
in reply to: Venting…DENIAL AGAIN! #1071161what about welfare? is that a possibility?