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I was diagnosed in feb 2001, i didn’t start treatment till July 2001, By oct 2001 my levels were normal while taking PTU. I chose PTU due to trying to get pregnant. Had to wait till levels were normal to do so, so when it came back in oct that they were fine I started to try. (i had help via a Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE)). I wound up getting pregnant May 2002 and all was well and even had to go off of the low dose I was already on because my levels showed that I was going HYPO. The pregnancy was stablizing my levels so i didn’t need the meds.
That was my 2nd child (1st was 7 yrs before that). I had my son and was able to stay in Euthyroid(no thyroid problems) and was able to conceive 10 months later and again no meds all throughout.
it wasn’t until baby #3 was 4months old that my then 2nd child who was just almost 2 yrs old and myself had Rotavirus. That dang virus kicked me out of remission and I was back to taking meds again. But not for long. I did well and was off meds and wound up getting pregnant yet again (but no help at all from RE). Again I did great and I went back out of remission due to a cold I had 6months afterward but I was fine after meds and NOW it has been 2 years of remission for me. And we would like to have baby #5” title=”Wink” />
Your levels seem fine and you switched to PTU. You are very early in your pregnancy, your drs will watch will and do what needs to be done to help you and your baby. You might even have to go off the dose or lower it because your body will protect your baby and thus change to accommodate.
Good luck. I sent you a PM as well.
Oh the acne on my face is horrible!!! I am in remission two years now so I doubt it is due to Graves’. BUT I’m 34 and since I turned 34 last September the acne is just killin’ me!!! I hate it. I feel like a kid. WHY oh WHY couldn’t get I get bigger boobs again….NOOOoooooooooooooo I had to get the teen acne back ! ROFL!
To be honest I have no clue why I have acne, dr. says the body changes at different ages and this is a time for me. I was not amused at all by this but since there isn’t anything I can do I am back to the old tricks of being a teen. No junk food and keep pores clean, hypoallergenic stuff and just to let you know Aquafore and vasaline is something that doesn’t clog your pores. So if you wash your face at night and want something cheap to moisturize your face use Aquafore or Vasaline.
What ever happened to getting older was going to be so much more fun than being a teen that had to listen to everyone ! LOL
in reply to: 22nd of July – date for op very nervous! #1070705awesome for you…. can’t wait for you to be done and ready to go go go and feeling better soon!!!
Scar? That is what Maderma is for
” title=”Wink” />
” title=”Wink” /> Besides you can always play with people and say it was something other than thyroid and see their reactions. If you have to have a scar might as well have fun with it!
I told my sister once, if i ever had to have my thyroid taken out I would ask the surgeon if they could make it a butterfly scar or a heart. She didn’t think they would find that amusing but I sure think it would be funny to see the look on their faces lol. But then again if I had to have a surgeon you know I would have to have a funny one. I wouldn’t want anything less than what I am lol.
I’m so happy for you being on the road to almost feeling better. You still have a long way but we’re here for you!
So cute what kids say. My kids still say please go to the hospital and bring home another baby please. Kids just say the funniest things!
in reply to: Finger joint pain-severe #1070696Karen, call your endo and your general dr. as soon as you can. Make sure they know about it and see you in case they want to refer you to someone. I don’t know what it is, i have the same issues but for different reasons. It could be anything and not sure if it’s related to your thyroid or not so get checked out.
in reply to: Methimazole and illness #1070785Check with your ins. company first. There are labs that are within your network depending on your ins. company. Call them and ask them. Your dr. only has to mail you a prescription or fax it to the you want to go to.
You might want to check with your General/Regular dr. as well since they should be closer and will see you sooner than the endo would. And they could hand you a prescription for blood work and or get it done right then and there. Your general dr. should be able to get these things done as well. Once results are in they can be faxed over to the endo.
More importantly why is the Endo taking so long to call you back? Did they say they want to see you at first but you can’t get there and your waiting to see if you can go to a lab closer? I would hope they aren’t waiting on this and not calling back.
I am happy you are feeling better. If the endo doesn’t call you back please call your general dr. tomorrow morning as well as calling the endo’s office again. <
oh and just in case you are wondering I am a nag when it comes to not feeling well reply to: Children under age 10 with Graves’? #1070755what prompted you to test her? did she have symptoms?
in reply to: Gluten Free Diet???? #1070764May I ask why you are having her tested for Celiacs disease? Pure curiosity here.
