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Tell Mum,
Mamabear says she is sorry for corrupting her daughter!!! LOL Oh wait don’t tell her would be rude to say something that I didn’t mean and well I truly love corrupting people to say things out of character LOL LOL LOLI’ll be laughing all night about that!!!
Oh Sue….here this is for you.
Stop what you are doing right this minute… that means if you are multitasking stop.
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Just look here at the screen at what you’re about to read.
It wont take but a few minutes……Hmmmm Ok ok ok most people know me so I wont lie, it’ll take longer than a few minutes because I tend to post looong post.
But "bear" with me for a few ok.” title=”Wink” />
What you have stinks!
Not only do you have GD but you have TED too and well that blows too!
The whole not being fair thing I am sure has climbed your body from your tummy to your brain a time or too and maybe even a curse at God every now and again.
Crying all the time and blubbering about things that mean absolutlely nothing yet you find yourself crying and yet on a normal day you wouldn’t be.
Getting pissed off at anyone and everyone just because your hormones are so fried and you are tired of it.
The heat doesn’t help and the itchy head/skin and your eyes being all soar don’t help.
You feel like a pin cushion and wish it would all go away when you get up in the morning on the days that you actually do fall asleep because the insomnia can get pretty bad.Ok what I have just wrote up is called a pitty party. YEP. A pitty party just for us. It’s true it’s not fair, why the heck does anyone have to be sick, why does it happen to some and not others or anyone for that matter. I have had a few pitty parties myself. It’s ok to have them as long as you can laugh about it and talk about it with someone. Going into a corner to hide and having one is a no no, ok! lol
You will feel better, the fact that your dr. asked you to let him help you is a huge PLUS in my book and I AM VERY picky. Ask anyone hear.
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It wont take a few weeks but eventually you WILL feel better and better and better. You might have hurdles along the way but again this isn’t easy.
When you feel stressed out and angry about something your body tends to bring on the emotions twofold. Meaning that when you are feeling like your pulse is going at about 80-90 you hype yourself up and get upset and start to feel it going 110-200. Yes we do do this, Hyperthyroidism makes things exagerated so sitting in bed worrying about something will usually make you feel like the room is spinning and never ends.
Surgery or not is up to you and your dr. But for now work on the Tapazole and feeling better, eating healthier and taking every day as if you are sitting around smelling the roses in a field where there is just peace and calmness. YOU MUST take care of yourself and have moments of just pure enjoyment even if that means just sitting and listening to the birds or rain during a shower.
Smelling something that reminds you of when you were a kid during a happy time helps too. I can literally pop open a grape soda and it brings me back 30 years sitting on my grandfathers storefront stairs in my rollerskates drinking a soda that I just asked him if I could take.
YOU WILL get through this, when you are weak we can help you. When you feel you have given up…just post here, we will send in a life line to pull you back to where you belong.
Hugs and welcome here!
in reply to: Need info NOT related to Graves’ #1069796excellent Idea. she is due for new bloods but not sure when so when i talk to her i’ll tell her. I didn’t even think about that!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME
in reply to: 9 months after diagnosis,my story #1069786Remission can happen and having a great attitude helps a lot!!!! Can’t fight something till you know what it is and after finding out what it is it’s butt kickin’ time! You seem to be doing a great job with that part…KUDOS to you!
in reply to: Questions about PTU treatment #1069779April, Your TSH is still out of range but it might take longer for that to catch up to everything else. If you are feeling better CONGRATS!!!!
Like you said everyone is different, if you have light periods they might go back to "normal" for you eventually but everyones body adjusts differently so eventually could mean next month or 6months. Personally mine changed for good after I went back to what I thought would be normal. I wont complain at all but I will say that it’s not the same. Also note to yourself that after having children your period will change as well depending on how many kids you have…ummm like me ROFL!!!!You are on the road, now is the time to look forward only. See how you feel and eventually you’ll know in your head as well in your heart what to do about surgery vs. staying on the meds.
in reply to: Need info NOT related to Graves’ #1069793Thank you. That site was great. I spoke with mom and she said her dr. in Mass. recommends that site as well and I found a foundation as well that deals with Crohn’s and UC. Wow!!
Thank you so much!
in reply to: Need info NOT related to Graves’ #1069791No i am not the one with it.
My mother was diagnosed last year with Crohn’s disease, it almost killed her at age 53. Got a call from dad(who I rarely speak to) and almost had an accident in my pants when I got that call. Well she had to have surgery and long story short she is in surgical remission ever since. She’s in ME, she sees a specialist in ME but also sees a really good specialist in Massachusetts.My husbands 1st cousin has Ulcerative Colitis. He also goes on internet and researches like I do but I finally got an answer yesterday as to what exactly he has which is the UC. I know it is an Autoimmune disease and it is Irital Bowel Disease. I know that Crohn’s and UC are similar but some say it’s the same. I don’t think it is the same thing, I think they are classified as two separate IBD’s. But I could be wrong.
My DH’s aunt said that the dr’s say he got the Autoimmune disease from her side of the family but they can’t figure out from who. I am not sure who they came about that conclusion since no one has had any testing at all genetically to see if there were any genetic factors to say who it came from. Not that there are such tests but no one has had any blood work done at all. Cousin is very ill again and has lost most of his colon so far. He is very young, not even 30 yet and has been dealing with this for several years now.
