Forum Replies Created
in reply to: radioactive iodine treatment #1070965
Please don’t be pressured into doing the RAI. I know someone here will comment about how long you have to be off the Methimazole before doing RAI. I know it’s not long at all.
Dr’s tend to go the RAI route because it’s easier than trying to tweek Tapazole(methimazole) or PTU. You have the right to say no about the RAI treatment after she has the scan.
ONce the scan is done she can go on Methimazole as well and try to feel better with that first. If it doesn’t work than she can always do the RAI. Again don’t let them make you think you don’t have a choice.The ptu was working so the methimazole could very well do the same as the ptu. Please do more research before choosing any route. Just because they say she must do it this way or she must have this doesn’t nessesarily mean she must. Don’t let them give up on the Methimazole.
They should have tried her on the methimazole after she got off the ptu. It also has it’s pro’s and con’s but you need to have ALL of the info presented to you and to her. RAI or Tapazole should both be considered, keep calling them and asking them questions.
She feels like crap because she is off all meds right now, so that might make your heart want her to have the RAI asap so she feels better faster. I can certainly understand that being a mother myself. But being a graves’ patient I also understand that the least invasive stuff I would prefer first.
in reply to: Why I should I go to specialist? #1071014I just wanted to say that I refreshed my memory and checked my dr’s information. They both are Internal medicine dr’s. This practice is a 4 women practice. Two Pediatricians and two Internal medicine dr’s. Once my kids reach 18-20 they can see the two internists. 3 have known them all since birth and my oldest has known them since he was about 4 yrs old. They are all fairly young so hopefully we will be with them for a very long time.
Makes me feel better that I dont "have" to go to an endo unless she really feels I need one. I will be calling her tomorrow when she returns. I still have an appt for friday with a new endo in case. And if i really want to see how things go i still have another appt with a different endo june 17th. So i think i’m covered in case she needs me to be seen.
in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071246I am trying to sleep more. It does help. I will be telling dr. that it’s hard to stay asleep once I get to sleep so we’ll see about that.
I slept last night and didn’t get up at all. DH said baby got up and he took care of her. I woke up had a cup of coffee and didn’t feel well so didn’t eat. Felt so nauseous and dizzy and had to lay down before I fell down. I went down the stairs to eat something and I wanted to vomit so badly and decided that I’d have some cereal instead of something heavy. I feel a little better. I’ll be talking to dr. this week about my symptoms and see what she says.Hot flashes.
The feeling of a racing pulse when I don’t actually have one. <—-this i find rather weird!
Feeling of wanting to vomit but can’t. <—No I am not pregnant lol
Lower back aches more so than usual.
Joints and muscles ache.
Wrist is more tender(dr. knows).
Tired .
Tired a few hours after a good nights sleep.
Ovulation and menses seem off. Ovulation I know for sure is happening different times (i get that stupid pain), but the endo was like that could be anything.
Lazy not wanting to do anything.
I don’t feel as bad about things anymore though which is nice. I am laughing more and not just staring absentmindedly into space.
Don’t really care to eat but I do because I have to.
To very cold all the time(i have always been this way but it’s more so than usual.). It could be that I dont have good enough circulation though.My eyes and head are killing me but I think that is my allergies. Going to have to take zyrtec in the mornings and not at night.
I hope i didn’t forget anything this time.
I did forget this one that I have to add and tell my dr…
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I went on the motorcycle this past weekend, haven’t been on one in a few years due to kids. I put helmet on and it was a little tight. No big deal, it usually stretches once it’s on your head. My problem was that when I put the strap on it felt tight so I adjusted it and it was still a little tight. It just didn’t seem right under my chin. DH said I told you it looked like your throat was bigger. I am not amused at all about this but I just dont see any swelling and not sure what he is talking about. I thought the thyroid gland was small and if it was getting big it wouldn’t be where you would have a double chin, but lower right?((((((((((((((((((((Congratulations to your son!))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Good luck with the treatment and recovery! Keep It Simple Silly(KISS) <<<<<<<<
Don’t forget that !Keep us posted.
in reply to: Graves Dermopathy – anyone?? #1071185I have no advice, just wanted to say HUGE HUGS to all of you who suffer this. I thought my dd4 might be suffering this but from what you all say it doesn’t seem like that but just eczema. Either way she is going for testing during her annual exam this to make sure that there is no thyroid issues. Actually oldest just had thyroid checked and the other 3 will this year during their annual exams.
