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in reply to: Thyroid Surgery #1070841
Welcome Ying!
I don’t have any answers for you. I did want to say hello and welcome. You will get more posts as others come in and see your post.I hope you find a great surgeon !
in reply to: Hi my name is Jorgie Ana and i’m thirteen.. #1070866I’m going to try to help you feel a little better for the day coming….
Make that the day that you ask mom for a new something for yourself… Nothing big tho, but something just for you! I am sure she won’t say no.” title=”Wink” />
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” title=”Wink” /> Ya know, a new diary with a huge lock, a hair clip, OR maybe just maybe a pass to get off of a punishment in the future. She will have to type it up on the computer and she signs and you sign it the day of the scan and pull that baby out when she says Jorgie Ana you’re punished! See what I mean about pass, she can’t say no to it cuz she signed it. OR even better a month of staying up a little later on friday nights… Again put on paper and sign it together and have fun with it when she says Jorgie Ana I told you to go to bed now! Pull it out and she can’t say a thing. lol
Try to smile through the rough stuff and you become a better young lady and that leads to a well rounded woman and a great mother in the future-mamabear
in reply to: need informaion on my condition #1070859WELCOME! You’ve come to right place…. we’re all a bunch of nuts here…um wait I didn’t mean to say that
I meant that we’re all a bunch of grapes. Nope that wasn’t it either! Hold on the people in my head are saying….Oh yeah that’s it, we’re all a bunch of great people and hope that you find the support you are looking for!!!!!!! <
Oh and yes I love to make people laugh!This is a truly a great bunch here. I was diagnosed back in 2001 when I was about 26 but mom thought i was hyperT way before then so I knew about the disease but didn’t know what it was all about till they said yeah you have it and all i could think of was wow my mom was right? Sheesh! Goes ta show ya, mom’s have that 6th sense!
hope you find the answers you are looking for, just ask us. Go ahead I dare ya ta ask us ! LOL
in reply to: Endo says NO to RAI???Confused? #1070832Oh enough I am so sorry that you are disapointed about this.
I think your dr. might be fighting for you right now though. I think it depends on how long you were on PTU and if it doesn’t work then he would try a higher dose. Not really sure what to make of this but……
(((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGE HUGS TO YOU!))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
in reply to: Hi my name is Jorgie Ana and i’m thirteen.. #1070863I wish I could give you a hug and make you feel better! Welcome here!
I’m sorry you are not well, please know that your mom is doing everything she can to help you and she will fight for what she feels is the right treatment for you.
Don’t be afraid to post how you feel, knowing your mom is here might make you uncomfortable but sometimes when you feel like screaming and you don’t think she’ll understand if you post it she’ll read it instead of you screaming it out and getting into trouble.” title=”Wink” />
It is hard to be a teenage girl in this day and age. Boys stink and parents don’t understand a darn thing. Been there done that and survived through it to say when your mom says she’s been there TRUST ME! she means shes been there and is trying to help you not make the same mistakes.
You take all of that and then add that you have Graves’ to it and it just straight out stinks real bad! You feel no one understands and you have all of these emotions that you have no clue what to do and you have no idea if its just your body/hormones or if it’s this disease and you want to crawl under a rock and wish it all never happened.
Whether you are going in for an uptake scan or going in for the real RAI, remember that your parents love you and we are all here for you and will be here when its done if you have questions.
Remember that your friends and you are still only teenagers so although you have Graves and it can be serious they might not know how to respond to this and may joke about it. Sometimes joking is so much better than crying over it so take it for what it is if you hear something. Personally my mom always thought something was "wrong" with me as a kid/teenager but blood work didn’t prove it. As I got older I found out I had graves and my husband and I joked about it and I continue to joke about it because that is how I get through it. Everyone is different and you will find what works for you.You will do just fine and you have a good support system already! I don’t know about the taste because I have never had the uptake or the RAI at all.
Just wanted to say welcome and hope that you will find the answers you need here and the support to help you through this.
(((((((((((((((((((((((Jorgie Ana)))))))))))))))))))))))))
If we all hold hands, your circle of friends is HUGE !
Lupe-Thank you for letting us support your dd.
