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in reply to: Car pool from Denver #1068138
I’m not going but I did want to say Have a safe trip!
in reply to: how do you get over the anger? #1068098ELF….I’m still cracking up at "our husbands aren’t morons" ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL!!!!! I’m not saying mine is, in fact he is quite inteligent. I still have to laugh at that comment though!!!!!!
If you have to leave then make sure you do what is best for you.
Plastic forks,knives,spoons
Paper products
Tissues(seriously if you don’t usually have them buy them anyway, you might find yourself crying for no good reason and paper towels are just to harsh!)
Box of crackers
Cheese(to put on crackers so you can snack when you aren’t feeling very well)
Soup stock(chicken soup in a can) (your tummy might not be up to par so soups are good)
Bread TWO loaves because you might only be able to eat bread due to tummy being upset.(toast is good for tummies that aren’t feeling very nice)
Jelly (yes jelly, when you tummy isn’t being friendly some toast and jelly is good)
Ham(cooked sliced ham at the store will last a week in the fridge so you can make grilled cheese sandwiches with ham on them if you are feeling up to it)
Bottled waters, small ones. If you can’t use the tap water.
Shampoo, Conditioner
Tooth brush and tooth paste (small ones so you can throw them out afterward)
Facial & foot scrub
Facial peel off mask
Nail file, clippers, tweezers (for eyebrows)
The last several items I would just buy and of course you can use after you get home. But when you are gone you can treat yourself if you are feeling up to it and therefore you wont feel so alone. Give yourself a pedicure, manicure or a facial.I am not sure the ages of your kids but you can talk to them every day and make things now for them so that daddy can have them open them while you are gone.
I say this often to many clients(dog training), when you act as though nothing is wrong and feel it in your heart your animals and kids will do the same. A dog knows when you are lying…. I have a dog that I trust with all my heart and soul. If he is upset due to someone then I know there is something to watch for about that person. A good heart never lies and kids are the same way. They pick up on everything, if you are upset they will know. Be the "alpha" and just go with it. If you are upset and show it they will be upset and cry for you and want to know what is "wrong" with mommy and "why is mommy gone"? If you just simply say mom is going to be gone for a few days and I’ll be back on this date and you can talk to me every day and we can read on the phone and stuff, they will be more willing to be fine during your time gone.
Again your dh seeming to be "fine" with you going is the best thing for you right now. I know it seems so cold of him but truly if that is his attitude then the kids will pick up on it "that it’s no big deal" "daddy isn’t worried so we dont have to worry"…. That is what you want as a mother. No stress when you aren’t home is priceless! Now of course when the poop hits the fan, be asured he will take care of it but remember that he wont take care of it like you would if you were there. He isn’t you, he has to deal with things as a man would. Kids KNOW this so don’t fret.
My husband has the kids watching tv and being good while i’m gone all the time. I’ll be damned if I can get them to do it though, i thought he was harsh at one point but truly he wasn’t. He is a man therefore his voice is different and his ways are different and the kids adore and respect that and look forward to when mom is gone even though they get upset as I am walking out the door. At first I was upset that in my head no one loved me when I go out and no one missed me but I had to get over that real fast… I have never had to do what you are doing but applying this same logic to going out to dinner or grocery shopping or going to your cabin for a few days will help you understand that you can do this and you can try to make this a good experience too. Like a mini vacation…. get back with nails/toes and face all prettied up. I truly don’t know how tired you will be so please please take it easy. This is just some suggestions to help you with not thinking that it will be a bad time away… try to think of it as getting some crocheting done or knitting or reading a book if you are too tired to do yuor nails. Or give yourself a good hair washing and comb it out nice.
Prayers for you and hugs!
in reply to: THYROID GONE – do I still have Graves? #1068122Keep us posted… I can’t wait to hear what he had to say.
in reply to: Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart #1068079lauren wrote:Am trying to keep going…buts its a lonely and scary ride.Hey It’s only lonely and scary if you don’t grab hold and scream for the ride ahead. Grab hold of us and we’ll help you! Roller coasters don’t have to be scary….they CAN be fun.
Graves’ is like a roller coaster ride. Once you figure out what it is, you go with it and try your best to smile. Once you smile on a roller coaster you always want more of it. So take a friend and enjoy it! If we think of it that way we got it beat!
I got your PM, you are so welcome. I’ll PM you later.
SMILE- It’s contagious !
in reply to: how do you get over the anger? #1068096Hockey,I am in a rush (as usual). I will post more later but wanted to comment about your dh and his thinking.