Again big hugs to everyone.
in reply to: Freakin’ out over new diagnosis #1071044Just wanted to say hang in there. Hope you got the pm’s.
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in reply to: Why I should I go to specialist? #1071012Debbie, Hello.
Make sure that you really check well for an endo in your area. I didn’t realize they were called Endocrinologist’s before my dh helped me out. Check through your ins. company’s website or call them. You dont have to go by the one that was referred to you. You can check out others on your own and go to someone that might be closer.I had no clue you could do this with our ins. company and my dr. said see this person. So i did and I hated them. I called the ins. company to complain and they were the ones who told me that I didnt have to see anyone my general dr. recommended. At the time i had a different general dr. as well. But i have a great one now.
Not sure of your ins. but it’s worth looking into if you haven’t all ready.
in reply to: Babies and GD #1071037I would say take him to the dr. Tell him what he is doing. If the dr. gives the baby a clean bill of health and tests for thyroid issues. Children learn how to manipulate at a very young age. That is also normal. They cant communicate like ely said so it’s hard for them but we as parents have to take a deep breathe and teach them how to. If that means you can’t figure out what he wants and you take him along on your hip to everything in the house and say "is that what you want" and he says no, and you ask about everything till you figure out what he wants then thats what you have to do. But once you figure it out then teach him what the word for it is. He wants attention since he isn’t the only child and he senses that you are ill. Don’t think he doesn’t, kids are smart from birth. He knows when you are upset and even when you are hurting and frustrated and that makes them scream even more.
If he is healthy and he’s screaming and carrying on in the room. As long as the room is safe and he is safe to be in it, you might want to say OK time out and put him in his playpen and walk away. Let him scream! It wont hurt him. He might think that you run every time he screams and knows this is great. "I scream, mommy comes a runnin’!" oh heck no, this is not what should be happening. If he is clean,fed and safe then let him fuss for a few minutes. Walk away and say no. Then when he stops walk in and say great job or good boy. When he bites, put him in his play pen. You dont even have to yell. Just say no bad boy, you dont bite that hurts. put him in his playpen and walk away. again as long as he is safe then he can be left there for a few.
When he hits himself, take him and say no that is not what you do. You don’t hurt yourself. Make sure you take him away from what ever he was doing at the time and hold him and say that to him and hug him. Then say you can go back to playing as long as you are a good boy. I know this seems odd to say to a 12month old but teaching them at this young an age might be what he needs. I have 4, and different things work with different kids.You are NORMAL to want to walk away. that screaming nagging crap grates on your nerves whether you have Graves’ disease or not. When a kid wont shut up, you want out. You aren’t a bad parent for feeling that way and any parent that says they never felt that way doesn’t have more than one kid or is lying. lol My oldest is 8 years old than my 2nd and it was heaven with one for that long. ALthough we tried for 2nd one when oldest was 5, i look back and think wow it was heaven having only one. There aren’t 4 different personalities coming at you at once! LOL.
You need to make sure there isn’t something going on with your little one and his thyroid levels. Get them checked asap. My little ones ate and still eat like its going out of style but since he is having behavior issues as well i’d say get his levels checked. Just in case.
Now kids do go through growth spurts so that might it for him. I know my dd4, ate a lot and still does. She was only 6 pounds 12 ounces when she was born and by 2months old she went to the 50 percentile then 75th then she was at 90th percentile for her height and weight and has stayed there. She is almost 5 now and looks like she is should be entering 1st grade. She’s 45 pounds and in a size 6/7. She eats like it’s her job and as a matter of fact my little drama queen didn’t stop her fussing or whining unless she had food in her mouth. Oh my Lord what a pain she was and still is. I love her with all my heart but I also know she is high maintenance.NAP time is key for a baby. Get a schedule for the baby and nap time and your life will be so much easier. My kids nap at about 1pm depending. DD4 still must take a nap(i make it mandatory) and she naps for an hour. she wakes herself so an hour is usually what she’ll go for. Then dd2 (will be 3 soon) naps for 2- 2 1/2 hours, i let her wake up on her own as well. If she doesn’t get to nap till after 3pm though , i only let her go about an hour and half. Because their bedtime is about 7:30pm the latest is about 8:15pm to actually be sleeping. I try hard to keep that schedule and yes I work around their schedule. I wont drag them somewhere knowing their nap will be soon. I know it’s hard but we can’t expect them to be good if they are tired or hungry or both.
