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  • mamabear
    Post count: 484

    My mother didn’t have Graves’ disease but she thought my whole life that I had something wrong with my thyroid. Although tests showed nothing wrong I was still more hyper than usual. No ADD or ADHD or anything like that just more hyper than the average kid!

    I was 26 and had the Flu and that Flu is what started my Graves’ disease to come out of it’s hiding place and finally say YES your mom was right this whole time you have it and it’s here and now you have to try to get rid of me.

    My mother is 54 and when she was 52 she was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism.

    My oldest boy is 14 1/2 and I have had him tested at age 8 years old and he just recently was tested again this year. My other 3 children will also be tested. My oldest daughter who is 5 years old will be tested next month at her annual since she is quite large for her age and eats a lot and doesn’t gain weight and never is satisfied with what she eats. Her appetite is HUGE. Might just be her but we want to make sure.

    I am all for you getting tested and since your mom had it you should be tested on a routine basis every year during your annual visit. They don’t usually do it but tell them you would like it done. Graves’ disease can hit at any time and you have a child you need to take care of so NO THIS ISN"T PARANOID thinking, you are right in getting tested and be tested every year. Since you have symptoms, you should go get a test done asap. If you have it then you can fix. You can’t fix anything UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS. ONCE YOU KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM IS YOU CAN KICK IT’S BUTT!!!!!

    Post count: 484
    in reply to: went to new endo #1068239

    AWESOME!!! Glad you found the dr.!!!

    Tell your dh that if he needs some support when you are not "feeling yourself" he can come on here too! It’s not easy being with someone who has Graves’ Disease. It takes a lot of patience to try to support them as well and they might not understand how to do that when all they get is our moodiness. <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

    Kick Graves’ Disease’s BUTT!!!!!!!!

    Post count: 484
    in reply to: confirmed graves #1068307

    Deb, all to well do some of us know of dr’s who do this. I will "try" to be short with my post but as most know I don’t really do that well LOL…

    Long story before this so I’ll cut it short…
    I wasn’t feeling well for a long time but didn’t have ins. and well we all know how that goes.

    Nov 2000 i had the flu, never had anything like in my life. It was that horrible!

    By Feb 2001 I felt my pulse at waking time was 80-90 again didn’t seem abnormal but it didn’t seem normal for me. I felt my heart coming out of my chest.
    Went to dr. a week later, this dr. took my blood and waited two weeks to call me and tell me that I have Graves disease. (i had ins. so I was able to go at this point)

    Got an appt. right away with an Endo who told me I have graves and HAD to have RAI asap in order to get pregnant fast(i wanted to start having more kids with my new husband).

    Went to Radiologist who would perform the RAI and he said "get a 2nd opinion before you do this".

    So we did and this dr. said you have mild graves lets try PTU and well there were things in between that but it helped and I’m glad that I went with my gut.

    That first Endo was just a jerk and he even said that I was doing the wrong thing with getting a 2nd opinion. Little did he know I’d be where I am today in remission with my thyriod still in tact. lol

    Getting RAI isn’t the worst thing in the world, but knowing your options is priceless! And that should be a decision you and your dr. make together once he tells you all of your options. Telling you RAI is the only thing is NOT good bedside manners at all.

    Post count: 484
    in reply to: UP UP and AWAY! #1068343

    ok…. I would love to slap high fives but I am soooooooooo confused and scared to death to be honest. Isn’t 19.8 really really Hypothyroid?

    Post count: 484

    Billy, Please take what I am about to say with the utmost compassion and care a person can give to another even though they are strangers…

    Graves’ stinks! That is a fact we all know it. It doesn’t matter what triggers it to come out and say hi i’m going to give you a hard time the rest of your life. It could be stress, a viral infection like me, just about anything. Its in our genes and we just have to suck it up and kick it’s butt when it shows itself.

    I am sure you get that part and I am not saying in any way that you don’t or that you are stupid. I am concerned for you that your childhood wasn’t that great and that is what is effecting you for the most part and not your Graves’ disease although of course that surely doesn’t help.