In general I bruise fast. You grab my arm and I have little bruises where you touch me. Try telling your teachers that as a kid now a days lol.
DH knows this about me but when I was PTU it was faster than usual and the dr. saw me right away and checked blood work and I was fine. He did note that I did bruise rather fast. Since I am one to bruise fast and my blood work was fine they didn’t test further till I was pregnant(then again when I was pregnant to make sure I was ok and I was fine then too). I still bruise very fast.Very interesting though to hear from you and Nancy about bruising. I love information!
in reply to: Newly Diagnosed W/Graves & Endo. Visit #1070884So did you have a thyroidectomy and are hypo now?<—Just curious. Either way.. HyperM said it much more gentler than I would have said it
But yes I agree, speak to someone regarding this dr. and his actions. Who in the world is he to say any of that to you! I’d have gone off and I mean OFF on him for it. But that is just me and my mean mean ways lol
He might not be an endo that treats graves disease which i understand but he should have just said that instead of giving you a run around.I would ask to see an Eye Dr. who specializing in Thyroid Eye disease/Graves’ Disease.
Call back your dr. and tell them "i called and left a message and I would like a phone call back regarding this endo I saw!"in reply to: My lack of understanding myself #1070945Not to scare your boys but telling them that this is now family history and that they too can get this and can pass it along to their kids , it’s important for them to read the info and ask questions. They need to know the symptoms and signs of something going wrong with you. Not saying it will but if they know you and you aren’t acting right and they mention it to you that could be a world of difference in getting treated faster. Even if it’s just tweeking your meds.
They will eventually have wives and babies and although they shouldn’t worry about the disease, they should understand it and tell their dr’s that you have it and read up on it so they know a little bit of what to expect.
He who puts his head in the sand, gets kicked in the a** eventually!
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I hope they read it and understand that you do need support and understanding with this disease. I am lucky to have a husband that walk over the piles of clothing that pile up on the floor when I am not well or when the kids have me up at night. He was hugely supportive when we found out i had Graves and continues to do just that with everything.
Hugs to you
in reply to: Newly Diagnosed W/Graves & Endo. Visit #1070880If there was an emoticon for smacking and Endo Insert here
> (((____)))Why did you see the endo in the first place?
Do you have a general/family Dr.?
If so did you go to them with a problem and they were the ones who told you about your thyroid?
Who prescribed the Levo and who was monitoring you before you saw this endo?Personally I would tell your general dr. if you have one about your visit. Tell them that this person who isn’t someone that treats a person with Graves’ disease. Telling someone to take it and then lower it if you feel funny is someone who should be reported in my eyes.
Even if this dr. doesn’t treat graves’ which some endo’s don’t, they tend to treat diabetes only, he had no right to tell you what he did with your medicine.I am not sure of the reasons you are on levo, I thought that was a drug for Hypothyroid. Did you have graves and have RAI and are now on Levo for being hypo?
A little more history would help.
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As far as that dr., kick em’ to the curb! Find someone that has a heart and willing with treat you with respect and has a good bedside manner.I am sorry you are confused, sometimes it takes a while to find the right dr. It will happen.
in reply to: radioactive iodine treatment #1070970lupecardena wrote:thanks! that helps i think I’m ready for this. i was even thinking of getting her walkie talkies lol.
i will keep u posted!Is your dd ready? Does she understand or is she scared?
Have you spoken to her teacher about this and the school about days she would need to take off?
I am not sure of the rules of the forum about with someone under the age of 18 being on here but as long as you were on here I’m sure that we could support her as well if she wanted to talk here about how she feels. <—if that made any sense..i’m chasing kids right now so forgive me if I dont make any sense reply to: Two Different Eyes #1070916Hello and welcome! I don’t have this issue but wanted to say hello and welcome and please know that others do come in and will respond but it depends on the time of day.
Hope you get the answers you are looking for and glad you found us for support!
Graves’ disease can make us loose weight, we eat and eat and eat and still can’t gain weight. So when we start taking meds we are eating just the same but now the meds are helping and we are gaining weight from all the eating. The eating was something we got use to while being hyperT, so we have to retrain our brain to not eat so much. Eating sensibly and knowing that you have to are two different issues.IF you have lost muscle mass you will hopefully gain it back once your levels get better.