He is worried! He just doesn’t show it and he shouldn’t be. Men are NOT women, we nurture! They conquer! He needs to be able to take care of those kids and his brain is saying everything will be fine because if his brain doesn’t say that you will have a panicked husband to worry about when you are away. He doesn’t want you to worry and he also doesn’t want to worry because the task at hand is taking care of the kids while you aren’t home. At least in his mind it is and also "i hope my wife is ok so she can come home soon". If he hasn’t gone through it himself he will NEVER understand and don’t fault him for that. Just pray and be thankful it’s only one of you and not both of you going through something like this so that the other can watch the kids while the other is sick.
yes it seems harsh if you look at his thinking…. but men are not wired the same as we are.
I am concerned that you are going away though. Is no one else going to be with you? I don’t like that you will be without anyone around during this time. Can you just seclude yourself in the house for that time in a separate room. Make sure he sleeps in a kids room or on the sofa. I know a member here just did that if i recall right.
I’ll give some suggestions later about food for you to buy.
Paula, I find myself again in a rush but wanted to post to you.
I am unaware of the H1N1 vacine and will not take it due to it not being around long enough to know the true side effects of it.
Personally washing hands very often helps me. Blow your nose often as well. It helps get the junk out that your tiny nose hairs trap there before they get inside you.
Have everyone who comes into your home wash their hands as well. If you are at school make sure the kids wash their hands and use tissue to blow their nose and then wash their hands.will post more later. poofing to go bring ds14 to dr. for his foot.
have a great day!
in reply to: THYROID GONE – do I still have Graves? #1068119shell, Hello and welcome back!
I am rushing out now but wanted to post fast.
Do you have allergies? Indoor or outdoor doesn’t matter, you have resperitory problems with either of them and although outdoor are mostly certain times of the year, indoor can be anytime and all year.
Open your windows and clean your house. Get that crap that is flying around that house OUT. OPen the door and yell at it and say get out! Yep I HAVE done that. After baby #4 was born I had 7months old illnesses with all my kids and myself before I finally said no one is allowed in the house and I did a deep cleaning.
Wash doorknobs, toilet handles, light switches, clean the sinks well. Soap and water work fine if you dont have a bleach solution. Open the windows up and air out the house. Use lysol, wash the sheets and get the dust out of the house too!
Take a pillow case, stand on a ladder . Take the pillow case and use that to clean the fans. With the fan off, take each plank and put the case over it and wipe it into the case. DON"T wash the fans just dust them into the case. Take the case outside and dump it then wash it well. It doesn’t have to be perfect….perfection is not what this is about. It’s about getting the "sickness" feeling out of that house.
When you get appt. with the allergist. make sure you aren’t taking certain medications for allergies(if you are). That way when you get there they can test you right then for allergies adn you wont have to do another appt for just that. To be honest, if you aren’t allergic to anything then dont let them say that you should be tested with a higher dose under the skin. Its nonsense to do that.(been there done that with my 2 yr old)
Wash your hands and your childs hands every single time you come home. When they come home from school. anyone who enters your home should go straight to the bathroom and wash hands with warm soapy water. No excuses and no exceptions. Everyone in my home does this including non family members. I have to many kids to have to deal with dirty stuff out there. I dont use antibacterial soap since i fell it creates superbugs so warm soapy water works best for us.
Although your thyroid was removed, you still had Graves’ disease and it is an autoimmune disease. Therefore it is something your childs pediatrician should have on file so if they ever have issues they know about you.
Forgive me if i am wrong, there will be others to confirm or correct me… Once your thyroid is gone, you can become Hypo , do you take any supplemental medicines for Thyroid like Synthroid or anything like that?
Have they tested your TSH, T3, T4 recently to see? Just because your dr. says you’re fine doesn’t mean a pot a beans. If you are feeling bad they should check. Get a 2nd opinion or demand he do it.
I have to go for now. will post more later.hugs
in reply to: looking for help with PTU treatment #1068110I dont have advice either except that I too have been on PTU. Keep up the good work of being the greatest advocate you can be for yourself. PM me if you get so angry you just have to curse! Been there done that! My PM box is always open and cursing is allowed.
Good luck and keep us posted!
Nancy Patterson wrote:Something to remember is that the people with Graves’ that are doing fine are NOT on the Internet.Giggle giggle giggle…. except me! lol
I wasn’t going to post because I truly don’t want to confuse you. I would be wrong not to post though so here it goes… I only want you to understand that I am a what I consider "one of the lucky ones". So please take ALL of the information you get to heart and make an informed decision for what is best for you and your life right now. Everyone on here is great when it comes to support!