    I don’t know what happened in your house, whether abuse to you or a parent or just no one showing you happiness or even discipline to show they are there for and they care. Hurt and drama brings many people to depression, it makes us screw up relationships even if we do really want them. But we feel that we aren’t worth it or that that person is to good to be true and that it wont ever last. Having a relationship means having to eventually tell that person that you have a past and it might not be a good one so you say that you are just crazy and that shy’s away the girls and you dont have to deal with your past. EVERYONE has issues, and not one is perfect. You need to look deeper than Graves’ disease to find out what it truly the problem in your heart and that will help you release your emotions and move on with your life and not be afraid. At least that is what is hoped for.

    I am not a dr., I don’t play one on TV either <img decoding=” title=”Smile” /> , but I know when someone is trying to say they need help and it doesn’t look like Graves’ is the culprit right now, Graves’ is secondary. Your growing up in a house with drama and stress is what is first and you might not feel that I am right but you have to did very deep and laugh a little and then cry a little before realizing that that might be the reason you are pushing everyone away.

    Make sure you are eating well, make sure your labs are doing ok and you are drinking plenty of water.

    Post count: 484

    Hello to all who posted! I am sorry you have felt that way about your GP or your Endo at one time or another. I personally will not ever stay at a practice that ever speaks to me or indicates that they are inconvenienced by "DOING THEIR JOB!" I hate to say this in this manner especially because I wanted to be a nurse when I was young and don’t want to step on anyones toes at all who is in the medical field. But it’s always the bad ones or lazy ones that make the good ones look bad. It is their job to draw blood, write up paperwork and send your blood in tubes out to a lab. There is no way in hell that I would ever except hearing from anyone (nurse or dr. or even a receptionist)… "who keeps ordering these?" I would simply say "it is I who is doing it on the request of my Endo, is there a problem? I can pay my bill if you are wondering, so please don’t be so rude as to say something like that again" ……….. yes I can be hmmmm what’s the word? ahhh yes it’s "forward!"

    Do not feel like you are putting someone out or inconveniencing them because you are there. If you weren’t sick you wouldn’t be there, if you felt fine you wouldn’t be there and to be honest if everyone felt ok they wouldn’t have a job. People in the medical proffetion should love their job, it is not an easy job at all and it takes guts, determination and compassion to do it. Being a dr., receptionist, nurse, lab tech any of those and more are all doing a job that they should love and if they don’t then should stop because it makes people like us suffer.

    I have surrounded myself with good people as dr’s. Sometimes I don’t agree but I am always leaving there knowing I trust them and what they said is good. The ones I find not to be good i don’t go to anymore. I am lucky to have two GP’s that work together and have known them almost 9 years.

    Sometimes we feel like little kids… smile and realize that we aren’t and then rethink about your feelings with staying with this dr’s office. If you are uncomforatable going in there tell your dr. and tell him why.

    Post count: 484

    Dx= Diagnosis

    Personally a virus is what triggered my Graves’ disease to show its ugly head. So I tend to keep away from situations where I might be around a lot of people during the winter time to avoid getting a cold. I know funny funny funny since I have 4 kids LOL~~~!!!!!

    Wash your hands regularly is KEY. I don’t use antibacterial soap since it causes super bugs so I stick with good old fashioned regular soap. Wash your hands when you come home after you have been out anywhere. Have anyone who enters your home do the same, even adults.

    Wash hands before leaving somewhere as well.
    and during the time you are out if you are around others shaking hands and dont put your fingers in your mouth
    Stay away from eating at those little kiosks that are in the grocery store that are for free or have free food out for you to take
    If you know someone who doesn’t cover their mouth when they sneeze stay away from them.

    You do the same when you have a cold to prevent others in your home from getting what you have and then they wont give it back to you.

    As far as symptoms during a cold, everyone is different. Keep your dr. informed that you have a cold or go see your dr. to confirm it is a cold and not allergies.
    You don’t have to be allergic to something to have an allergic reaction to something outside or insided your home. The weather has been a pain in the butt and pollen counts are high, grasses are all over the place too.

    Drink plenty of water, keep an eye on your pulse, REST, call your dr. if you feel anything you are not comfortable with. Swine flu is out there so please make sure you have fever medicine, and a thermometer that works.

    Post count: 484

    Hello and welcome. Prayers for your little girl, I am sorry you and she have to go through this.