If you are looking to keep the figure you have and feel that you are at a good weight…think long and hard about it.I am a large frame and I don’t mean I’m "big boned" and saying I’m overweight and trying to use a nice word for it. I truly mean I’m a large frame. You look at me and I scream out German woman(although I am a mutt). I’m 150 lbs at 5’8" and am thin. I use to be 130lbs and looked like i was dieing. I felt better at 140 lbs but heck 4 kids and i’m healthy, i wont complain.
I understand about not wanting to gain weight. But I also know the importance of gaining back what was lost in a sensible way and making sure you dont gain more then that.
I was on PTU and didn’t gain but a few pounds back that I had lost. I have had 4 kids 3 of which were back to back , the weight I gained was due to that but when I started i was 145 lbs so gaining all that weight and keeping on 5 extra pounds is a prize for most women who can’t get most of it off after birth to begin with. Again I wont complain lol.
I knew that PTU or Tapazole would help my levels and knew that eating would have to change. So I made sure I ate properly and ate several meals a day instead of 3 basic ones. Snacks were always a veggie, not so much fruit as that would change my sugar levels while I was pregnant. I stayed away from all junk food. That was a huge factor for me. Just staying away from junk food will help keep weight off. Drinking water that is sufficient for my body weight was helpful as well. But I mean your ideal body weight not body weight if you are overweight. People tend to forget that.
I was also on a low dose and I was lucky, within a few months my TSH was back within range and I was feeling better. I didn’t gain any weight at all during that time. Once I started feeling better I gained a few lbs back but I was also really watching what I was eating and not eating junk food at all. It was several months later I was able to get pregnant and surely gained plenty of weight from that lol.
I think if you know NOW that you are HyperT and eating a certain way and you start PTU, that watching what you eat is a smart thing to do.
Exercising should be spoken to with your dr., I am not sure how your pulse rate/blood pressure is so heavy exercise would effect that and that wouldn’t be good. Stretching is great but talk to dr. about anything like that first. If you are seeing an Endo and he is giving you the PTU please tlak to your general dr. about exercise as well since they would tend to know you better and more about you and your medical history.I will tell you this right now…PTU tastes GROSS!!! It is just nasty, i hated it and complained to the company who made it lol. They haven’t changed it and I’m just glad that I dont have to use but if i needed to I would take it again gross or not. PTU was good for me.
I would be aware of the symptoms and make sure you tell your dr. about something that is bothering you. All in all I was fine on it and hope you are too. Talk to your dr. before stopping this medicine, don’t just go off of it if you feel ill.
I would like to say one last thing… Don’t get obsessed with gaining weight or not gaining weight. Watch what you eat, talk to your dr. about exercise and get healthy again first.
in reply to: My lack of understanding myself #1070942I agree with SKI. Stand back and watch for a little while. I know I know I know… if you do that then nothing will get done… Oh wait I think I know what you have!!! You have Supermom syndrome. Well welcome to the club, I do often as well.
I don’t want to assume anything BUT I am thinking that your dh doesn’t think that this is real disease. (breaking out my frying pan in case you need it!). Hubby is going to have to get on board here. How old are your kids? Young or not him showing that you can be sick and still do things will only teach your children that you are less of a person and that they can do the same to you. Oh heck no!
He needs to not only understand that you are ill but that those kids down the road are going to have to be watched for this disease and it will be a part of their medical history to give their dr’s because they could one day be faced with it. Sit him down and tell him listen smarten up(saying that with a heavy maine accent like my nana would say!)For you to be ill and for him to allow anyone to come knock on the door is absurd! Unless the dang house is sinking there is no reason for him to allow that to happen. He needs to be supportive and the kids need to see that.
Also if they are young or old kids they should still be listening to you. Leave me alone means just that! Don’t knock on that door or else! Consistency with punishment can help in a situation like that. They might be to young to understand and if they are a teen then don’t bother becuase that is a selfish time and they wont understand unless they were actually living with it themselves and even then they’d be upset about it.
Dh is going to have to figure this out even if you tell him listen this is real and you are going to have to support me on it whether you like it or not.
in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071249I have a good update!