I have a dd4 that has severe eczema and everyone kept saying oh it must be allergies or sensitivities but as I look into it more and am involved now with the eczema foundation I have realized she just has bad skin LOL. There is nothing in her diet that makes it worse or not and I have done food elimination at home to a point.
Hope what ever is ailing your little one is fixed soon.
in reply to: Methimazole and illness #1070783My boys are 14 & 6 and girls are 4 & 2 going on 5 & 3 very soon…. Yes I still watch out for it. The older one hasn’t gotten strep for a few years but the little ones do. But when ds14 gets a soar throat he is off to dr. to make sure. I wont take a risk that it might be strep. If it’s caught early then there is no fear of scarlet fever. It’s just unfortunately they happen to fall into that % range that does get scarlet if the strep isn’t caught. It’s ok though , i’m glad we figured it out. lol
How are you feeling?
in reply to: Methimazole and illness #1070781SKI just made me think of something…. if your dr. comes back with saying your White Blood Cell counts are fine, make sure you tell them all of your symptoms. Make sure it’s not the flu. With the mutation ANY symptoms of regular flu can be there but also new ones that we haven’t seen yet so make sure you are clear in what you tell him. Call Endo and General dr. tell them both what is going on.
As far as my kiddies… Back when ds14 was about 5 he complained of a soar throat for a couple of days. Then it was gone. A few days after that we were going out and he complained that his heine hurt. So i looked and exactly where underware would touch him is exactly where he was all red. It looked like sunburn! I put some lotion on it and he screamed it burned him. I took that off and left it alone thinking it was the change in the detergent I used and feeling horribly bad that I did this to him. We had to leave right then to go somewhere and we did. He didn’t complain about it again that night.
The next day he was the same so I brought him to the dr., she said it was Scarlet fever resulting in not being treated for strep throat. I told her I felt horrible that I didn’t realize he had strep and had i known I would have had him in sooner. She said that there are very few that get scarlet fever from it and he happened to be one of the unlucky ones.The rash can be anywhere but usually is on the trunk or butt and he surely had a fever. He wasn’t in hospital for it I kept his fever down at home but it was 104 and he took a lot of baths that night and was so tired and limp. Dr. said to stick with doing what I was doing and that is what they would do at the hospital for him and the next day he was better, fever broke and although the rash was still there and took a little bit to clear he was fine.
The funny part to this story was that when she was testing him for strep she showed him how to do it with my help. I did one test and since mommy did it he did it. Well mommy wound up positive for strep as well.LOL So he got strep and scarlet fever from it and I wound up with just strep. the Dr. was hysterical laughing at me over that one.
Any time he had a soar throat after that it was right to dr’s office and strep tested. His dr.’s (there are two) are the same since he was young so they know him.
When my other one wound up with a soar throat and I took him in the test came out negative but knowing the history of his brother she prescribed antibiotics as well and I told her I just knew he had to have it. That same night he wound up with the rash and a bad fever. I called her and told her and well we don’t screw around with any soar throat’s with these kids at all around my house lol.
Since we know it happens to them if they get strep we are well aware of what to look out for. Once the soar throat happens it’s easy to get them in and check. Once on antibiotics they wont get the scarlet fever so we’ve been good for a long time.Scarlet fever has usually always been from undiagnosed Strep throat. I’m just glad that we know this in this day and age.
As for you, you get on the horn with the dr’s and get checked out. Please don’t take a risk.
in reply to: Methimazole and illness #1070778Methimazole does have soar throat as a side effect but you should also look into allergies. Even people who aren’t allergic can be allergic to high dust counts. MA has a low-moderate count right now but that doesn’t mean that you wont feel it. Check with your general dr. and have them look inside your mouth. Maybe it’s post nasal drip that is causing it or you have strep throat. Strep throat isn’t something that you want either. It will go away without antibiotics BUT there is a small % of people that get scarlet fever from Strep… Yep my kids are in that percentage. Trying telling BOTH my mothers in law that scarlet fever is still around in this day and age. They weren’t happy being schooled as to where scarlet fever comes from lol.
in reply to: RAI or NO…What is Your Opinion!!…HELP! #1070809You would not have been given PTU unless you were trying to get pregnant or nursing a baby. My dr. wanted me to go on Tap when I had my 4th child and I was in need of going on meds again to put Graves’ back in it’s place
” title=”Wink” /> He said "I wont give you PTU only Tapazole! There is no need for you to have more kids you’re 32 and have 4 already why have more!"