I will google what you posted.
Thank you all
Oh just FYI, mom is still in surgical remission and doing well. She has Crohn’s and is Hypothyroid at this point in her life. She wanted to know if there was a test to find out if she had Graves’ disease when she was younger and it died out and now she is hypo but I told her I didn’t think there was a way to find out. She didn’t have tests done back then either. Her history does give us clues, she was always "not there" or "our of her mind" in a sense so that is all we have to go on. I know for sure that she had Crohn’s her whole life because she said she suffered so much with issues like that but it was never bad enough to seek help. OMG that woman never saw a dang dr. Thank GOd she does now.
in reply to: Thinking about moving into a bedroom by myself. #1069853hyperm wrote:. not just for a week but for months..You all don’t need a nights rest YOU ALL NEED A MONTH AT THE MOST EXPENSIVE HOTEL WITHOUT ANOTHER PERSON IN SIGHT!!!!!!
You got me!!! I wuold have to agree that yes months of it would make me put the kid in my bed.
in reply to: Thinking about moving into a bedroom by myself. #1069850Girls why are the kids still in your rooms? I had to teach mine to sleep through the night and that was by putting them in their own rooms. It was hard but I had to do it.
Brenda my trigger was the flu back in 2000. I have to watch out for all virus’/bacterial infections but Im’ doing well. Stress is a huge factor for me as well. Not sure I would read a book about it, I tend to listen to a person who went through it. Unless a dr. actually had the disease in my eyes they will never know fully what it is like or understand truly that it effects everyone so differently even though there are some of the same things involved.
Is this for research or do you have Graves’? Are you going through stress and wondering if that is why you have this disease? You can’t "get" Graves’ from stress, Graves is already in you but stress/illness and other factors can cause Graves’ to show it’s ugly head and say hello. It’s up to us and dr’s to kick it’s butt and tell it to bugger off! LOL
Hope you are feeling ok and getting answers that you need.
in reply to: The Verge of Remission:) #1069987SO happy to hear this!!!!!
Remember that keeping you healthy is key too! Washing hands when coming home should be a set rule in the house regardless of how old the person is. Walk in and wash hands! or the frying pan will fly across the room LOL!!! It is not paranoia, it is just a way of life that you have to learn. It will become second nature to you but remember it will only be 2nd to "YOU". No one else so don’t get mad that you have to remind adults and kids to wash up lol. I swear that has saved my family from many ickies that are going around. Hand washing is so simple and wiping the door knobs toilet handles adn light switches are a must as well.
I am so happy that your levels are doing well and you are feeling ok. DOn’t be put off if you come out of remission after going off the meds fully, you can always try it again. DOn’t let the dr. push for the RAI to heavily, if remission doesn’t happen just gently remind him that the PTU was donig good for you so it should be tried again. Or just nag him LOL.
in reply to: Mamabear Checking in to say hello #1070009Thank you. YES, enjoying life! Doesn’t matter what happens; what is sent our way. Good, bad it always winds up the same for us.. We love our kids and each other. We STILL can just smile from across the room and just know what the other is thinking. That doesn’t happen in a marriage to often and there are billions of marriages out there. We are lucky, we sit and listen to the night creatures or watch tv together. We always try to make time for us away from the kids as well even if it’s just 30 minutes alone before our bedtime lol.
Life is good.
in reply to: New to Graves, curious about all this #1070506welcome you found the right place!!! There are many here buts its late and I’m sure there will be responses tomorrow as the day goes. I will post tomorrow when I have time. I just wanted to say hello and hang in there!!!
in reply to: im so tired of my mom saying… #1070527My mom taught me if you have nothing nice to say to shut up! Hmmmm wonder if you mom would mind you saying that to her? ROFL!!! Ok did you laugh? Hope you weren’t drinking something when you read it.
I can not think of a mom that would not be supportive of a child at any age. My mother in law still asks about her "baby" and brings food and clothes over to us. I adore it and don’t find it at all offensive and truly welcome that kind of love adoration for a child and he’s 43 !!!! SHe also has a daughter who’s 40 and does the same and including all grandkids well that’s a 6 pack right there between my 4 and her 2.
Does she not have compassion? Oh wait more importantly and this isn’t an excuse but I have to say it…is she in her 70’s, i have found that many women in their 70’s in this day and age are very very nasty actually bitter is a better word.
OR she is so upset that you are sick and doesn’t understand it that she wants you to get up and be better again so she doesn’t have to think that there is something wrong with you. You said she has anxiety so this might be effecting her and if she is on meds she might need to consider that your illness is causing her stress.
Men and moms tend to go the get up and move route when their wife/daughter are sick because they have no clue how to help. It’s like having the hero syndrome, if I can’t fix you you better get up and get better so I don’t have to see myself as a failure.
Just guessing here but hope it helps. Oh if you want I can PM you a letter to your mom and talk to her, I promise to be sweet !!! LOL
Hugs to you and hope you are truly doing better! Your mom needs to maybe go with your to the dr. or have a brochure given to her about this disease. Ummm did any other family member have it on her side or dads side?
Prayers and hugs!!