I don’t usually start this way but to help you understand that YES I can understand what you are going through to a point, i’ll include something I usually leave out when I post.
I was a basketball player 4 yrs of high school, last 2 years I was also volleyball. I worked out every day in the weight room, was 185lbs of muscle at 5’8". I was a young 17 yr old when I graduated high school. So right out of HS i worked for a Veterinarians office. Long story short, after a year working there I was bit by a kitten that happen to have rabies. It was 3months before I was to be married. I lost 6 inches off of my dress and went from a good 185lbs to 130lbs on my wedding day. I was thin and it showed but I hid it well. My mom always complained that she thought I had a thyroid issue but after the kitten she blamed it all on the rabies. (yes i did go through the shots and the shots are what made me loose the weight, i had a terrible reaction to the shots).
There I was this pretty, didn’t have a care in the world girl that was built like an eighteen wheeler ready for anything all withered and not herself. It was hard to deal with it……. I get the frustration that you must be going through regardless of how I got that way back then and how you got this way now.I do have Graves’, but that didn’t show up till much later in my life. I say I am lucky because I too thought why RAI? Long story short, I chose to do PTU it was the better choice back then for me since I wanted to get pregnant as well. THey figured that if I got pregnant I was already on PTU so i wouldn’t have to switch from Tapazole to PTU so just go with the PTU right from the start. DR. told me it would be a long time till I felt better and there was a chance that it wasn’t going to work at all and would take a long time to work if it did.
It worked within a few months my levels were normal. By a few months after that i was told to try to get pregnant and with help i did, a few months into the pregnancy I went off the PTU due to levels were going high and my body took over so i didn’t need the meds.(they feared that I would miscarry if I stayed on the meds).
Anyway I was able to get pregnant with another baby and I was still off meds, then I had to go back on them because my levels went all crazy again. I did that for a short time and again my levels were good and off the meds I went. It did happen again once but it was a short med dose I did and yet again was doing well and went off and did fine. It has been 27 months with no meds at all and I am fine. I get checked regularly and although I am tired and cranky on days it has nothing to do with Graves’ and everything to do with now a total of 4 kids (one with 1st husband and in between the meds I did happen to get pregnant again).
So yes every person is different. THere is no cure for it so even if you fix it with meds or do RAI and are on supplement thyroid the rest of your life, you will always be a Graves’ patient. THe best for your is always up to you not a dr. who doesn’t give you all of the facts.
I have my kids and if I wound up having problems with my thyroid that I just couldn’t control I would have said a few years ago never would I do RAI, but having the support here and knowing what others have done and are going through now, I would say yes I would do RAI IF i needed to. I thank God I don’t have to right now and if I go down that road again then we’ll see.
Talk to your dr., you don’t have to go there on Tuesday and get it done. Just make an appt. and talk to him about what you have learned. You clearly are able to be your own advocate, you are a body builder! There is no doubt that you are your best advocate for your body. You know it best, treat it the best and trust your instincts the best…. Don’t forget that!
in reply to: I could use some help… #1068128It’s ok to feel bratty and selfish. It’s not a crime to be vain and it’s not a crime to want to look what we perceive as normal. Women don’t really start being "adultish" till we are about 24 anyway so dont’ worry about it. (i know this from experience for sure!)
I just turned 36 and I remember a time when I almost lost a very important person due to my non adult behavoir. And that had nothing to do with Graves at the time. The stress of all of that and the Flu brought on Graves’ disease and well Graves’ stinks, we all know that!
How about bangs? Do you have them, you can cover your eye with them or if you have long hair and have no bangs just really long hair you can take a picture next to him hugging him with your face with the larger eye close to him and hide your eye that way. OR better yet, have a picture of you two kissing and take it on the "good side" completely keeping out the other side and therefore no worries about the eye. You don’t have to do front facing pictures, besides its not good to do that anyway. The best pictures are taken when there is an angle to your face, tilting or sideways is best. You dont have to be looking at the camera to get a great shot to remind you of him.