I was livid to say the least ! Let’s just say i didn’t see him again, I went on the PTU, wound up with good levels again and went off of it and have been fine since. Again I am one of the lucky ones.
Tapazole has it’s side effects but if it worked for you before there is no reason not to try it again, at least to see if it makes you feel better Then when you have a clear head and have done your research you can always stop the Tapazole so you can do RAI if that is what you choose.
You are ONLY 52 that is young in my book since my mom is ONLY 54 and I’m 35 (disclaimer… Please don’t feel old thinking you could have a kid my age.. yeah sure ya can if ya got pregnant at 16 and had a kid at 17 and than again at 17 and had another at 18…yes mom had two little ones by the age of 18) lol
My mom was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease last year. This is a woman who is 5’2" tall and works out for two hours a day. Thank God she was as fit as fit can be or else we could have lost her to that disease. Flexable is what she is all about. Me on the other hand well no way! lol
Stiff and soar I have to say is what I felt when I was out of remission but I don’t work out now either and I am stiff and soar and in remission for two years so there is no excuse except that I don’t exercise. People look at me and say oh wow you should be so fit and flexable since you have 4 kids (3 are little) and I say nope i’m not I dont exercise at all and I should and even though you chase little ones that doesn’t mean you are fit. lolYou should speak to dr. about any exercise you want to start or any that you are currently doing. Due to your pulse rate and blood pressure and all of that good stuff you should make sure you are cleared to work out or do any form of exercise.
I remember that stiffness was worse when I was not in remission and yes it stinks. Hugs to you!
in reply to: RAI or NO…What is Your Opinion!!…HELP! #1070801Welcome glad you found us!
So were you in remission most of that time? You said you were on tap for a couple years then fine for a while then did a couple of years of thyroid. So were you considered euthyroid/remission during the rest of the time?
I say if you did fine and were in remission a long time then try the Tapazole again. You just started to feel Weird and were able to catch it before it got bad.
Watching your diet is always key, if you eat a lot while Hyper you tend to keep eating like that once you start taking meds or have RAI thus weight gain starts.Its really your choice. Some will say do the RAI it worked great for them, I think it’s about 2 weeks after the RAI that the body dumps the rest of the hormones and that is what you are saying about the thyroid storm. It’s the body getting rid of the rest of it so it feels really bad. Again something you would go over with your dr.. After the RAI most likely you will become hypo and need replacement thyroid for the rest of your life again something you would talk over with dr.
Tapazole you can try again and see if it’s tweeked enough to help your levels and put you back into remission.
Personally… I opted for PTU(same as Tapazole but I was trying to get pregnant so I did PTU), I did well on it and wound up pregnant went off meds and was fine and even got pregnant again with 3rd child(1st child was at a younger age and I didnt have GD). after 3rd was born i got a virus that kicked me back into Graves again and had to go on meds. Did meds and again did well, went off and although mylevels have dipped a bit here and there I am in remission two years now without any meds. If i go out again I’ll do it again with meds since it seems work. If my thyroid finally konks out on me then I’ll worry about replacement thyroid but for now this is doing just fine. I know my symptoms and go with the flow when need be.
If it got so bad where meds didn’t work and i was in danger i’d opt for the RAI but again it’s up to the individual person and what is going on their life at that moment.
I’m sure you will hear stories from everyone. Good luck in your decision and keep us informed! Ask questions when you need to.
in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071252Kema,
Thank you. I take precautions as I am one of the lucky ones that feels symptoms so quickly. DH is very intuned to me as well. He has known me for a long time and we are best friends and he knows when I am not well. Oh and he has no problems telling me when I am not acting right lol.I feel lucky that PTU was good for me and it didn’t take long to have good levels and then get pregnant and remain euthyroid for a while. I did go out of remission but again was put back into it fairly easily. I watch about getting sick as virus’ tend to trigger me. I’m not paranoid about things but everyone that enters my home washes their hands before they do anything. It’s just because we have 4 kids and you never know. I certainly don’t need the flu going around, there is just so many things ya know.
I would happily take PTU again if i go out of remission but it’s figuring out if it’s really going out of remission or lack of sleep or something else. When you have 4 kids I guess it could be anything. I’m happy I have a dr. who looks at my thyroid first but also knows me so well and sees every thing as a huge picture and knows when it’s just having a lot of kids lol.
I’m glad I have the support here, i am very peppy and when not feeling well I sure need that support.
in reply to: Need assistance #1070848Roxanne,
Welcome! I don’t have an answer to your question but wanted to say hello and you have come to the right place. -