I am feeling a little better and sleeping better. General Dr. was back today from vacation and wanted an update on me. I spoke with her today and she agrees with the Endo but did explain why the Endo said what she said about the numbers and not doing anything. The fear of coming out of remission out weights the T3 right at this moment. My general dr. said she will monitor it and it is not forgotten. I told her that I am still very tired even after several nights of good resting (8 hours) and we talked more about the demands of the little ones and the big demand being my 14 yr old boy. She said it’s normal and says that it might take a few more weeks before I start to feel better. She said that my body seems to be dealing with the demands of motherhood in these ways and that she wants me to continue with sleeping as many hours as my body will sleep because she doesn’t want the stress to trigger coming out of remission.
She also said that I certainly know my body and know when I don’t feel well and says that although my numbers are "ok" that she knows I know better than a lab and that nipping it now is better and try not to get sick lol. (Note to those who don’t know… Virus is what caused Graves’ to rear it’s ugly head and say hello to me! lol)
She said that sometimes it’s just a case of talking to someone about how you feel and that helps you feel better. She said i should exercise for strengthening my joints and such but not lifting weights(i wouldn’t do anyway been there done that..looked like an amazon woman! LOL).She said "I’ve known you for a long time and care about you and your family and am happy that I am feeling better and know that you weren’t the same person that walked into the office 2 weeks ago. I’m glad that I hear the laughter in your voice again. You wouldn’t be you if you weren’t bouncing all over the place". It was nice that she said that, she truly does care and I am greatful for having her and the other dr. in the practice care so much.
She also told me that her headaches started when her child was a teenager ROFL!!! She said but you at least have 8 yrs between the 1st and 2nd but then you’ll be back in the office because 2nd 3rd and 4th are so close that I’ll surely go bonkers! lol. Ahhhh a great dr. and she’s funny too!
She said tummy and all of the other issues should recovery as the days go by and I keep sleeping properly. She said it’s training so it will take some time. Oh and the exercise is without excuses that I dont have time. She knows I can’t do physical therapy for my back because I can’t do it with the kids being home but she said I can certainly do stuff at home and make time for it. So that is what I’m going to do.
I had enough energy today to do laundry…there is still a lot left but I tackled a lot of it. Slow and steady wins the race! I forget that sometimes but that is what it boils down to.
Thank you all for the support.
in reply to: My lack of understanding myself #1070938I agree with extra things that might tire you out. Walking the dog AND going to the gym might be to much for your body. Please make sure that your dr knows this as well. If you’re in need of beta blockers still he might not want you to be going to a gym.
If you are taking abien for sleeping or any other type of sleep aide please please make sure that you are taking it BEFORE 11pm. You need about 8 hours of solid sleep when on abien IF YOU dont have that amount of sleep lined up then do not take that medicine. You will only wind up being even more tired. You must devote that amount of sleep when taking sleep aides. From what you are saying you are only barely getting 6 hours of sleep. Going to bed at about 11pm and waking at 5:30am isn’t enough.
I know this is hard…. I am going through this myself and it stinks to all holy heaven! You MUST get to bed at at least 9pm…Get your body trained to do this, no later than in the bed ready to sleep at 10pm. Oh it is so horrible to think you feel like 100 and have to have a bedtime BUT your body needs the rest. I am currently doing this myself and feel foolish but wow it surely helps.(i have 4 kids and have to retrain my brain not to wake up at every movement at night).
Like SKI said, take a hot bath or something soothing and get a bedtime routine going.
as far as work goes… I don’t know about the politics in your job but is there someone you can speak to about your health and explain to them what is going on?
I would personally stop going to the gym and start taking a nap at home15-20 minutes then wake up then try another 15 if you need it. set your alarm clock and go for it. My dh has down those types of naps since before I knew him. i remember being 17 saying why is this 25 yr old taking a 15min nap. HE STILL DOES lol and man it works for him. Me on the other hand i use to be able to sleep 5 hours for my nap then go to bed lol. I only wish!!!
Explain to your family, give them the info they need. Some places have brochures that you can print out. After they read it if they dont get it try to explain it and if they dont like it well…you come first and they’ll get over it.
Do you have a dh and kids? I would recommend dh getting on board with realizing what your illness is about if you have little ones. Prayers. -