I go shopping before 12pm and schedule my appt’s and their appt’s in the morning or evening only.I know it is so hard to do but once you try it and get use to it, it does help a lot. You really need to find a way to pay to see a dr., is there someone who can lend you the money for an office visit? Again going to a clinic or the hospital and saying you are a charity case might help out in them making you pay less since you dont have ins.
Maybe call up a few Endo’s offices and get how much you would have to pay out of pocket with no ins. and see which one is cheaper. Some are $100 some are $450 and more it really depends and it depends on how thorough they are and what kind of visit they give you. Tell them your situation about having no ins. and see what they say. After knowing that then you might be able to ask someone to lend you the money for the visit.Also don’t forget to get your youngest in to see dr. and get his thyroid tested. ((((((((((((buttamama))))))))))))))))))))
in reply to: is there a light at the end of the tunnel. #1071021You’re welcome! It is hard to go day to day with a spouse. Marriage is hard work regardless of what people might think. It’s give and take and compromise and learning what the other does and doesn’t like. As women we tend to be one way one minute and another way the next minute. Men tend to get use to our"cycles" and well it helps them know when and when not to peev us off. If that cycle changes it hurts them in the sense of they are so confused and have no clue how to figure us out. Lets face it it’s hard enough to figure a woman out, put kids and illness in the mix and you got a guy who wants his mommy ! I don’t blame them. Just like no one can blame you for wanting to be better.
If you need me about the kids PM me. There are always tricks and tips that can be passed along parent to parent. Some work some don’t but you don’t know till you try it.I am feeling a little better in my mood but still very tired and not able to stay asleep. I will be calling my general dr. this week to let her know how I am doing. I am going to ask her her opinion on the situation and the symtpoms and see what she says. If she feels that meds are in order then I will discuss with her what kind and go from there. thank you
in reply to: is there a light at the end of the tunnel. #1071019Of course you need to be on here letting it out!!! That is what support is all about. Look at me, Remission two years and I dont feel good and have no clue why. I feel a little better so hoping all will be well soon and I have to remember that I must keep myself healthy and rested.
Lets get to the matter that concerns me most….yes yes yes… Hubby! Lets just put this into perspective for a moment. You are ill and have been and he is living with you and your illness and has absolutely no clue how to help you and well lets face it men don’t have the job of mommy for a reason. God gave that to us because and made the men strong to work outside the home. Sorry to sound…ummm chauvinistic but those are the cold hard facts. Unless a mother passes during birth, and a man is forced to go into that "mode" of mama and papa.. they don’t otherwise. Thankfully he does not have to do that but more importantly is that he might feel what the hell is going on. Shes ok, no she isn’t , yes she is , no she’s not…He isn’t understanding it all and doesn’t want to see you the way you were and if terrified that something might happen to you and what if it does, what will he do with the kids and what will he do about not being with you….. <
This is him panicking about loosing you. Unless he is a heartless man(which i doubt he is), then he is just blowing off steam by saying he’s tired of you being tired. Of course he is tired! Men Fix things, if they can’t fix it then they are worthless (in their own eyes). He can’t fix you so he has no clue what to do about you. It is so normal and please forgive him for it.” title=”Wink” /> He is only human just like the rest of us.
Now…on the other hand, does he had all the info about this disease he needs to know to help him understand that this isn’t your fault? If he does then give him space and ignore what he says. BUT ask him calmly when you are sitting down together if he understands what is happening and if there are questions he would like to ask you so he can understand better.