    I would check with dr., but could the hyperventilation attacks be due to her racing heart beat? Since the body is pumping faster and she feels it, we tend to "feel it in our head so to speak" as well and therefore we get upset and therefore hyperventilate. Like seeing a needle when your a kid and you hate needles and your given a bag to breathe into because you can’t calm down because you are so upset about the needle.

    Well maybe since she was doing ok on the beta blockers the hyperventilation stopped because her heart rate was normalizing. Since you changed the dose the heart rate might have gone up again and therefore is putting her (or her mind) into a panic and causing the hyperventilation.

    I only say this because that is how I was when my heart rate was high when I was hyperthyroid.

    Post count: 484

    What are your levels now?
    Are you on any meds for being Hypo?

    Congrats on being preggies!!!

    I agree with the others. I would like to mention a little reminder… Since you have had RAI and hopefully are GD free, it doesn’t mean that your children or down the road grandkids will be free of this disease. Just remember to tell the baby’s pediatrician and of course if you have more kids to tell the dr’s as well. It will become a part of their medical history from birth on.

    Good for them to know down the road, just in case. But hoping they wont ever need that info.

    Hugs for you and baby.

    Post count: 484

    i have very liytle access to computer right but please know i will be praying for you

    Post count: 484

    sorry for second post, pc weird.
    ok,so as i was saying… i might later on so i say go for it!!!!!
    there is nothing sweeter than accomplishing your dream while kicking a diseases butt!! you go girl!!

    Post count: 484

    sue, from the time i was 14 i wanted to be a nurse. i married by 19 had 1st child at 21, divorced, remarried a few yrs later had 3 more kids and a great dh. maybe i’ll be a nurse when kids grow up

    Post count: 484

    prayers for her!!

    Post count: 484

    Here at NGDF we as Nancy says…
    Educate, Encourage, Empower!

    Mamabear’s twist to the (EEE) and I hope it makes you all smile ….

    Educate: Finding you have GD and gathering as much information as possible.

    Encourage: Build yourself up to do what you need to do to get healthy and stay healthy.

    Empower: Empower your foot to kick Graves’ Disease’s BUTT!!!!!!!

    There is nothing like a cold glass of Neener Neener and laughing at this disease when you can. I know it sounds childish but I try to embrace my inner brat. lol

    NGDF RULES!!!!!

    Post count: 484

    Had to say this to you to give you another giggle.

    Of course most of you know how I am. So sweet :twisted: and nice but man don’t muck with me. I keep to myself when i go out unless I know people. I surely will come across someone whom I think is having a bad day and say hello or just smile. I help when I can even if it’s just to ask to reach for something someone else can’t.

    I go to a grocery store that I have been to for over 10 years. Everyone knows me and of course knows and adores my kids. They have seen me in my best outfits and they have seen in ripped up jeans just out of working in the woods and have even seen me with hair undone and I don’t tend to wear make up often so it’s like home to me. THey have heard my kids and have scolded them a time or two when they have seen me at my worst. Which i was greatful for and have sat me down and bought me a soda when my sugars where low when I was pregnant with my 2nd and unaware that I was in need of it. Couldn’t ask for a better place. They too know my humor and have seen my wrath on occasions and they bust out laughing because it is usually at some idiot who just can’t shut up when asked. lol

    Ok so having said this:

    One day I was at this same store. I was pregnant with #4 almost due as a matter of fact. I had #2 and #3 with me who were 3yrs old and almost 2 ( the 3rd and 4th are 23 months apart and #2 and #3 are only 18 months apart). They were in a double stroller in front of me while I hauled the shopping cart behind me. In front of the curtosy counter someone said to me "wow how many kids do you think you’re going to have!?" As I looked up in shock at the audasity of the person who asked me that question I guess the look was obviose and my almost two year old daughter says "oooooooooooooo you’re in trouble". With that everyone at the curtosy desk and myself busted out laughing. The person who was rude walked away as we were laughing at how a 2 yr old just basically shut this person up.

    Oh and yes my now almost 5 year old still has the same attitude lol and and so does #4. Such attitudes for two little girls that are such ladies. I wonder where they get it from lol :twisted: :twisted:

    Ok that is my laugh for the day…I’m still laughing over yours though. That might be with me all weekend !!!!
    Oh and dh is right now picking up ds14 from seeing harry potter. SO i’m just laughing so hard !!!

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