As far as your smoking…. I quit August 14th 1998! It was the hardest thing I ever had to do alone. And I have 4 kids….give me 20 more before I quit smoking ever again in my life! It has been 11 years and 5 weeks since the day I quit for good. I smoked a long time before I quit <
hoping the girls don’t see that part since I was "really" young when I started. But shhhhhhh don’t tell them on this forum so I don’t have to worry about a frying pan to the head. lolQuiting smoking is not easy. Stay away from bars and things that you use to do when you did smoke. I stayed away from the bar only because I couldn’t smell the smoke, I would get angry. I would say why can she smoke and I can’t, or why are they smoking and I"m here not smoking so what if it causes cancer. Yes I did that for about 8 months before I could be in front of smoke again without Craving it. You can blow it in my face now and it doesn’t do a thing to me, but I would never jokingly or seriously take a puff off of one because I know it would bring me right back to where i was 11 years ago. NEVER again!
Make the wrinkles you get at 35 be from smiling at your kids and yelling at them but not from smoking ! LOLYour family is always going to say you look fine. They love and don’t care what you look like. would you rather they say OMG your eye is so big? Of course not, i’d be peeved to all holy heck if they did. Besides if they say yeah it’s big or no it’s not is there anything different that you would do? Nope there isn’t except maybe cry that they were mean and said that. (i know I would feel that way and I consider myself a big strong girl).
Your family is protecting you and that is what they should be doing. If they are not understanding what Thyroid Eye is or what Graves’ disease is then that is different and you must educate yourself so you can educate them.
Have you been tested for Graves’ disease? Thyroid testing by your general dr. might be in order if you have not yet. Don’t let them push you around, ask them nice then demand that you are tested if they say no.
Your fiance should be your best friend, I am sure you fear that with your eye looking the way you feel it does that he will find someone else or wont love you like he should. This is normal for any girl, and to be honest your eye or not, he should be honest with you if he ever feels that spark leaving the relationship either way. My dh and I are very honest with each other about things and that has only made us stronger. we can defeat anything! I can stand on my own two feet if I must. I am a mother and know that I mustn’t be silly and think that my husband is the only one who can support us. I know I can and will if I must but together we are a team and damn good one at that. He was what I had to turn to when I was upset about my Graves’, he was there with me to help me when I didn’t understand something or had to look something and couldn’t understand what they were saying.
There are many on here that will be able to give you advice and information about your eye. I just wanted to give you some of my good old fashioned hugs and cheering on so you can get through this. I don’t have thyroid eye but we are all here for you! God Bless your Finace for fighting for us, may he be safe as he faces challenges that no one should have to. Prayers for your heart as you wait at home for home.
in reply to: to Cindy Brock #1068160I will not comment on the name that is most suited for the dr. you mention
. I am no saint so I will bite my tongue.
God has obviously been watching over your mom and has sent her YOU to help her. Had you not looked at her records you never would have known. What a good choice she made when she CHOSE to have you and your brother. What a difference it meant to you to have a mother and what a difference it would make to her now that the baby she picked would fight for her mothers life with no mention of anything in return because her love was enough.
May God keep you strong so you can help her and treat her as she should be treated! Sometimes I can’t help cry…. this is one of those times.
I have nothing to add about TED but wanted to say good luck and hugs to you mom and dad!
in reply to: For newer patients mainly… Life after GD… #1068178Hopeful glad you are feeling better!
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Imac, if ever you want a "pitty party"…come and join us. We do those well. We plan well and support it all the way with logs of support and comforting hugs!
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in reply to: Katet.. Going in for RAI today! Good luck! #1068336Katet how are you feeling?
in reply to: Re: A Question and a comment #1068192yes i do have racing heartbeat, shakes, i cannot sit still. i took a beta blocker about 30 mins agoI’m Nooooooooot trying to be a nudge… wait who am I kidding YES, Yes I does your dr. know about your heartbeat and shakes and take Beta blockers. If he doesn’t know please call him or his service and tell him.
Hmmmm that wasn’t to pushy was it everyone? lol Well just like the my sister says… "overbearing mother bear" Hmmm I’m not sure how to be any other way! lol
I do hope you feel well and please make sure that your dh knows about how you feel "just in case" something happens. I’m sure all is well but ya know just in case, you wouldn’t want to scare the beJesus out of him. Well not with that at least.
in reply to: Re: A Question and a comment #1068190It’s funny the only thing I really saw in your post was that you are feeling "hyper". Are you hyper because you are bored or are your not "feeling" ok. Racing heartbeat anything like that?…. Don’t mine me, it’s just my perception of reading into things that I shouldn’t be reading into. lol Just making sure you’re ok.
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I don’t know about RAI and the info that most here know but I do know that you should not over do anything that you might want to do. You might think that you are feeling up to par and then do it and then be so tired that you can’t move. So take it slowly what ever you do, ok.