How old are the kids? I Have 4 and they go through stages. If i can be some help with that please let me know. I have 14 and 6 yr old (boys) and girls are 4 and 2 going on 5 and 3 soon. They all go through stages and growth spurts and of course selfish phases and of course (omg why did she have another kid, I NEED attention). it’s normal and also normal for you and your dh to not be able to handle it or get tired of hearing the whining. PM me about it, we’ll talk.
I am just finishing up dd4 going through a growth spurt. She was peeing the bed due to it but teaching her to stop and go helps strengthen her urethra and helps give her confidence that she wont continue to pee in the bed. Naturally dd2 is potty training(she’s almost 3 tho) and well she feels that going poop in the diaper THEN trying to take the diaper off and put the poop in the potty and making a huge mess is doing mama a favor. I have to laugh as I clean it up ,because it wont happen but just this time and then we move on to a new chapter for them. Life goes by so fast and I know you feel you are missing so many things.
Rest and teach dh about this disease and understand that he will deal with it in his own way as well. If need be have him come on here and talk for support as well. If he needs to vent to us then let him, PM us if he feels the need. It’s private and there is no bickering back and forth. If he feels he doesn’t want to then thats ok too. But stressing over this AND about the kids isn’t helping the situation. Lets try to get the kids situation sorted out and figure a way to help your wee one through what he is going through. I’m not an expert but I sure have had some years with several of em!
Hugs to you and know that no matter how much you complain…it’s always fine in here to get it out. Some days all I need is to just get it out and then i’m fine. Others are not so simple but hey we’re only human!
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in reply to: I have a question about test #1071051Please also remember that he will start puberty soon(i have a 14 yr old son, although not a graves patient, I know how boys are). He will start in his selfish phase. Please make sure that your stay focused on keeping him healthy but also remind yourself every now and again that being selfish at this stage is normal and he will develope into the proud young man you want as long as you stay consistent and don’t melt when he gives you those eyes or the "i hate you look" lol.
It’s so hard to be a boy and then to boot have to deal with graves. Hugs to him and to you ! Keep up your health as well. An unhealthy mommy is not good for taking care of any child. (i have found this out often enough to know lol).
in reply to: T3 therapy advise #1071073Currently trying to figure out my own symptoms and not sure what to make of them. I don’t have any advice for you but wanted to say hello and welcome and hope you can find what you need through your dr. and support through us!!
in reply to: Neonatal Graves Disease #1071098What valuable information you have and are giving us.
May God keep your children safe and help give you the strength to continue to educate others and care for your own children through out the years.
in reply to: I have a question about test #1071048Connie, so sorry to hear about your little man. ((((((((((((((((((((DS11))))))))))))))))))))))) I can’t inturprept the test scores but I will say that I don’t think that a TSH 0.01 is good.
I know some will ask that you put the ranges of the tests as well on here and is this all they tested for ?
What are his symptoms?There is another woman on here that just started to post she has three kids two are a set of twins but if i recall correctly her oldest has graves disease. Hopefully she will see this and be able to post some support for you as well.
If you dont have ranges call the dr’s office and ask them what it is. Make sure you keep a log of all lab reports. I keep an excel spreadsheet of all my labs (thyroid and anything that might be out of range just so I have it) but i also have all copies just in case.
Gentle hugs to your baby boy!
in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071244I slept well again last night. Feeling better today although my bones ache. I can deal with the ache. I am up and trying to move. Had a little coffee with sugar in it so I’m hyper… DH reminded me last night that I am one to be very sensitive towards my symptoms and I have kicked Graves’ butt before so what is the difference now. Hyper or Hypo who cares! Just have to keep on swimming. Best way to fight it is to stay healthy. So General dr. is right, the more sleep I get the better I feel. Regardless of anything else going on, my sleep is important. Silly of me to forget these things but hey 4 kids and always up worrying about someone getting up or needing something does take a toll on ones body.
I don’t have kids this weekend. I have two sets of in laws. MIL#1 is taking oldest and MIL#2 is taking the other 3 , all today so tonight is free and so is tomorrow. I’m cleaning today so I can sleep in tomorrow.
It’s the little things everyday that have to make you get through it. Laugh at what you can and ignore the drama !